Thor, "The Darker Side of Paradise" Darcy/Loki, part 23 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Dec 18, 2011 20:05

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: The Darker Side of Paradise
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: Hard R (sexual situations in this part)
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy, mention of Jane and Thor
Word Count: 2,106
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, some bad language, some violence, sexual situations, and implied non-con
Notes: Written for the ( Read more... )

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, jane foster, thor

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Comments 5

cold_queen_5 December 19 2011, 10:09:19 UTC
Oh, Loki! You're unable to resist the Darcy lure. And we love you for it.!

A very nice chapter, lots of sexy times!


quirkysmuse December 19 2011, 11:13:35 UTC
Thank you!


eviinsanemonkey December 20 2011, 00:09:26 UTC
Very nice chapter.


quirkysmuse December 20 2011, 01:56:39 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

quirkysmuse January 1 2012, 17:40:27 UTC
Heee! Hi there!

Thanks for reading. :)


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