Obscure Gems (Yuletide Recs)

Jan 01, 2008 07:07

Herewith are three sets of recs. The first are stories that can stand entirely on their own, no canon knowledge required. The second set can probably stand on their own, but might be better if you have at least some vague and passing acquaintance with canon. The third is just a few light-hearted pieces, for any of which you can figure out as much as you need to know from the story.

Set One

Bible - Old Testament: And Athaliah Did Reign

A short piece, but forceful. The direct tone, which faces even bloody horrors with factual precision, is appropriately biblical, even while the point of view is not. Very interesting.

Fairy Tales: Carte Blanche

I think this has been overlooked because it's a New Years Resolution, but it is easily the most remarkable of the fairy tales. It isn't only the prose, which is masterful, but also that missparaphilia has taken such a well known tale and fashioned it into something so genuinely disturbing.

Fairy Tales: Swan's Wing

This is a very different sort of story - quiet and deceptively simple. There is no flash about this, so it's easy to overlook it in the middle of so many other stories, but read quietly when you're in an attentive mood, it's lovely.

Fenndom (George Manville Fenn - oeuvre): Homecoming

Fenn was the 19th C author of many boys' adventure stories, heavy on the manly friendships and the possibly not entirely unintentional slashy subtext. He's good fun to read, but it really isn't necessary to have read Fix Bay'nets to appreciate this. It's a lovely story, beautifully written and hovering somewhere between sad and happy.

Mushishi: Marginalia

A quiet tale, touched both with melancholy and mystery. All you really need to know are that mushi are ... um ... not exactly animals, not exactly plants (not minerals either!), sort of supernatural, sort of an expression of nature ... look, you'll have a much better idea after you read this.

Norse Mythology: A Place For Cleverness

A beautifully written study of Loki, sad and perceptive.

Onmyoji: Matsu--

This is a fine period piece, with plot and elegant details and all manner of good things. If you have any interest in Heian Japan, or think you might be able to develop such an interest with suitable encouragement, go read this.

Onmyoji: In The Soup

A pairing fic, but an unusually charming one. Sly and funny, a contrast to Matsu--.

These Old Shades (listed under Devil's Cub): Rome

"Tonight he is as angry as he could remember being. He is so angry that there in the street he hisses at Justin, "What is it you're trying to do, destroy yourself?" and shakes him a little. Justin, being perfectly drunk, and inscrutable at the best of times, does not respond, and after a moment Hugh begins to walk again."

Set Two

Cain Saga: Silver Bells And Cockle Shells

Gothic nursery jingles and possessive love - I don't know this quite stands on its own, although it might, but it does give you a little taste of the manga.

From Eroica With Love: The Beat My Heart Skipped (sounded like this)

This might benefit from knowing a bit of canon; then again, it might be more to the point to say it benefits from familiarity with the fandom, given that one of the story's charms is that it manages a fresh take on what is, after all, the pairing. All the same, I think it might stand alone. The second half is particularly good, so if you don't know the source, treat the first half as scene setting and exposition. If you do know Eroica, there is also the amusing New Employee Orientation.

Gormenghast: Even The Roses
I am not quite sure this stands entirely on its own, but it would be worth giving it a try. A young girl on the cusp of adulthood, with no good options.

House Of Cards: Bow Out

This contains any number of spoilers for the series. On the other hand, that means you should be able to figure out what's going on. Francis Urquhart, FU to his - perhaps friends is the wrong word here - is now (the British) Prime Minister, a position he has reached and maintained by means that should be apparent from the story. He has manoeuvred the King, who bears some similarity to Prince Charles, into abdicating. This rather bitter story follows on from then.

Bonus Fandom Rec: Meine Liebe

I haven't managed to get my hands on this, despite some effort on my part, and I don't think you can really appreciate these stories on their own. On the other hand, they're clearly both beautifully written, so such times as I can get a hold of the anime, I'll be back to read them. If this is the standard of writing, it seems like this would be a great fandom to be in.

Set Three

Fairy Tales: The Troll Princess

What might be termed feminist rereadings of fairy tales have become so common one might almost think there were too many of them: when something becomes so standard it is the first interpretation to hand it often also becomes too easy to encourage the writer to think. This, however, is funny and sharp, with a great narrative voice.

One Thousand And One Nights: The Story of the Djinni and the Professor

I guess the moral, if I may call it that, is traditional, but the means of reaching it is not. Neat and amusing.

Dresden Files: Portends for a Rainy Day
This is a fine evocation of a rainy day spent at home; it's also amusing.

The Persuaders! : Alfresco

This is just a light-hearted pairing fic, but it's very nicely done.


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