Drabble: Husband of the Year (ADAD #4)

May 04, 2014 11:26

Title: Husband of the Year
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 64 - Launder. Thanks to reve_silencieux, who continues to prompt me. :)
Summary: Really, what is it with men and chores?
Disclaimer: This is ( Read more... )

rating: g, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, genre: drabble, character: peter burke

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Comments 22

reve_silencieux May 4 2014, 18:50:47 UTC
Oh Peter!!

...men. They really are clueless. I don't know how many conversations I've had with them and they don't understand the concept of color sorting.

I love that you managed to address both the laundry aspect and money laundering in one prompt! You amaze me.


qwertyfaced May 4 2014, 19:06:25 UTC
With The Boyfriend, it's folding clothes that he doesn't understand. He thinks I have superpowers, because I can generally reduce the volume of his luggage by at least half.

:D Glad you enjoyed the play on words! At first, I had absolutely no idea where to go with this prompt, but I do have a weakness for puns.

Thanks again for the remarkably random prompts. They're exciting, even if they do cause me to walk around, muttering "laundry" over and over in a vague monotone.


leesa_perrie May 4 2014, 20:21:30 UTC
Oh, poor befuddled Peter!

Women's clothing was so fussy.

LOL! Like men's clothing isn't! Don't try washing those suits, okay?!! :) :)

Love Neal's contribution at the end, lol!! :)


qwertyfaced May 5 2014, 17:52:33 UTC
Ah, but suits go to the dry cleaners, which might as well be magic. :D

Hehe, I kind of suspect that after that drabble ended, Peter was pelting Neal with balled-up socks.


joy2190 May 4 2014, 21:27:23 UTC
Oops! I'm sure El is going to be way more upset about the sweater than the twenty.


qwertyfaced May 5 2014, 17:54:46 UTC
She'll probably just roll her eyes and forgive him. :D Peter was trying to be sweet, albeit somewhat ineptly.


eldorah May 4 2014, 21:59:19 UTC
"Oh, Peter...money laundering?" Neal shook his head sorrowfully. "Here's a tip: you're doing it wrong."

Best ending ever. =) Such a creative drabble, I love it!


qwertyfaced May 5 2014, 17:55:49 UTC
Hehe, thank you. :D I don't think Neal is above puns, if it gives him the chance to tease Peter.


ladygray99 May 5 2014, 00:44:13 UTC
Heeee! That is perfect Neal. Now how fast can Peter replace that sweeter?


qwertyfaced May 5 2014, 17:56:47 UTC
Depends on how fast he can threaten or cajole Neal into helping. ;) Peter probably doesn't know where El shops, but Neal very well might!


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