Inuyasha, "Next Generation: Kohaku Chronicles, Part 3" Kohaku/Rin, PG

Jul 10, 2009 11:38

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Kohaku Chronicles
Chapter Title: Kohaku's Mission
Characters/Pairings: Kohaku/Rin focused, other canon pairings
Prompt: 08. "Anger" for 10_themes // No prompt for iy_bsides
Spoilers: Post-manga
Rating: PG
Genre: General/Romance/Adventure
Word Count: 1,443
Notes: 3/10 chronicles of Kohaku's point of view and experiences in a post-manga setting.
Links: [ Previous Chapters]

Summary: Kohaku informs his sister on his new mission, and he unexpectedly agrees to Rin's help.

Chapter Three: Kohaku's Mission

Kohaku followed Rin inside his sister’s house, and she was waiting for him after sending Rin out to retrieve him from Kaede’s shrine. His sister knew him well, that he had a reason for coming to the village when he usually lived on his own. She definitely suspected he had a vital reason for returning.

Sango’s face lit up as her brother made his way to the center of the room where they were seated with their children around a fire pit. Miroku was outside in back, playing with three of their older children as Sango held the youngest baby in her arms.

“I’m so glad you’re home, Kohaku,” Sango said, and she looked down at his nephew sleeping soundly in her arms. Her light smile faded and her eyes darkened with concern. “What brings you back?”

She knew he wasn’t here just visiting family and friends, so he stiffened and rested his hands over his knees. She watched him intently, and for a moment he almost felt like he was looking into the eyes of their father as he spoke of his upcoming mission.

“I came to seek Sesshoumaru-sama’s help, Aneue,” he said bluntly, and he saw Sango’s eyes widen as Rin gasped to his right. Kohaku dropped his gaze to his lap, and he controlled the anger that was bubbling inside. “I’m not sure if you heard, but I came here to warn everyone involved with demons that a terrible plague is breaking out and it’s only affecting those with youkai blood. It originated somewhere in the Southern peninsula, and Totosai-sama called on my help immediately. He can’t find Sesshoumaru-sama, which doesn’t mean much because Sesshoumaru-sama has a palace he retreats to in the sky. However, I haven’t heard word of his return, and I’m quite worried.” He looked to Rin, who suddenly seemed worried herself.

“Now that you mention it, Kohaku-kun. Sesshoumaru-sama hasn’t been back since the last full moon,” Rin said.

Kohaku nodded. “This plague broke out about three weeks ago. I know from working with Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama, that there are good demons out there.” He saw his sister raise an eyebrow, probably about including Sesshoumaru. “Normally, I wouldn’t bother with this at all; my goal is to help humans oppressed by demons, but I believe that this plague originates with an evil clan of youkai, and they are targeting people and planting the virus in villages where demons and humans co-exist.”

“They don’t seem to like humans and youkai living together,” Sango mused, and Kohaku quickly backed her theory.

“That’s what I think. I think these demons have a pure-blooded agenda, and they are trying to punish any youkai that sympathize with humans.” He furrowed his brow and thought of all the demons he fought with against Naraku and other evils. They were all in danger of this plague. “These demons most likely have their own cure, and must have manufactured the plague through nefarious magic. I fear a dark miko is also at work here.”

Sango appeared anxious with the news. “I think we need to get everyone in here for a family meeting. Looks like we have another battle ahead.”

“No,” Kohaku said quickly as he sprang up. “You have a family now, Aneue. This battle isn’t yours or Inuyasha’s. You defeated Naraku and saved Miroku-sama from his curse. You all deserve peace.” Sango looked offended, and she glared at her brother. He glared back, matching her temper. He wasn’t going to back down from her. She was older, but she was a mother now, and though he did not question her warrior skills, it was his turn to prove himself and utilize his skills.

“Kohaku,” she said, and he shook his head.

