Flooded FitB: Interruption.

Jun 27, 2006 21:53

This was a challenge for lateseasonlove. B/S, as usual, seriously tame, set just after Buffy arrives back in Sunnydale after visiting Angel. Lots of thanks to bogwitch, who is a perfect sounding board, for the support/beta.

Warnings: Mental health issues

Interruption. )


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Comments 30

enigmaticblues June 28 2006, 00:05:56 UTC
I think you've caught the heart of S6 here, with Buffy so broken, and Spike wanting to fix her but not knowing how. Well done.


quinara June 28 2006, 15:40:50 UTC
Thank you. :)


kcarolj65 June 28 2006, 00:14:28 UTC
This is nothing short of brilliant. I should say more, but I'm too fried to come up with the praise this deserves. Please consider it implied, if not outright!


quinara June 28 2006, 15:42:34 UTC
*blushes* You're being hyperbolic, surely - but thank you! :D


spiralleds June 28 2006, 03:31:47 UTC
I believe this is the first fic I've read of yours, modfriend. Beautiful in it's bleakness. There is such a sense of both of them trying so hard for something they can't quite name, let alone reach.


quinara June 28 2006, 15:47:51 UTC
Thank you. :) I never seem to be able to write anything happy, so this probably quite a good representation of my stuff.

(Of course, I feel incredibly embarrassed now because I dissed Angel and it seems so rude...)


spiralleds June 28 2006, 21:58:34 UTC
Dissed Angel? I musta missed that part. As I read it, I thought the Angel element was handled quite nicely. In fact, I remember thinking, er, this is a Buffy/Spike fic, right?


quinara June 29 2006, 15:37:28 UTC
Well, that's a relief! (But, heh, the point was to have Angel acting like the Scoobies (because he cares too much) and therefore be detrimental to Buffy, although she refuses to realise it. Spike on the other hand, because he's soulless and does things in a different way, was supposed to be shown as a more positive force, although Buffy doesn't acknowledge it. But it was supposed to be subtle and not bashy, so it's probably a good thing that people haven't really picked up on it.)


constance_b July 2 2006, 14:22:12 UTC
Lovely little fic. The way you list the ways Spike is better than Angel without spelling them out, subtley funny and very sweet. I like your writing style, distinctive and descriptive with nice attention to detail.


quinara July 2 2006, 14:58:09 UTC
Thank you! (And yay, you got past your filter problems! I was going to comment on your post, because it was so sweet of you to mention me, but then you said there was no point. Anyway, I'm very glad you liked it.)


constance_b July 2 2006, 15:01:58 UTC
I'm so stupid I forgot replies went to my hotmail inbox.


quinara July 2 2006, 15:12:55 UTC
Hee! You shouldn't have said anything - I just thought your email was blocked as well for some reason. You would've had an excuse not to reply to people. ;)


timeofchange July 4 2006, 19:32:05 UTC
well done.


quinara July 4 2006, 19:59:47 UTC
Thank you. :)


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