Remember Me?

Nov 11, 2006 11:53

So, I know I haven't been around a lot lately, but then a few days ago I noticed that my last journal post was dated 09/10/2006, and I was all, "TWO MONTHS??? Really? I didn't post at ALL in the month of October?" but then I realized that lj dates are in the European format, meaning my last entry was actually on October 9th, not September 10th, and I hadn't posted in 33 days, which still like three and a half years in livejournal time.

Anyway, all that - (and that was one stupendously ludicrious opening run-on sentence) - to say, Hi! It's me again!

There are some reasons for my extended absence, some good, some bad, some slightly embarrassing, and they include:

~ an inspriring and challenging job that, along with a renewed focus on my REAL life keeps me from having time to dabble online most weekdays,

~ getting addicted to at least TWO new fandoms in the last month (one movie, one series) both of which I will have to confess to at some point in the future,

~ losing my internet hookup for at least three days, and at long last getting it restored to find ...

~ livejournal deciding to implode and cause massive withdrawal among online junkies across the globe.

I'll pop back in (hopefully even today) - with random little snippets of things and other updates.

But for now, I think I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and dump the "What-do-you-know-about-me?" meme on you:

(2 Points) My first name:
(2 Point) My last name:
(5 Points) Take a stab at my middle name:
(3 Points) Who was my first celeb-crush:
(2 Points) Where do I live:
(3 Points) What am I afraid of:
(2 Points) Do I smoke:
(3 Points) Do I drink:
(3 Points) How many siblings do I have:
(2 Points) Do I have children:
(2 Points) Do I get along with my parents:
(4 Points) What's one of my favorite things to do:
(2 Points) How many piercings do I have:
(3 Points) What's my favorite type of music:
(4 Points) What's my favorite TV show:
(3 Points) What's my favorite animal:
(2 Points) What's my favorite color:
(3 Points) Name something I hate:
(4 Points) Name a talent I have:
(4 Points) What kind of shoes do I wear:
(4 Points) Do I have any pets:
(2 Points) Who am I dating right now:
(5 Points) What am I studying in school:
(5 Points) What is the color of my room:
(4 Points) What are my political views:
(3 Points) What's my religion:
(5 Points on creativity) If I were stranded on a desert island, what would I bring:

(Bonus Question - 3 points) How tall am I?

(Bonus Question - 1-3 points each) What are some television show ships that I love? (Note: BONUS bonus points if you correctly identify any ships that I have no desire to EVER see canon, but enjoy in fanfic or in some AU reality.)


(Oh yeah, and comments screened for now)

my life, my tv, fandom, lj, eljay, memes, i'm baaaack!!!, flist

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