Decorating with Sirius, Harry Potter, Sirius/Remus

Dec 14, 2010 00:52

Title: Decorating with Sirius
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for ddraigcoch for adventchallenge using the prompt "decorating 12 Grimmauld place"

"No, no, absolutely not!" Remus says when he sees what Sirius has brought. Sirius smiles his best innocent smile, but Remus is clearly unimpressed.

"But it's festive," he says, and looks at the picture again. Ok, so Molly might not like the people shagging, but they are wearing glitter and Santa hats. Remus snorts.

"Yeah, festive porn," he says, and Sirius smiles, this time much less innocently.

"The best kind," he says. "But, if you won't let me hang it here I'll hang it in my room. Will be nice to have something to look at." He takes the picture with him, and Remus is left in the kitchen to contemplate the serious lack of judgment he had expressed when he said Sirius could help decorate. Still, the picture would be nice to look at, if extra stimulus was needed. With a sigh he follows Sirius upstairs.

harry potter, sirius black/remus lupin, advent 2010, fanfic

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