Can't really tell anyone else this

Sep 02, 2005 22:52

My older-younger sister turned sixteen on Tuesday. She had a celebration tonight. Her cake was really pretty, a chocolate two-layer, and they stuck real red roses along the edge and laid rosebuds on top. We sang "Happy Birthday" to her, and her friends leaned in so they could all get their picture taken with the cake ( Read more... )

dear diary..., blah, birthdays, my family, bad day, flist, part of my journey

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Comments 6

jennifereileen September 3 2005, 09:02:15 UTC


r_a_l_i_g_h September 3 2005, 16:05:29 UTC
*hugs back*
*hands over basket of yummy backed goods*


bostonben September 3 2005, 14:21:02 UTC


r_a_l_i_g_h September 3 2005, 16:06:47 UTC
*hugs back*
*hands over prototype of television projection device - (It only works in Lifetime Original movies right now, so I figured you'd be the perfect test pilot.)*


petunia846 September 3 2005, 14:26:45 UTC
I've totally had those moments before. I know what you mean.


r_a_l_i_g_h September 3 2005, 16:09:54 UTC
I'm glad y'all understood.
*hugs petunia*
(*is in hugging mode*)


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