Art for All's Well That Ends Well

Aug 01, 2016 10:38

Title: Art for All's Well That Ends Well
Author: ashtraythief
Rating: R
Pairing: J2

Eight comic panels created for the ashtraythief's wonderful, cracktastic fic about fairy!Jensen and his throwback omega werewolf genes and the sweaty lumberjack (Jared) who soothes his heat.

Teaser below

Some notes on the project:
This is only my second piece of fandom art and I'm still trying to get the hang of merging what I can do with paper (I'm an old) and what I need to do with the computer. Each panel was created in pencil, inked, scanned and cleaned up using GIMP, then reprinted and colored by hand with colored pencils. The completed panels were then photographed (I know I should have scanned but it made the colors muted, I need to adjust something I'm sure) on a smart phone. I would have liked to create more pages but time ran away from me. I hope my lovely author is pleased.

Because I'm still learning I would love feedback, but helpful critique please. "Let me tell you what you could use to improve...etc." or "here's a helpful link..." is the sweet spot.

matchmaker jul16, artwork, pairing: jensen/jared, medium: pencil

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