
Feb 09, 2009 22:44

I haven't made a reaction post the same night the episode aired - for ANY show - in absolute ages.

Actually, I haven't watched Heroes at all in a long while. I just caught up with a mini-marathon this weekend. (The last episode I had watched was the one where Peter goes tossed out of Pinehurst.)

My opinion varied, but overall I would say favorable. Although, they're not even pretending to have continuity on this show any more, are they?

I mean, sometimes they'll do nice little touches and call backs and then the next episode they are completely retconning the heck out of some plot element or character motivation or whatever.

Which brings us to tonight's episode:

~"Let's bring the fight to them" - This intrigues me. Please, Heroes, live up to the possibilities here.

~I like Sylar finally being written as a villain again (the "Gabriel" redemption arc was such a mistake. The guy is a sociopath and has been written as one from the beginning to try to alter that after the fact because you want to hang on to the character or because Zachery Quinto is an amazing actor is just false.

~I *love* HRG being badass, morally gray, and of ambiguous alignment.

~I am convinced that he is working some sort of alternate agenda behind the scenes. More on this later.

~I am torn over the "Nathan as villain" story. On the one hand, I love that he is finally being written as interesting and I think this is (unfortunately) more true to his character than some of the weird wandering around he's done in the last season or two. On the other hand, I really like the guy and want him to be on OUR side. ("Stay good, Nathan! Stay good!" *poing, poing*)

~On the other, other hand, I'm looking forward to finally having a true "brother-against-brother" arc (oh, yeah, we've been there before, but this looks like it will play out much more longterm) Because I've seen it coming since WAY back at the beginning of S1.

~Speaking of "brothers," SOOOOOO glad they dropped the stupid "Sylar Petrelli" concept.

~I was thinking that "Rebel" was HRG, until someone on the TWoP thread suggested Micah, which makes a lot more sense because a) the tech thing b) we were reintroduced to his character recently. (the dossier Nathan gave to the President)

~Although I will never not love the potential of Peter vs. Sylar: Battle of the All-Powerful Ones, I think this reset they've done, giving Peter severe limitations is an excellent.

~Regarding HRG: I remember seeing an old movie once where this guy appeared to turn traitor and betrayed his friends and family who were fighting for the resistance. Eventually, even his wife was thrown in prison with them all, while he walked free, enjoying the evil ruler's favor and, in fact, leading the arrests himself. And just when everything seemed lost, he revealed his true plan. By acting this way he had 1) kept his friends and family relatively "safe," or at least alive and uninjured 2) remained free to move about and unsuspected 3) managed to gather all the resistance forces in one place 4) and had them situated close enough to the evil ruler's headquarters that they could launch a strike against him and take him out. (of course, his own people nearly killed him in revenge before he could reveal that he wasn't really a traitor)

Do I need to say how much I would love to see something like this?

I unabashedly admit to loving HRG. Not only because Jack Coleman is a compelling actor, but Bennett is the most consistently motivated character in the entire show. Yes, he's "comfortable with morally gray" but there is also a core of better nature in him. Remember that in "Five Years Later" he was the one running the Underground Railroad.

And, after the fall of BOTH Pinehearst and Primatech and the death of all the Elder Heroes but Angela, he is the most knowledgeable and experienced individual alive when it comes to people with abilities. Especially hunting them.

my tv, heroes, my shows, episode reactions

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