Thor, "The Darker Side of Paradise" Darcy/Loki, part 23 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Dec 18, 2011 20:05

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: The Darker Side of Paradise
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: Hard R (sexual situations in this part)
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy, mention of Jane and Thor
Word Count: 2,106
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, some bad language, some violence, sexual situations, and implied non-con
Notes: Written for the "#042 - Contest in words" prompt for 100_fairytales. Part 23 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here. The first part is here. The rating will go up next chapter!

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: After sharing a night together, Loki almost regrets being with Darcy, but he cannot bring himself to let her go.

Mischief and Tasers

Chapter Twenty-three: The Darker Side of Paradise

With his mouth was on her ear, she could hear his heavy breathing against the shell. He whispered, “Let’s try an experiment, shall we? Let us find out how much I really do feel for you, mortal.” She shuddered at his words, and he knew that at this point, she’d let him do anything to her, and she would do anything that he asked. “Now, Darcy Lewis, college intern, remember to take notes.”

His hands were on her bare skin. Darcy felt lulled in a daze, having no idea how she came to her naked state or even from the couch of the strange reality to what was presumably his bed. It was his magic, of course. A snap of his feelings and their clothes were gone, sucked away into this strange universe he’d created around them.

Bodies rubbed against each other, and she could no longer remember her will or logic. She succumbed to her heart, her lust, and she was falling completely into Loki’s arms. Finally, he had admitted something for her, and though it wasn’t all out words of love, it was something, Darcy thought; something only someone like Loki could express. That, and he was just as confused as she was.

Strange how they’d come to this. At first she had only been his instrument, his pawn in an intricate, unseen plot against Jane Foster and ultimately, his brother.

Yet Thor was still coming back. The Bifrost had been repaired by Loki’s unintended assistance, and now he had taken Darcy to his bed.

His mouth bruised against hers, searching out tongue and heat, delighting in the soft, wanting sounds she made against his lips. She couldn’t concentrate on him, not while his hands explored her, tracing every curve and angle of her skin. His long fingers found her breasts, resting more there than anywhere else, squeezing and massaging the shape of them, pebbling her nipples before he took them into his mouth. She leaned her head back, moaning as the sensations pulsated through her. His knee opened up her legs, sliding against the nexus of heat.

Damn, she thought, and then his mouth was nowhere when she felt hands everywhere, and then he’d discovered her - his silver tongue against the heat of her clit. She jerked in surprise, and he chuckled, easing his mouth against her as he lapped her up.

“God,” she panted, and his light cackle vibrated against her skin as he delighted in her reaction. He continued, taking so much that it felt like he’d been down there for weeks. How long had he been down there? It wasn’t enough. He could stay as long as he liked - take as much as he wanted.

His tongue flicked her nub and she squealed, her legs shuddering, the pulse of fulfillment reverberating in her core.

She sighed, and Loki stretched like a snake over her body and found her mouth again until she was tasting herself, sharing in his conquest. Darcy felt something long and hard against her; she’d seen it, been too embarrassed to stare at it, but he was already directing it between her, rubbing teasingly as her body ached for it.

“Darcy,” he whispered, almost like hypnotic music. His breath warmed her chin.

“Mmm,” she said, and feeling adventurous, she flipped them over, hovering over him as she grabbed his face in her palms. She devoured him a deep kiss before drawing him inside her. He made a surprised grunt in her mouth, and her hips had already found their rhythm. She rested her hands on his shoulders, bouncing on him as her breasts danced in his face. He leaned closer, snaking his arms around her waist and burying his face in her chest as she cried at every beat.

“Great All-Father, woman, you are insatiable,” he said, licking and nibbling at her hardened nipples. “I do not know why I didn’t ravish you before.”

“Ravish away,” Darcy said erratically, still keeping her rhythm as he pierced inside her. He moved his hips with her pace, their breaths matching in a rising peak.

He made another noise against her breasts, and Darcy lurched forward, sinking down as her thighs turned boneless and her body burst with ecstasy. Loki still moved underneath her, and before she could come down, he flipped her onto her back and began steadily pushing and pulling inside her, grasping for his own end.

Darcy heard him almost growl when he came, filling her and scrapping his teeth on her shoulder when he broke. Composing himself, he turned her over on top of him on the bed, and met her eyes. Within his gaze, Darcy could still see darkness, but now there was something else - respite. She wondered how long had it been since Loki was allowed to be this content and peaceful.

It wasn’t even ten minutes of rest before Loki was up again, his excitement rubbing against her sore thighs as he kissed light paths up her shoulder and onto her neck.

His hand cupped her breast and Darcy giggled.

“You’re definitely not like other guys,” Darcy said amused.

“You should already know that, girl, and I will apologize for it now,” he answered.

“Apologize for what?” Darcy asked confused.

“For spoiling you for mortal males from this point on,” he said, and as usual, his low, husky tones made Darcy shiver inside. He was already winding her up again.

“Damn, you should apologize,” she said, turning into him and pulling him in for another deep kiss.

“I am polite after all,” Loki said.

“Sometimes,” she said, biting the bottom of his lip after a chuckle. Loki arched an eyebrow. “But it would be boring if you were polite all the time.”

