Matchmaker Challenge, part deux! SIGN UP HERE

Jul 19, 2016 22:28

Woohoo, the Matchmaker Challenge is going brilliantly; there are already marvelous artworks posted and more are on the way! *waves pompoms for all artists who are getting ready for their dates*

Y'all were so eager to join in, I've run out of threesomes for speeddates! But fear not: you still can go on a date with a short story author and make them some art!
Since the artists who signed up for trios are only allowed to pick one fic to play with, there will be more stories available at the end of the month. WHO WANTS ONE?

Here's how the second half of the Matchmaker Challenge works:
Sign up below to get a short surprise SPN or RPF fic (<5000 words) to create artwork for! Stories will be assigned in the first week of August and you'll get 3 weeks to art:) You can make whatever you want: a story-banner, a scene illustration, an artist's impression; any visual your muse comes up with, in any artmedium. You can share your sketches, that's cool too! The purpose of this challenge is to stimulate your creativity.

You have two options; a double gives you a choice, a match offers a preference:

1. Sign up with DOUBLE DATE
2. ADD your name + email;
3. Receive 2 random summaries in the first week of August*;
4. Pick one of those fics (only one!) within a day;
5. Contact the author;
6. Make art within THREE weeks!

1. Sign up with I FEEL LUCKY
2. ADD your name + email;
3. Include whether you want RPF or SPN or either
4. Receive a fitting summary in the first week of August*;
5. Contact the author;
6. Make art within THREE weeks!

Done? Post in the quicky_bang community with a banner or teaser image and a link to your own journal.

*Depending on availability; fic supply is limited.
You can join until July 31st AUGUST 5th; I'll be sending out fics in order of sign ups:)

Questions? ASK! Let's art \o/


sign-up: mm, mod, matchmaker jul16

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