Matchmaker Challenge, part deux! SIGN UP HERE

Jul 19, 2016 22:28

Woohoo, the Matchmaker Challenge is going brilliantly; there are already marvelous artworks posted and more are on the way! *waves pompoms for all artists who are getting ready for their dates*

Y'all were so eager to join in, I've run out of threesomes for speeddates! But fear not: you still can go on a date with a short story author and make ( Read more... )

sign-up: mm, mod, matchmaker jul16

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Comments 14

galadriel13 July 19 2016, 20:33:18 UTC
I have a short story that I'd love to enter for artwork. Is that still possible?


beelikej July 19 2016, 20:42:45 UTC
Not for the Matchmaker Challenge, but there will be a new round of the regular quicky_bang in September, that's when I will open up a new submission post for stories. Hope to see you then!


galadriel13 July 19 2016, 20:58:33 UTC
Awesome, thanks! I'll be there with bells on!


amberdreams July 19 2016, 20:33:56 UTC
I can't remember what I've already signed up, for but a double date sounds good in that time frame.


beelikej July 19 2016, 20:45:19 UTC
Heehee, you signed up for a threesome speeddate, bb. You'll get your prospects in the mail on Thursday July 28 and will have three weeks to art from then (unless you want to move up the date? I can send them to you sooner if you're eager to start;)


amberdreams July 20 2016, 07:17:56 UTC
No no! I have two SPN_J2 BB arts to finish, plus two artings for WIP big bangs... LOL


beelikej July 21 2016, 20:23:58 UTC
Hehehehe. Okay, I'll keep them safe until your wishdate. Good luck with all the other arting! *\o/*


milly_gal July 20 2016, 07:42:11 UTC
Let me get back to you! *rummages in her files to see what she's got planned* ;)


beelikej July 21 2016, 20:24:50 UTC
Oh you. *pets you*


milly_gal July 22 2016, 11:05:54 UTC
LOL! This is the girl who said, "No more exchanges this year" ;) O.o


bluefire986 July 20 2016, 12:25:02 UTC

Ya, I like signing up for a lot of things. >.< Hit me!


beelikej July 21 2016, 20:30:39 UTC
Oh, this is not a new challenge, but merely an extension of the Matchmaker Challenge;) You already signed up for a speeddate on Sunday July 31st. If you're eager and ready to art now, I'll happily send you the three prospects earlier! You are welcome to join for another date if you post before August.


2blueshoes July 30 2016, 13:50:43 UTC
Please sign me up for a double date!


beelikej July 30 2016, 14:06:34 UTC
Awesome! You can expect your two prospects in the mail on August 1st:)


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