Drabble: The Escapades (ADAD #8)

May 08, 2014 09:37

Title: The Escapades
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 150 - Smooth. Thanks, reve_silencieux! Sorry about the pun, I couldn't resist. :D
Summary: Neal learns that smoother isn't always better.
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rating: g, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, genre: drabble, character: peter burke

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Comments 17

reve_silencieux May 8 2014, 16:43:28 UTC

Poor Neal. There's one thing he's not good at. And of course, Peter and his puns. *shakes head*

What would be funny would be to see Mozzie on the ice too, clinging to Neal. Heee!!

ETA: I just got the pun of the title. *face palm* Heh.


qwertyfaced May 8 2014, 16:59:19 UTC
You know Peter would have dragged him along in the express hopes that Neal would find something he wasn't a master of.

...and...I did warn (and apologize) for the pun! :D


reve_silencieux May 8 2014, 17:02:49 UTC
You know... this would be a fun challenge to come up with more random crazy things that Neal is not good at. Like... *mind blanks* umm... I'll get back to you on that.

Yes, I saw that! But at first I thought it was only Peter's pun! Then I'm refreshing my page (because I'm bored, and I stared at it and then went 'duh!'


leesa_perrie May 8 2014, 17:17:31 UTC
Aww, poor Neal!! LOL!!! Peter is sooo mean, lol!! :D :D


qwertyfaced May 9 2014, 16:50:51 UTC
I bet Peter was positively gleeful to see Neal do his Bambi-on-ice impression. :D


eldorah May 8 2014, 18:47:50 UTC
LOL. This is gold. I love it!! The thought of Neal splayed out on the ice, watching Peter with contempt as he whizzes by is going to be a hard image for me to get out of my head. These continue to brighten my day! Thank you for sharing!


qwertyfaced May 9 2014, 16:56:36 UTC
I wish I were better at art. I'd totally draw that.

And thank you for always reading and commenting! :D That brightens my day.


scarym1 May 8 2014, 20:19:08 UTC


qwertyfaced May 9 2014, 16:58:03 UTC
*pats Neal on the head* I'm sorry, my love, but not even you can be good at everything.


joy2190 May 8 2014, 21:45:28 UTC
It's nice to see Peter is smoother than Neal for once!


qwertyfaced May 9 2014, 16:58:44 UTC
Much as we all adore Neal's apparently limitless skill, I do love it when Peter wins. :D


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