What have you had to eat today?

Jan 10, 2007 09:58

I have had a craving for homemade cornbread for a couple days, so I made some. (and, yes, I started with popcorn kernals in a bag and ground them up in our electric mill to make fresh cornmeal ( Read more... )

on today's menu, daily intake, food, stories, my family, cooking

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Comments 42

daynr January 10 2007, 16:24:41 UTC
Pumpernickel bagel, cinnamon roll donut, butter, diet coke. However I'm a reverse eater -- heavy in the am, light at night. And the donut was unusual.


schnappycat January 10 2007, 16:26:08 UTC
That's the healthier way to eat, I think. More in the AM, less as the day goes on. I try to do that, but it usually doesn't work. Oops.


daynr January 10 2007, 16:30:41 UTC
Try working out late at night; you won't want to eat much post gym at 10pm. Solves itself that way. ;)_


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2007, 19:59:24 UTC
Yeah, unless you're only scraping in at 1,000-1,200 calories in a day anyway, then your body is STARVING after that although you're really not all that interested in eating anything.

This was my life last summer.


schnappycat January 10 2007, 16:27:41 UTC
I've only been awake an hour, so I just had breakfast. I eat the same thing nearly every day: oatmeal with skim milk and either hot tea or Pepsi One (I know that is bad, but I don't drink coffee and sometimes need caffeine).


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2007, 20:00:56 UTC
Do you have just quick rolled oats or do you add stuff to it?

I like to put raisins and chopped apple in the water before I bring it to a boil so that the oats absore the sweetness and the flavor.


outoffashion January 10 2007, 16:36:18 UTC
Breakfast was cafe con leche (aka Cuban coffee with milk) and cream cheese on white toast (I try to eat wheat, but toasted wheat bread tastes weird).

And about an hour ago, I snacked on an 90 cal Chocolate chunk chewy granola bar.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2007, 20:02:48 UTC
Storebought wheat IS kinda funky when toasted. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about that. - Speaking of which, we made a fresh batch of bread today! But I already splurged a ton of empty carb calories on cornbread. Poo. =(


(The comment has been removed)

outoffashion January 10 2007, 16:55:52 UTC
I was reading last week's People and it was their weight loss issue, and someone lost a lot of weight by doing the opposite for their meals and is even releasing a book on it (I think it's called the Reverse Diet). It does sort of make sense to do that but I don't think I can eat what my mom made for dinner the night before for breakfast the next morning, but I have no doubt that it would be a better plan.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2007, 20:10:35 UTC
Hmmm. I think I may try that at some point in the future. (I've gotten back to seriously focusing on my weight loss/fitness, so I'm looking for different ideas and systems to give me some variation over the long haul.)


daynr January 10 2007, 17:02:36 UTC
I think we eat identically, or in our dreams we would. (though I've never had fried chicken.)


carpedi7 January 10 2007, 16:58:15 UTC
I had a light bagel with light cream cheese (just a touch) and some onion powder sprinkled on it. Also a cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar and a little bit of skim milk.


carpedi7 January 10 2007, 17:00:26 UTC
Ooh and your cornbread sounds delicious!


r_a_l_i_g_h January 10 2007, 20:13:21 UTC
Thanks, I'll type up the recipe tonight or tomorrow.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 19:25:06 UTC

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