Remember Me?

Nov 11, 2006 11:53

So, I know I haven't been around a lot lately, but then a few days ago I noticed that my last journal post was dated 09/10/2006, and I was all, "TWO MONTHS??? Really? I didn't post at ALL in the month of October?" but then I realized that lj dates are in the European format, meaning my last entry was actually on October 9th, not September 10th, and ( Read more... )

my life, my tv, fandom, lj, eljay, memes, i'm baaaack!!!, flist

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Comments 7

anonymous November 11 2006, 23:09:34 UTC
Two points for you! r_a_l_i_g_h November 12 2006, 05:57:43 UTC
And believe it or not, you're still in the running, 'cause nobody either cares or knows ANYTHING about me, it appears.

This morning I was awakened at 6:15 by our alarm going "BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE" because the battery is running low.

What made it kind of frightening was that I was in the middle of a dream about a fire (and I think the Winchester boys might have been around somewhere during it) so it was rather disorienting to wake up to what certainly SOUNDED like a fire alarm going off. For a few moments I was afraid that my dream had been caused by smelling smoke in our own house. Thankfully, this was not so.

AND, I got to sleep in another two or three hours after shutting off the alarm!

*waves* Don't be a stranger!


llush November 12 2006, 01:14:04 UTC
I started doing this until I realized I don't know any of them.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 12 2006, 05:59:03 UTC
That's okay. I'm pretty paranoid about sharing details from my personal life online anyway, so most people would be fairly handicapped.


upanashad November 12 2006, 01:48:55 UTC
I hadn't posted in 33 days, which still like three and a half years in livejournal time.

Ha, that's so true. Internet time is way faster than real life time.

Fess up to your new fandoms.

And HI! Nice to see you around now and then.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 12 2006, 06:05:14 UTC
Ooooh, they're fairly embarrassing - even though I know many of my flisters share one or both. I'm just way behind the times and don't know who it's safe to squee to without being mocked.

Hi to you, too! (How are you doing?) I'm going to try to pop in more often. Even if it's just random bits and pieces of stuff.


melodinous November 12 2006, 15:13:17 UTC
Hey! I haven't been on here in what seems like forever either. I finally have the internets at my house, but our modem sucks and only one computer can be on it at a time, so I have to go buy the wireless thingy for my computer so I can hide downstairs.

I hope everything is going well with you, I miss all my vmars friends!! I feel so behind in everything!


Puffins!!! r_a_l_i_g_h November 17 2006, 17:08:52 UTC
I miss you and everybody too! I'm hoping to actually kinda catch up a little this weekend. See you around maybe?


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