Drabble: The Language of Flowers (ADAD #13)

May 13, 2014 09:37

Title: The Language of Flowers
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: June Ellington, Neal Caffrey
Genre: Drabble, gen, friendship
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 22 - Savings. Thanks, reve_silencieux!
Summary: Sometimes the language of flowers is the only language you need.
Disclaimer: ( Read more... )

rating: g, genre: friendship, character: june ellington, white collar, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, genre: drabble

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Comments 15

joy2190 May 13 2014, 17:16:29 UTC
June and Neal have such a special relationship. Love it!


qwertyfaced May 14 2014, 18:42:50 UTC
You can always see a genuine affection in their interactions. And I think June loves that Neal has brought all the plotting and the planning and the fun back into her life. :) He's like the son she and Byron could have had, complete with a bent for the excitingly illegal.


reve_silencieux May 13 2014, 17:48:19 UTC
Aww... that was sweet! I do love June and Neal's relationship with her. She gets him, and will always help him out, no matter what. And Neal will take care of her as well.


qwertyfaced May 14 2014, 18:43:24 UTC
I suspect Neal started out trying to butter her up, but it blossomed into genuine fondness very quickly. :)


reve_silencieux May 14 2014, 18:51:22 UTC
Oh, most definitely! Of course, she would see through that, but enjoy the flowers nonetheless.


eldorah May 13 2014, 18:28:22 UTC
D'awwwwww this might be the sweetest one yet! I am such a sucker for the relationship June and Neal have. Absolutely beautiful!


qwertyfaced May 14 2014, 18:44:35 UTC
Thank you! I adore June and Neal together, too-there's been a oneshot in my head for ages just about their relationship, but this will have to do for now. :)


treonb May 14 2014, 10:59:04 UTC
I love this, Neal is so sweet.


qwertyfaced May 14 2014, 18:45:43 UTC
He is a gentleman thief. :) Thanks!


leesa_perrie May 14 2014, 13:18:24 UTC
This is so lovely and sweet, awww!


qwertyfaced May 14 2014, 18:47:20 UTC
Thank you! I think that Neal's essentially too good-hearted a person not to deeply appreciate everything June's done for him...and show that appreciation somehow!

And I also always feel like the characters have so many lovely moments, off-camera.


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