The Sectus Chronicles: Vol 2 -- With Photos

Jul 18, 2007 14:09

One little tidbit that I forgot to mention in my last post: We here are all highly amused by the fact that we have a representative member of each Hogwarts House staying in our hotel room, and even more entertained because the Slytherin and the Gryffindor have been sleeping together. ::snerk::

This afternoon, its_art, twilightsorcery, and I stopped at a nice little sandwich place for lunch, then went to see the Tower of London. The Tower was interesting, but it didn't seem to have the sense of age that perhaps it should have. I think the fact that it's smack in the middle of a major modern city keeps it from feeling especially old. I had a hard time imagining historical events of several centuries ago taking place there. Hmm. Anyway, they currently have the Medieval Tower open, which I really quite enjoyed. I got more of a sense of age and history from it than I did much of the rest of the place, actually. Maybe that says something about the time periods I tend to connect with personally. And of course, there are ravens. Can't go wrong with ravens.

Anyway. Here are the previously mentioned pictures from yesterday. Photos from today will likely go up later.

First of all, this is what happens when you get a group of fannish geeks together:

katesque, alisanne, ragdoll, and me. (That's twilightsorcery's laptop on the bed, but she had to leave it long enough to take the picture!)

Yes, there was inter-room IMing going on. ::smacks self for racking up unnecessary geek points:

ragdoll, me, and its_art. Yes, there's food next to me. :P

Then, our dinner party:

Left to right: its_art, alisanne, ragdoll, me, and katesque.

Left to right: its_art, alisanne, ragdoll, katesque, and twilightsorcery.

Something was really funny. I think I was too drunk to notice...

We spotted this, and decided that it must be where Snape has gone to lay low after whatever JKR has done to him in DH:

And I believe I'll just let this one speak for itself:

More later!

sectus, experience, photos

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