He stared at her intensely for a moment, so much that Darcy felt her whole body freeze. Suddenly, he pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her again before flipping her onto her knees.

“What?” she said, but she cried when he pushed inside from behind - more deeply than before. He started moving, and Darcy felt her whole body tingle from his rough touch. Urgently he drove with harsh strokes, so much she already saw stars bursting before her eyes.

He pushed and pushed until she could feel the burning soreness between her tired thighs, but when he saw the tears, he pulled back, letting her rest as he drew her into an affectionate embrace.

Loki didn’t apologize, and Darcy didn’t want him to. It felt good in a weird way, she admitted to herself, and Darcy almost expected him to handle her like that.

And if he let her, she’s like to handle him just as roughly herself.


When she awoke, Darcy couldn’t tell what time it was, but she felt an absence of heat around her. She didn’t expect that, and momentarily she freaked that Loki had left her high and dry. Seeing him next to her sitting up in the bed, Darcy could hardly be relieved. She noticed the scowl on his face, and he was obviously warring with his thoughts again.

Did he regret what they did?

“Hey,” she said softly, and she put a cautious hand on his bare chest. He made no motion to remove it, just met her eyes with a dark glare.

“Whoa, ice prince, what’s with the dirty look? We just fucked like rabbits, remember?” Darcy said, pulling back as she gauged his reaction.

“I’m wondering if we should have at all,” he said, his words cutting through her like a sword.

Why did she half expect him to react this way? Darcy pulled the covers over her chest and scooted away from him.

“Wow, still charming,” she said sarcastically.

“You know I have to leave you, girl, don’t you? I have to eventually leave you forever,” Loki said, his voice becoming sharper. “You may never see me again. Could you cope with that? Or would you die inside every day I was gone?” He sat up in bed and leaned toward her. Darcy felt one of his long fingers curl into her hair. She watched him play with it and frowned.

“It’s not the first time I’ve had a one night stand. I’ve been ditched before,” she said coldly, lifting her chin. Despite everything, he must know she still loved him. Now he was just digging his heel right into her heart. Damn it. She kind of wanted to punch him, tase him, but what would be the point? He’d stop her anyway.

“You’re an ass,” she said simply. “I knew you would be.”

“And yet, here we are,” he said, unaffected by her words.

“Yep, still, good sex; kudos to us,” she said, trying to be positive.

“Amazing how you can act so calmly after I am telling you that I’ll leave you,” Loki said, still playing with her hair entranced. She felt his hand move beyond her hair and pull back the covers that wrapped her breasts.

“And you won’t miss me at all? Too busy with world domination and kicking Thor’s butt, huh?” she said to him.

“Of course,” he said.

“And here I’ll be, listening to Adele and eating fudge ice cream,” Darcy said with a languid sigh.

“Just like a sad, weepy mortal girl would,” Loki said, sliding his fingers over her now exposed breasts. Darcy tensed, and then relaxed into his cold palm.

“Yeah, and after awhile, I may eventually get over you,” she said, lifting up her arm to inspect the bruises on her pale skin. “And the bruises will heal.” She turned to Loki and met his intrigued eyes. He was suddenly closer to her in the bed than she remembered minutes ago. “Maybe someday I won’t even think about you.”

Loki slid an arm around her and brought her close. “But you will always miss me, in some way.”

“Sure, if that makes you feel better about yourself,” she quipped, leaning in and nibbling on his lip.

“Stupid girl,” Loki huffed at her, and he tensed when she put her hands on the hardness between his legs. He let out a ragged sigh when Darcy began to stroke him. “Look what you’ve done to me.”

Darcy laughed lightly against his cheek. “I should go,” she said. “You said you were leaving.” She started to release her grip on him, but he grabbed her wrist, and she was unable to move.

“You’re not going anywhere, not now, and perhaps, not ever.” His voice dipped into a whispered hiss, and Darcy was almost frightened by it. He liked to play the role of monster very well, and she’d be lying if she said she was getting used to it.

The worst thing was that it turned her on when he got like this, all emotional, bitchy and cruel. Something was wrong with her if this truly was what she liked about him, that bad side she couldn’t resist.

“Come here.” His voice was like the blackest silk against her ears. Darcy complied with a coy smile. Their eyes met, and Loki’s anger pulsated all over his expression. Perhaps he was angry with her.

But Darcy knew he was angrier with himself.

“I thought you didn’t want me anymore,” she said, testing him beyond what she should. He sneered at her before he kissed her roughly.

Pushing her down, he hovered over her. He was already sliding inside her, and she closed her eyes when she felt him come home.

“You know me better than anyone, Darcy, and you know that I sometimes lie,” he said.

He bucked his hips forward and Darcy cried. His hands gripped around her wrists and all she could feel was the cold heat of him burgeoning within her.

Loki wasn’t ever going to let her go. Darcy always knew that, and honestly, she didn’t mind. He would have her stay in his sick, twisted world forever, and she’d already made up her mind that there was no denying him. This decision could be made against her will, but it never needed to come to that.

Loki had already claimed Darcy as his, and whether he liked it or not, Loki was hers.

Part Twenty-four

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, jane foster, thor

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