Daily Consumption Update

Apr 24, 2006 08:24

NOTE: Apparently lj hates me, because my journal is once again doing that thing where all non-public entries don't show up in my friends' flists.

So, until I figure out what that's about. It's all-public, all the time for me. Sorry. I'll use cuts and you can just ignore.

Here there be food listed )

daily intake, caved

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Comments 19

ora_wai April 24 2006, 14:31:49 UTC
a single Cheeto What the?

Also, there seems to be a lot of sugar there. Were you needing a buzz?


r_a_l_i_g_h April 24 2006, 14:54:17 UTC
a single Cheeto What the?
That is me exercising restraint - also the "bite" and "handful" and "spoonfull" things.

This is over a three-day period one of which was at a conference and included a party into the wee hours of the morning, another of which was at a wedding and ALSO included a party into the wee hours of the morning. The third day was a travel day and my period started, hence, the chocolate.

I didn't so much need a buzz as there was sweets and junk EVERYWHERE and everyone was eating, so I participated, altough I tried to keep it under control. I haven't yet decided whether I failed, or wheather it was simply a case of many many opportunities occurring in a short time period close together.

We'll see how well I do the rest of the week.


ora_wai April 24 2006, 15:13:13 UTC
You'll be fine. After you finish the sugar hangover.


r_a_l_i_g_h April 26 2006, 18:57:07 UTC
Yeah, I've been munchie-crazy the past few days.


certainthings April 24 2006, 14:41:41 UTC
Dude. Protein!


r_a_l_i_g_h April 24 2006, 14:50:31 UTC

No, that's just all the BAD things I ate over the three days I was away. I ate real food too. I just don't feel like typing up all of that yet. So I just confessed to the junk food. Which, was a dishearteningly large amount for three days.


certainthings April 24 2006, 15:11:46 UTC
Oooh. Okay. I thought that was your consumption of food for a day. But all that stretched over three days isn't so bad.


r_a_l_i_g_h April 26 2006, 18:56:24 UTC
Yeah, but it's not GOOD. Ah, well, I've been pretty good the last three-four days.

(ha-ha! I can talk normal over here!)


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