Art for All's Well That Ends Well

Aug 01, 2016 10:38

Title: Art for All's Well That Ends Well
Author: ashtraythief
Rating: R
Pairing: J2

Eight comic panels created for the ashtraythief's wonderful, cracktastic fic about fairy!Jensen and his throwback omega werewolf genes and the sweaty lumberjack (Jared) who soothes his heat.

Teaser below

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matchmaker jul16, artwork, pairing: jensen/jared, medium: pencil

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Comments 10

somer August 1 2016, 18:46:13 UTC
Oh my fucking god!!! lololol THIS IS SO AWESOME!!! I already loved the fic (and not only because it was inpired by one of my prompts \o/)! Look at grumpy fairy!Jensen (and his gorgeous thighs!!) and hot lumberjack Jared (with abs and nipples!) :D Really cute and gorgeous!


all_the_damned August 7 2016, 21:41:25 UTC
Thank you! This was such a fun story when I read it a while back and I was so glad to be able to do the art for it. What a hilarious prompt!


beelikej August 1 2016, 19:04:15 UTC
Haha, I love that you made a comic, that is so awesome! Starting with a serene forest and then having grumpy Jensen stomp through it is a brilliant idea. I adore his elf ears and the way you coloured his hair. Jared's chest is GLORIOUS and yay for showing off his butt *giggles*

I like the method you used, it's not that different from how I process hand drawn sketches for colouring;) I usually photograph my art too for lack of scanner. The colours look good; Jensen's eyes are the perfect green *grins*
I'm not that familiar with GIMP, but I'm guessing you can make adjustments with filters just like in Photoshop; the soft light layer usually does the trick for brightening colours - you could try and google that term. Feel free to contact me for behind the scenes art chatting.


all_the_damned August 7 2016, 21:42:39 UTC
Thank you! And thanks for the feedback on scanning the art. I'm hoping to get more of a handle on things as I create more art.


sillie82 August 1 2016, 22:23:45 UTC
Omg, this is so awesome! Grumpy elf Jensen is amazing. XD XD <3<3<3


all_the_damned August 7 2016, 21:42:56 UTC
Thank you!


2blueshoes August 2 2016, 15:26:37 UTC
Lol these are great! Gorgeous and funny. \\(^O^)/


all_the_damned August 7 2016, 21:43:06 UTC


ashtraythief August 14 2016, 21:19:30 UTC
OKay, I finally have time to leave a proper comment.

These are awesome!!!!! Seriously, you made a whole commic strip! *squishes your beautiful face*

You captured Jensen and Jared perfectly, and omg that ass and those abs *drools*

I can't give you feedback on art or technique because I can't draw a straight line but to me, it looks awesome :) Thanks so much for choosing to illustrate my story, this made me sooo happy!!!!



all_the_damned October 6 2016, 01:27:11 UTC
Thank you! I love the story so much and had a great time creating art for it!


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