Quicky Sticky

Mar 27, 2016 14:58

Through a fandom project I found out there are a lot of artists with a desire to create more fanart, as well as a lot of authors who wish for art to go with their stories that aren't part of big writing challenges. Yet both were not sure how to approach each other. I aim to bring y'all together in this art-community by offering opportunities for ( Read more... )

mod, sticky

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tabaqui July 9 2016, 18:55:00 UTC
Just saw a post about this - definitely joining so I can participate in the future! (Fic-writer) What an awesome idea. :)


beelikej July 9 2016, 19:24:29 UTC
Welcome to the community:) There will be a new round of the regular Quicky_Bang after the Matchmaker Challenge. So I'll see you in September!


tabaqui August 5 2017, 14:21:13 UTC
Ah, I am feeling sort of - frazzled in real life, but wondered - can you still submit for August? Or no? Thanks!


beelikej August 5 2017, 15:57:47 UTC
YES, yes you can! Fics can be submitted all of August, artist can claim and post all the way through to the end of September:) Comment on this post to offer your fic!


tabaqui August 5 2017, 15:58:46 UTC
Yay, thank you!


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