Confessions of a Couch Potato

May 20, 2007 14:00

The whole end of the season / Finale Week era got me thinking, and...

Fandom is certainly a slippery slope, my friends.

Raligh’s Journey to the Darkside:

Circa-1985 I can recall occasionally watching Mr. Rogers and/or reruns of Lassie in the afternoons. This was pretty much the extent of my (very-limited) childhood television viewing experience ( Read more... )

my tv, fandom, my shows, supernatural, addiction, fangirl-y, i watch too much blahblahbleebloo, heroes, psych, dr. who

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Comments 17

mutinousmuse May 20 2007, 19:34:21 UTC
This sounds very close to my descent into the madness that is fandom. I held out! I did! I avoided TV all through college - I didn't even get any channels - and then about halfway through Buffy Season 6 I started catching reruns on FX... and everything just sort of went downhill from there. I now have no shame. At all. ;P


r_a_l_i_g_h May 21 2007, 15:03:33 UTC

That's part of why I instigated some "rules" like "it's okay to indulge as long as I'm not spending money on it" meaning no cable, no Netflix, no paid LJ account, etc.

Helps to create some limits.

Even so, I fell pretty hard and pretty fast. And, like, I said, THREE new series-es since MARCH! (Among other things, I mainlined all of S1 AND S2 of the New Doctor in a 10-day period over Spring Break.)

SO fun! =)


r_a_l_i_g_h May 21 2007, 15:04:10 UTC
Uh, that's "the New Doctor WHO" if you didn't know.


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r_a_l_i_g_h May 21 2007, 15:06:52 UTC

Speaking of DVDs, I think I'm going to have to break my longstanding tradition of NOT buying DVDs of television shows with Psych, season one.

It just, it makes me SO happy. It would be such a perfect pick-me-up to have around and available. You know?

That, and most likely Heroes. Especially if they put all the cast commentaries on disc.


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r_a_l_i_g_h May 21 2007, 15:15:19 UTC
Some are far better than others.

Jack Coleman (HRG/Bennet) is a rockstar. ALWAYS awesome and funny and yet professional and mature.

Greg Grunberg (Parkman) is a big, goofy fanboy. And VERY bad about giving away spoilers.

Milo (Peter) and Sendhil (Mohinder) and Zach (Sylar) are funny because they get so caught up in WATCHING THE SHOW and enjoying it, that they forget to talk about it.

George "Sulu" Papa-Hiro Tkai did the latest one and kept a) discussing people's appearance, especially weight b) commenting on the decor in different sets and debating the exact shades of certain colors used c) pointing out where in fact all the scenes in "New York" took place (he apparently is "a native Angeleno")

Like, a LOT.


bostonben May 21 2007, 01:31:56 UTC
Hee. Scary fangirl.


r_a_l_i_g_h May 21 2007, 15:08:28 UTC
Hey! It's not like I stalk and/or obsess over actual television actors (*cough-cough*Secormass*cough-cough*)

I'm a fairly non-threatening fangirl, as the species goes.


bostonben May 22 2007, 01:40:24 UTC

(that's right, Kari Coleman aka Mrs. Secor. I'ma talking to you.)


shutterbug1 May 22 2007, 13:58:34 UTC
*hangs head with you*

Heh. I've been thinking the same sort of thing about my history with fandom with VM ending now, and although I haven't actively posted lately, I've always obsessively read recaps, comments on the boards, fanfics, sought out online clips and interviews, and bored people in RL with my obsessions.

It's funny what you said about "rules" around spending money. That went out the window so long ago for me, capped of course by going to Austin for the Marsathon last year. I now can't contemplate living without all my tv show dvds and my latest indulgence - my beautiful, beautiful Tivo. :)


r_a_l_i_g_h June 5 2007, 19:31:07 UTC
Oh, I've ALWAYS been obsessive about anything I liked or was "into", fandom or not. I'm just an obsessive personality, I think.

Fortunately, my obsessions are many and tend to come in cycles. I just rotate between them and hence, tend to keep an appearance of normalcy on the outside.


Reading recaps and episode scripts (and searching out more online) is how I stumbled across TWoP in the first place. Which, as I have already mentioned, led to more of my downfall into fanatical couch-potato-dom.

And, yes, I had to place those rules long, long ago. Of course, they're starting to come into serious question of late.

I have two or three different shows that I would LOVE to have on hand for unending viewing opportunity. I think I may yet break.


truemyth May 23 2007, 17:35:26 UTC
Heh. That was a fun read. I love TV so much. But my life would probably be healthier without it. But then I wouldn't have met so many of my cool online friends, like you. But then I would read more and exercise and... I try not to think about it too much.

Yay for "Doctor Who"!


r_a_l_i_g_h June 5 2007, 19:17:54 UTC
Hi, so today is online catch-up, i.e. I'm finally getting around to being able to make and respond to comments from the past million years. Hence, your inbox is getting spammed! Fun!

Yes, after putting this post together I totally felt shiftless and guilty and decided I ought to follow it up with like, a timeline of my career path changes and/or my weightloss journey, etc just to make myself feel more productive and purposeful.

But that's not NEARLY as fun.


r_a_l_i_g_h June 5 2007, 19:24:43 UTC
And, speaking of Doctor Who (which I can ALWAYS do - do you IM? it's much more fun to do it spontaneously, I think) ... I have decided with season finales out of the way, etc, that this weekend I'm most likely going to start on rewatching S2 all the way through and then probably finally move on to S3.

(I do these self-imposed hiatuses. I'm not sure why. It only took me a week to get over S1 (NINE!!!) and move on to S2 (And, okay, so I totally love Ten TOO!), but I've let it be much, much longer for S3.

I don't know if that's a Rose-withdrawal thing or a overload-on-Doctor-Who-by-viewing-both-seasons-AND-Torchwood-within-a-two-week-period-of-first-exposure thing, or maybe a these-S3-episodes-are-still-currently-and-if-I-start-in-on-them-right-away-I'm-going-to-quickly-come-to-a-point-where-there-ARE-no-more-available-and-I-don't-know-if-I-can-handle-that thing.

I have lots of things.)


truemyth June 5 2007, 20:57:28 UTC
do you IM? it's much more fun to do it spontaneously, I think
Yep. I think my totally embarrassing fangirl AIM name is in my LJ profile. I'm currently on a good deal of the day.

I've been enjoying season three and am not at all hung up about Rose. I think that's due to my status as a long time lover of Old Who, which means I'm 1) used to companions leaving and 2) not very invested in Rose/Doctor as a romance. They were sweet together but I can't buy her has his soulmate. She was more just what he needed at the time. The last episode of season three is scheduled to air on the 30th.

And don't get too upset about not having new shows... contrary to how it seems sometimes, I think there are quite a few high quality shows out there. It sounds like you might be someone who would enjoy Farscape.


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