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Comments 2

melodinous August 16 2008, 01:33:00 UTC
*pushes you towards treadmill*
*gets distracted by watermelon - mmmmmmm.....*

I kind of have a love/hate relationship with watermelon. Good watermelon that's sweet and juicy is DELICIOUS. But I often get bad watermelon and am left thinking, "huh, this tastes like water"

I made my first ever, all by myself, lasagna tonight!!! I love it! Well, I knew I loved lasagna, but I wasn't sure if I would love me making lasagna. I was so spoiled by my mom's cooking, it's hard to make things on my own now.

You have been a busy little bee lately! And awesome that your friends are coming!! I miss all of mine.


pandora_17 August 17 2008, 04:44:33 UTC
Your house pulled a Poltergeist? What is going on? Where have you been living, a hotel room with the TV shoved in the hallway?

Ooh, friend visits are always a good time.

*duct tapes you to the treadmill*
It's for your own good. Really.


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