
Mar 20, 2012 20:43

...and now I am going to talk about ( 3.16 TVD, aka 1912 )

the vampire diaries

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Comments 2

ever_neutral March 21 2012, 07:50:00 UTC
It is alarming me, but she's being all insightful and crap and while I am totally over her shock at Stefan or basically anything Stefan/Elena related until she actually takes notice of the "real" Slim Shady Stefan

LOL. Your Elena feelings, my Elena feelings.

Hmm, I can see what you mean about flashback!Damon v.s. present!Damon... though 1912 Damon really didn't strike me as much different from present-day!Damon? He was bitter, withdrawn, foolish, defiant, etc. and… he pretty much is all those things today, lol.

So for me, this naive!Damon and present!Damon just, part of me wants to see present!Damon be just as naive about things because yeah, "buttoned up" Damon (OMG, Sage. I have no kind feelings towards her, besides that she's awesome?) he's in there, somewhere, in present day Damon and I just. Hilarity. I want to see that.OMG YES. LOL. Well. I mean. Damon was adamant about getting Katherine back right up to the S2 premiere. That wasn't too long ago. *g* And you can see his naivete in recent moments with Elena (I WILL NEVER ( ... )


quietliban March 22 2012, 11:28:47 UTC
Lol at Sage and how her gender is causing problems all over the shop (seriously I've seen everything from book!Sage was male to how dare they have a woman encourage a man to rape women!). It is so depressing (in an entertaining way?). Alas, it only makes me love her subversive existence more. (Something is wrong with me).

though 1912 Damon really didn't strike me as much different from present-day!Damon? He was bitter, withdrawn, foolish, defiant, etc. and… he pretty much is all those things today, lol. So I've been thinking about this and I'm beginning to think that it's not naivety but earnestness and I just couldn't find the word. IDK, for me, flashback!Damon hasn't yet be disillusioned properly or at least he hasn't embraced his disillusionment yet? I don't know. He is just more 'innocent' to me than present!Damon ( ... )


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