Drabble: The Tragedy of Dr. Seuss (ADAD #17)

May 17, 2014 10:14

Title: The Tragedy of Dr. Seuss
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Mozzie, Diana Berrigan
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor/crack
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 104 - Seed. Thanks, reve_silencieux! :D This one's for you.
Summary: Mozzie knows you have to be careful with a child's ( Read more... )

genre: crack!fic, rating: g, character: diana berrigan, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: mozzie, genre: drabble

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Comments 20

elrhiarhodan May 17 2014, 17:20:56 UTC


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:27:13 UTC
Heee. :D Mozzie is always reliable crack-fodder.

He probably has some interesting things to say about nursery rhymes, too.


elrhiarhodan May 17 2014, 20:30:30 UTC
That would be quite the meme! I need to think on this. seriously - how would Mozzie rewrite, say, Rumplestiltskin? Cinderella?


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:40:35 UTC
Rumpelstiltskin is obviously a parable about how parents are lured by the seductive, materialistic Über-Class into selling their children's welfare in order to gain entry into the ranks, at which point they will do increasingly unpalatable things to remain in their new social tribe. Each step only takes them in deeper. Eventually, of course, this devil's bargain results in their children perpetuating the cycle, creating the smug and hypocritical bourgeoisie. :D


calis_1st May 17 2014, 17:32:21 UTC
OMG - this is so Mozzie!


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:27:58 UTC
:D I love Mozzie. He's a blast.


reve_silencieux May 17 2014, 17:32:30 UTC
That... was fantastic. I knew Mozzie could inspire weirdness, but this? ROFL

I think one of the best plotlines the writers came up with is Mozzie the babysitter. And you take it to a whole new level. :D Thanks!


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:30:20 UTC
You set it off! :D And I think it was your comment, too, that sparked the Mozzie's-take-on-children's-books bunny. Green Eggs and Ham was my favorite Dr. Seuss when I was little, and I still remember most of it by heart, so it was a natural choice.

Also, I was tickled by "Uncle Sam-I-Am" when that occurred to me.

I adore Mozzie and Theo together.


leesa_perrie May 17 2014, 18:18:33 UTC
LOL!!! Oh Mozzie!!! LOL!!

Diana won't ask him to read to Theo again me thinks! :) :)


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:34:29 UTC
No, she'll probably be terrified of the spin he'd put on any other stories. :D She probably shouldn't let them watch Disney movies together, either.


joy2190 May 17 2014, 18:58:58 UTC
So, so Mozzie!


qwertyfaced May 17 2014, 20:42:09 UTC
:D As soon as you add Mozzie to any fic, the crazy just happens. He doesn't just embody it, he generates it.


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