Teeth woes and zombies...

Oct 01, 2013 19:03

I'd never heard of a sinus toothache until my dentist informed that's what I've been suffering from these last two weeks. So two lots of antibiotics and so-many-pain-killers-that I-can-hardly-think-straight,  later, I think that maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to feel a bit better. Fingers crossed that it is so ( Read more... )

personal, made me laugh, movies

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Comments 5

a_phoenixdragon October 1 2013, 18:15:18 UTC


sangate October 2 2013, 13:57:08 UTC
Oh yikes hun!! I am so sorry to hear that! That must hurt like a bitch!! :S Really hope you feel all better soon!! *HUGS*

World War Z sounds like fun XD I do like my zombies, but only in a good film, not in a: how much blood can we pour over you-sort of way.


quirky_thoughts October 3 2013, 18:38:55 UTC
Thanks. :) *hugs*

I think you may like this one then...although there's violence in there it's not overly gory considering what's going on.


black_sluggard October 3 2013, 02:50:23 UTC
I wanted to comment on this last night, but my net was acting weird. I hit post, and it failed, and then proceeded to load every page but this one for the rest of the night.

Anyway...pasted from last night:

I'm something of a zombie aficionado, so I can tell you there are a lot of very different kinds of zombie movies within the genre. I can also tell you that people like zombie movies, and are still scared by zombie movies, for a lot of different reasons, and it's not usually he monster-movie reasons that monsters in other movies are scary.

I think to properly understand the appeal, you can't even think of them like monster movies. You have to look at them as epidemic thrillers (a la Outbreak or Contagion) with a dash of post-apocaliptic action and drama (films like Mad Max and The RoadIn some of the best zombie films I've ever seen, the zombies aren't the real antagonist. People are fighting against their environments for survival, and fighting against each other, fighting their fears and the hopelessness of their situation, ( ... )


quirky_thoughts October 3 2013, 18:56:58 UTC
Glad that your connection's behaving itself now. :)

Yeah, you make some very good points. I suppose zombies do represent that scary mindless violence that some humans are prone to, but ratched up more than a few notches. Also, I've seen some really poor zombie movies in the past and it's probably coloured my view.

I did watch quite a bit of The Walking Dead and that's pretty much all about apocalyptic survival and all that entails within a small group of people. I like that.

I've heard of 28 Days Later but never seen it. I'll give that one a look then. You never know I might become a zombie fan yet! XD

I hope you get to watch the movie soon. :)


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