Teeth woes and zombies...

Oct 01, 2013 19:03

I'd never heard of a sinus toothache until my dentist informed that's what I've been suffering from these last two weeks. So two lots of antibiotics and so-many-pain-killers-that I-can-hardly-think-straight,  later, I think that maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to feel a bit better. Fingers crossed that it is so.

Anyhow...to take my mind off it all I downloaded World War Z last night as a bit of a distraction...like you do. Because everyone loves an alien invaion movie right? Er...well as most of you will probably know it's not those pesky aliens but zombies..and I hate zombies. Bugger! Okay well not really hate but..well they're the epitome of stupid aren't they? Lumbering along at a snails pace but still managing to catch their victims...but somehow this still scares the shit out of everyone.  Because it would wouldn't it? lol

But World War Z. Whoa...that was a bit different. Pretty daft - but really, really tense, laugh out loud funny, and  totally, utterly crazy. And it made me jump  a few times. A couple of hours of mayhem and fun with the added bonus of a Brad Pitt who I really enjoyed in this. These zombies are total crazy BAMF'S where if you get bitten, 10 seconds later you're a rabid superspeedy nut job! Hehehe, kind of puts painful teeth in perspective! XD

Off to try and have a drink without hitting the ceiling as it touches my teeth!!!

And off to catch up with everyone's posts....

personal, made me laugh, movies

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