Drabble: Fortune's Fool (ADAD #18)

May 18, 2014 16:01

Title: Fortune's Fool
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 196 - Jinx. Thanks, reve_silencieux! Hope you're having a nice trip!
Summary: Peter doesn't believe in fate, but fate might believe in him.
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rating: g, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, genre: drabble, character: peter burke

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Comments 10

eldorah May 18 2014, 23:57:40 UTC
LOL! Aw, poor Peter. I love the Neal and Peter banter, and this play on words! Thanks for the smile, I needed one today!


qwertyfaced May 19 2014, 22:57:49 UTC
You're welcome! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it. I simply can't resist wordplay-it's my fatal flaw.


scarym1 May 19 2014, 00:36:45 UTC
OUCH, Poor Peter. ; )


qwertyfaced May 19 2014, 23:00:26 UTC
Fate will get ya every time. :D At least if you're a fictional character.


reve_silencieux May 19 2014, 03:46:55 UTC

Nice 'trip' there! Poor Peter. I think he would have preferred the Caribbean. But I think it's hilarious that Peter is having to get his palm read - he would so be rolling his eyes during it.


qwertyfaced May 19 2014, 23:04:01 UTC
As soon as the idea of a fortune teller occurred to me, I automatically knew Peter would be my victim. :D He's such a rock of sturdy common sense, not unmixed with sarcasm, that he was the completely obvious choice.

Mozzie might be funny with a psychic, too, but I've written a lot of Mozzie lately.


treonb May 19 2014, 08:08:50 UTC
Hee :-) Peter is never going to hear the last of that one.


qwertyfaced May 19 2014, 23:05:24 UTC
:D I feel like Neal has an embarrassingly encyclopedic memory of all Peter's little misfortunes...and brings them up on stakeouts.


leesa_perrie May 19 2014, 12:17:59 UTC
Ouch, poor Peter!! But I guess that was a 'long trip', lol! :)


qwertyfaced May 19 2014, 23:05:56 UTC
Just not the one he would have expected! :D


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