Confessions of a Couch Potato

May 20, 2007 14:00

The whole end of the season / Finale Week era got me thinking, and...

Fandom is certainly a slippery slope, my friends.

Raligh’s Journey to the Darkside:

Circa-1985 I can recall occasionally watching Mr. Rogers and/or reruns of Lassie in the afternoons. This was pretty much the extent of my (very-limited) childhood television viewing experience.

Other than that, pre-2000/2001 I did not watch television at ALL.

Over the next two-three years, I watched sporadically and did not really follow any specific shows.

Circa-2002/2003 I began watching television more (still randomly and maybe once or twice a week, if that) and even started to tune in to some shows on a more-or-less regular basis.

In the late spring/early summer of 2004 I bought my own television. This was a little after I first became aware of TWoP. I think it is no coincidence that these two events mark the beginning of my downfall.

2004/2005 TV season - Veronica Mars premieres.

By the Christmas hiatus I am so desperate for more show-related content that I start reading the Meet Market in an effort to keep myself out of the spoiler threads.

April 2005, I cave and join TWoP.

August 2005, I set up a LiveJournal account. (Is that really how quickly it happened? It felt like I held out longer than that.)

2005/2006 TV season - Supernatural premieres.

A mere six weeks later I am confessing my full-fledged fangirl status.

The snowball picks up momentum at this point so let’s just skip forward to the present day.

Just the other day I realized that there are no less than six - SIX! - shows that I am a genuine fan of … and that’s just the new ones THAT I HAD NEVER SEEN A YEAR AGO!

That’s right. I went from “fangirl of 3 shows” in 2005 to adding on six NEW ones in the last 6-12 months alone. (Actually, two or three of them are in the last TWO months!)

To be fair, several of my “new” shows are ones that have been around for a while. (Dr. Who, Avatar,) I was just late to the party.

Furthermore, I would not classify myself as “fangirl” of all six. Those two previously mentioned, yes, absolutely. Also, both “Heroes” and “Psych” - So that’s four new “fangirl” status shows. Add that to my already fangirl-level shows (several of which have been replaced since 2005) and ...

Oh, who am I kidding.

I’m an addict.

*hangs head*

my tv, fandom, my shows, supernatural, addiction, fangirl-y, i watch too much blahblahbleebloo, heroes, psych, dr. who

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