Just to let you know

Jun 13, 2008 13:21

The day before yesterday my mom had an appointment with our asthma doctor because she's been having a lot of problems lately. Well, it turns out it's not just asthma related ( Read more... )

i'm glad today is over, good day, day in the life, bad day, family, health issues, part of my journey

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Comments 23

truemyth June 13 2008, 18:32:20 UTC
You'll both be in my thoughts.


r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:13:16 UTC
Thank you so much! This weekend brought several developments, all encouraging. I just posted an update if you want the details.


sousrature June 13 2008, 19:02:32 UTC
I am so sorry for what you are going through. I know a little about how difficult it can be. I think you are right not to let the siblings into the loop until you know more. That can be like the game show Family Feud where all the relatives are screaming different answers at the one who actually has to make the choice. Except that is is not $100 at stake but your mother's health and your sanity. Still, you have to let them in eventually. At that point you may have to learn all that medical lingo. If they consistently get the same answer from the same source it minimizes the second guessing.

My best wishes go out to your mother and to you.


r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:14:45 UTC
Thank you so much. Yes, we wanted to wait until we had something definite and concrete to tell them. This weekend brought several developments, all encouraging, and we were able to let them know. I just posted an update if you want the details.


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r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:16:21 UTC
Awww, thank you so much! I've been talking it through with my mom and several friends, in person and on the phone, but sometimes it's nice to have the anonymous intimacy of the internet to just dump your thoughts out there, you know?

This weekend brought several developments, all encouraging. I just posted an update if you want the details.


P.S. r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:18:21 UTC
I got a chance to get on and read some of my flist yesterday and your story of the Awesome Things You Did at your work seminar cracked me up!

I'll try to get back over there and comment, but just wanted to let you know that I think you are The Larious.


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r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:18:33 UTC
Thank you so much! This weekend brought several developments, all encouraging. I just posted an update if you want the details.


maka2000 June 13 2008, 20:33:58 UTC
I'll pray for you guys and keep you all in my thoughts. And LJ is excellent for filling out the distraction department. Take care.


r_a_l_i_g_h June 17 2008, 00:19:44 UTC
Thank you so much. This weekend brought several developments, all encouraging. I just posted an update if you want the details.

And LJ is excellent for filling out the distraction department.
It really is.

Also? YouTube.

My brother and I spent probably 45 minutes the other day watching clips of Brian Regan, laughing our heads off.


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