“I’m appealing to Sesshoumaru-sama because I want his help, but only through the shadows. He has a reputation for being prejudiced against humans, sans Rin-chan. According to Totosai-sama, most youkai see Rin-chan as a servant he’s raising, and not an actual ward. They know of his animosity toward his half brother, and even his mother’s reputation of disregarding humans precedes his. I intend to use that to my advantage in case these youkai seek out his alliance.” Kohaku turned to Rin and smiled, and her expression enlightened him. She looked ready to jump into the fight with him, but he was still concerned for her safety. He was, however, confident Rin could appeal to Sesshoumaru on his behalf. If there was a plague engineered to attack any demon, he’d think the Western lord would be interested if it harmed his realm.

“But why won’t you let us help you? Inuyasha and Miroku still help people around the area,” Sango said.

“This mission is taking me all over the countryside, and then after I gather my allies, we’re heading for the deep North. Totosai-sama says the clan originated there; even though they started to plague in the South, they intended to work their way up.” Kohaku felt Rin fidgeting next to him.

“Who besides Sesshoumaru-sama will you recruit, Kohaku-kun?” Rin asked.

“I wanted to find Shippou to see what he’s up to, and also I plan on going to the Eastern caves to talk to the wolf tribes.”

“Kouga,” Sango said, remembering the brash, dense demon fondly.

“Yes, but he has taken on a new mate as well, so I’m hoping I can find some younger warriors to accompany me,” Kohaku said.

Sango nodded, and she glanced over her shoulder and looked outside to Miroku, still playing with their children. She sighed.

“I still think you should tell Miroku and Inuyasha,” Sango said.

“I’ll only tell them if they promise not to get involved. I won’t be responsible for tearing apart families,” Kohaku pressed, and his sister nodded with a smile. She reached out her hand and caressed his cheek, and Kohaku relaxed to her touch.

“My little brother is growing up to be a fine young man,” she said softly with memories turning to tears in her eyes. “Our father would be so proud.”

Kohaku smiled lightly. “Thank you, Aneue.”

When Sango drew her hand away, she turned her attention to Rin. “So what are you going to do, Rin-chan? You’ve been saying that you’ve wanted to travel for awhile. I think Kagome-chan and Miroku would agree your miko studies are doing very well.”

Kohaku interrupted. “Aneue, I don’t think it’s smart to bring Rin-chan along. I’m afraid of the danger.”

Rin stiffened and glared at him. Kohaku winced as she heightened her voice. “Kohaku-kun, we talked about this! I’m more than capable than helping you.”

“Rin-chan, I’d feel more comfortable if you learned some basic fighting skills first,” he said sternly.

Rin crossed her arms in a huff. “I’m not contacting Sesshoumaru-sama until you agree to let me come along.”

Kohaku froze. Damn, he’d been put on a spot and even his sister knew that. Sango whistled at Rin’s forwardness.

“Well, there may be a way to solve this problem,” Sango suggested, and Kohaku and Rin met her gaze with full attention. Sango grinned. “It’s simple. Rin will contact Sesshoumaru, and Kohaku will teach Rin how to fight.” Kohaku gaped and Rin gasped in delight. “With some help from uncles Miroku and Inuyasha, of course.”

Rin leapt from her seat onto her feet. “That sounds fantastic! I’ll agree to that. What do you say, Kohaku-kun?”

Kohaku felt weary and cross, mostly toward his sister. He didn’t plan on this, and he didn’t think he had the time to teach her fighting skills as this plague began to spread through the countryside.

“Alright, but only on one condition,” Kohaku said, and Rin’s elation tempered as he looked at her sternly. “I’ll teach you only during the time it takes Sesshoumaru-sama to get here, same goes for Inuyasha and Miroku too. When he arrives, I’ll have to help you on the way to the Eastern caves.”

Rin clapped her hands and threw herself into Kohaku’s arms as he quickly caught her. He felt his cheeks go hot, and he narrowed his eyes at his sister, who was beaming proudly and happily at him. Sango was obviously delighted that Rin had affections for him. If his sister only knew how he felt; though, he didn’t really know how he felt yet, other than he cared about Rin immensely and wanted to protect her.

Still, teaching Rin to fight while pursuing help from youkai was going to be challenging, and he wasn’t sure if he could handle it.

Kohaku feared that bringing Rin along wasn’t the greatest of ideas.

10themes, rin, kohaku/rin, kohaku chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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