
Feb 09, 2009 22:44

I haven't made a reaction post the same night the episode aired - for ANY show - in absolute agesActually, I haven't watched Heroes at all in a long while. I just caught up with a mini-marathon this weekend. (The last episode I had watched was the one where Peter goes tossed out of Pinehurst ( Read more... )

my tv, heroes, my shows, episode reactions

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Comments 3

spectralbovine February 10 2009, 08:33:57 UTC
Micah! Ooh.

I mostly agree with everything here. Especially how Bennet is awesome, and I'm glad this week's episode shed some more light on his motivations. I do think there must be a larger plan at work, and I want to know what it is.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 11 2009, 18:21:13 UTC
I certainly hope Rebel is someone we've met before being brought back in, rather than yet another new character.

Based on everything we've ever seen or learned about the guy, there must be an alternate/larger scenario playing behind the scenes.

Remember the S1 finale? - "I always have a plan"


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r_a_l_i_g_h February 11 2009, 18:18:05 UTC
Firstly, YOU are responsible for that joke originally, my dear.

I've been yelling it at my tv screen at regular intervals ever since. 'Cause Nathan has some issues with moral relativism.

Second, I am certain HRG is up to something and I am also certain that he is not as clearly Dark Side as he appears to be at this moment.

(I would be fairly certain of this anyway, but in addition to my own speculation and surmising I got mildly spoiled by Jack Coleman's blog yesterday.

Nothing serious, he just basically said what I did - "Come on, you guys, you know HRG is working his own agenda."

Which, really, is completely in line with his character - "I always have a plan" - ...although, with this show, you can't always expect the writers to maintain characters in-character.)


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