Inuyasha, "Next Generation: Kohaku Chronicles, Part 3" Kohaku/Rin, PG

Jul 10, 2009 11:38

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Kohaku Chronicles
Chapter Title: Kohaku's Mission
Characters/Pairings: Kohaku/Rin focused, other canon pairings
Prompt: 08. "Anger" for 10_themes // No prompt for iy_bsides
Spoilers: Post-manga
Rating: PG
Genre: General/Romance/Adventure
Word Count: 1,443
Notes: 3/10 chronicles of Kohaku's point of view and experiences in a ( Read more... )

10themes, rin, kohaku/rin, kohaku chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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Comments 6

psyco_chick32 July 10 2009, 17:10:23 UTC

Gaaaahhhhh I love these two together!!

“I’m not contacting Sesshoumaru-sama until you agree to let me come along.”

Kohaku froze. Damn, he’d been put on a spot and even his sister knew that. Sango whistled at Rin’s forwardness.

*cracks up* And the young man sees the fatal flaw a LITTLE too late ^_^

This was great - Kohaku's comment about not breaking up families was very heartfelt, poor thing...
Fabulously written ^_^


quirkysmuse July 10 2009, 17:25:56 UTC
Thank you, darlin! I'm so glad you're reading this and enjoying it. :3


kmoaton July 10 2009, 21:52:31 UTC
This was excellent. I loved the fierce Rin. I also enjoyed the take charge attitude of Kohaku. It's a thrill to see a story focused on him and the changes he's going through!


quirkysmuse July 11 2009, 01:17:15 UTC
Thank you!


moko_moko July 12 2009, 19:59:13 UTC
Almost, aaaalmost missed this post *phew*

I love it! Kohaku is one of those dark horse characters that hides in the background but is still awesome. This is a very cool read already (and hope more will be forthcoming :D)


quirkysmuse July 13 2009, 11:55:02 UTC
Hey there!

Thanks for reading this. It makes me happy to hear you like it. Your comments are very inspiring! :DD


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