Prison Break: Reactions

May 01, 2006 21:32

And I know that I never got around to typing up my other response comments from Thursday and Friday - I was busy having real life. I'll try to get 'em before the next eps roll around.

I should also let you know that I missed the last two-thirds+ of last week's Prison Break episode

For every person that's involved, that's one more thing that can go wrong - YA THINK? )

my tv, fandom, tv, my shows, prison break, episode reactions

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Comments 57

certainthings May 2 2006, 04:46:56 UTC
--so Sara is going to aid in the escape as an act of rebellion agains Daddy? That actually makes SOME kind of sense. More than "that prisoner has such dreamy eyes" at least.--
  • What? No. "...dreamy eyes" is totally convincing.

  • --"It is not our place to question His will"--
  • That line and "wear a smock" were pretty frickin' funny.

  • --At least they're pretending like Sara is really thinking and struggling over whether she's going to do this.--
  • Yeah, I'm not sure I like that.
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    certainthings May 2 2006, 17:48:54 UTC
    If Sara does not leave the door unlocked - then what I say doesn't matter. However...

    No. For my sanity, I don't like that she's wasting time mulling it over whether or not she's going to "make a small mistake." when, I feel it's fairly obvious that she's going to.


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    r_a_l_i_g_h May 2 2006, 16:49:31 UTC
    Michael sure is getting riskier as time goes on! Eep.
    Yes, and I love it!

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure Michael has a plan about Tweener. (And Abruzzi double-crossing them too - my only fear is that a wounded Westmoreland is going to throw a wrench in that, holding him back and leaving him vulnerable.)

    In fact, someone suggested that Tweener is going to be allowed on the escape - as their decoy. We never saw him preparing to cover his scent - what if Michael made sure Sucre didn't past that info along? Then the dogs will zero in on Tweener. (of course, in RL, tracking dogs wouldn't have a problem tracking those guys even with all the rotten veggies in the world.)


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    r_a_l_i_g_h May 2 2006, 22:24:22 UTC
    Oh, I don't know. But a doctor with political connections might a handy contact for a fugitive, I would guess.

    Although, with her infirmary being the escape point, her history, her obvious too-close relationship and personal involvement with the escapees (witnessed by her dad, Bellick, and the nurse) - I seriously doubt she'd keep her job.

    Then again, that's a realistic scenario, and we all know how Prison Break feels about THOSE.

    (I mean, Michael had TWO TOES CUT OFF not six weeks ago - remember that? It took me two-three weeks to walk normally from a very, very minor sprained ankle.)


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