Daily Consumption Update

Apr 24, 2006 08:24

NOTE: Apparently lj hates me, because my journal is once again doing that thing where all non-public entries don't show up in my friends' flists.

So, until I figure out what that's about. It's all-public, all the time for me. Sorry. I'll use cuts and you can just ignore.

So, I owe you guys not one, not two, but THREE day's reports.

I'll get to them. But I'll let you know my indiscretions now:

3 soft drinks,
1 large cookie-brownie
1 scoop homemade vanilla bean ice cream
small piece homemade candy
small tea cookie (half-dollar size thing)
1 butterscotch custard dessert
a single Cheeto
1 slice chocolate groom's cake (an edge piece with LOADS of frosting!)
2 chocolate-dipped strawberries
multiple cups of punch
handful of pretzals
2 little snack cookies
half a chocolate chip cookie
4-5 spoonfuls of pudding
bite of german chocolate cake
2-3 handfuls M&Ms


It looks REALLY BAD written all out like that.

Guess I won't be doing any snacking for the next few days.

daily intake, caved

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