Thor & Captain America, "Midpoint" Steve/Thor, rated PG-13

Aug 12, 2011 18:42

Fandoms: Thor, Captain America
Title: Midpoint
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Thor/Steve Rogers
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Warnings: light sexual situations.
Notes: Written for the "Foolish" theme for fanfic_bakeoff and the bonus ingredient "Future" as well. Takes place after the Thor and Captain America movies.

Summary: Steve finds comfort in Thor.

Every day Steve Rogers feels further removed from the world. It depresses him, somewhat, to be this far out of time, to be alive in the future when his loved ones have died.

Then, he befriends Thor and doesn’t feel so alone.

Thor is easy to admire, even easy to love. They find similarities in one another, they bemoan about women and all their idiosyncrasies, and they find comfort in making pledges and promises kept just between them.

Steve blinks through a haze - not through alcohol, not at all, but through joy. He’s can’t remember the last time he’s felt this happy, this accepted. Maybe when Bucky...

It’s dark when he opens his eyes, and Thor is hovering over him, smiling and settling his body onto of his. His face looks like laughing.

Steve asks, “Are you sure?” He feels like a small man again; when Thor puts his hands on him, he feels even smaller. But it isn’t bad. It reminds him of who he once was - still is, even under all the enhanced powers.

He hears Thor’s answer when he feels his hair ghost over his skin. Thor’s wet lips find his as his bristles tease across his mouth. Thor grinds into him, and Steve likes it, but he doesn’t tell him he likes that Thor feels bigger than him. If he does, Thor will stop, chide his foolishness and tell him in long lengths, almost like poetry, on why Steve is better than all of them, why Steve is their natural leader.

He hears it every time, and as beautiful as it is, Steve doesn’t want to talk tonight. He frames his hands around Thor’s face and takes him in.

With him, Thor does not wield his Hammer tonight, but Steve really can’t tell otherwise.

captain america, thor/steve, the avengers, fanfic bakeoff, thor

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