Quicky Sticky

Mar 27, 2016 14:58

Through a fandom project I found out there are a lot of artists with a desire to create more fanart, as well as a lot of authors who wish for art to go with their stories that aren't part of big writing challenges. Yet both were not sure how to approach each other. I aim to bring y'all together in this art-community by offering opportunities for ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

reeby10 April 5 2016, 00:12:31 UTC
Is there a limit to how many stories we can offer?


beelikej April 5 2016, 18:11:45 UTC
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that, so the answer would be 'no'. But seeing as we have a lot of authors looking for artists, I think keeping it down to three specific links maximum would be fair. You are welcome to mention that you have more stories available for arting:)


reeby10 April 5 2016, 23:45:51 UTC
Alright, thank you!


marciaelena July 20 2018, 08:46:44 UTC
Oh, oops! I just offered four stories for grabs. But one is a poem (under 400 words) and one of the stories is under 600 words. Should I delete one?


tabaqui July 9 2016, 18:55:00 UTC
Just saw a post about this - definitely joining so I can participate in the future! (Fic-writer) What an awesome idea. :)


beelikej July 9 2016, 19:24:29 UTC
Welcome to the community:) There will be a new round of the regular Quicky_Bang after the Matchmaker Challenge. So I'll see you in September!


tabaqui August 5 2017, 14:21:13 UTC
Ah, I am feeling sort of - frazzled in real life, but wondered - can you still submit for August? Or no? Thanks!


beelikej August 5 2017, 15:57:47 UTC
YES, yes you can! Fics can be submitted all of August, artist can claim and post all the way through to the end of September:) Comment on this post to offer your fic!


marciaelena July 30 2017, 21:47:31 UTC
Do authors get to write a new story for this challenge, or is this for old, already posted stories we might have?


beelikej July 31 2017, 20:29:44 UTC
A story has to be completed; the Quicky_Bang was set up to get artists arting as soon as possible, that's why a link to the finished story is required. It doesn't have to be an old story though; if you have a fic ready, get it up on AO3 or your LJ and you can submit it for a quicky all through August!


marciaelena July 20 2018, 08:47:46 UTC
I wish you'd up the word limit to 5K, I have one story just under that word count that I'd love to see illustrated.


beelikej July 20 2018, 12:06:21 UTC
Ahw, that's not going to happen; the whole purpose of the quicky is that the stories are short:) You can always offer it up in the CLASSIFIEDS comments, that's the place to find wandering artists! (In my next promopost, I'll make a list of all the stories on offer and I will also point people in the direction of the other corners of this community that are active)


cowboyguy July 20 2018, 12:51:24 UTC
If I checked one of my fics I was thinking about submitting and it turns out that it's 4141 words, I'm assuming that's not close enough to 4,000 to round down, right? :D I have others I can submit that are definitely under 4K, but I just thought I'd check!


beelikej July 20 2018, 12:58:53 UTC
Ahw, yeah, I have to draw the line somewhere. I'm happy to hear you have other fics you can offer for a quickie;)

P.S. This community has a Classifieds section, where you can look for an artist to collaborate with on other projects. You could offer your longer fic up there!


Authors anonymous January 5 2019, 13:09:17 UTC
Hi! Sorry but I can’t find info on what the authors need to do to participate in the challenge! Can you tell me?:)


RE: Authors beelikej January 5 2019, 14:56:49 UTC
Hi, anon!
Authors have already done their part; this is a collection of fics that were submitted for the last Quicky_Bang challenge. The stories on offer are the ones that were left unclaimed in that round. (The old submission post is locked to keep the fics a secret:)

There will be a new round of the regular Quicky_Bang after the MatchMaker Challenge is done, so probably in March/April. Keep an eye on the community if you want to offer a fic! (It will already have to be written and published, so you could write in the mean time;)


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