VERY interesting podcast!

Dec 11, 2013 13:44

Hellatus navel gazing, as it pertains to Show writing and fandom, under cut...

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kicking hornets' nests, thinky thoughts, oh fandom, podcasts

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Comments 67

cassiopeia7 December 11 2013, 19:04:05 UTC
Just started listening, and oooooh! I LOVE THIS. Thank you!

I think the fandom entitlement that's erupted on Twitter has surprised EVERYONE.

And the writers "fucking hate it."

Of course. A bunch of "fans" telling THEM how to do their jobs?

What's more, is they "fucking hate" when someone tweets "Fandom wants 'x'." Because it's total bullshit--any one person speaking for an entire fandom is bullshit.

. . . or any ten people, or any one hundred people. "Fandom" is 90º different from RL, and it's sad that some folks just don't get that. A lot of people are going to be up in arms about certain of the things said in this podcast, but C., you already know how I feel about certain things that go on in SPN fandom. And about that, I'll say no more. ;)

*returns to listening*


quickreaver December 12 2013, 04:59:16 UTC
Honestly, I kinda think it's a function of how entrenched the younger generation is with the internet and social media. Don't get me wrong, I reeeealy appreciate the internet; it's given me a job that allows me to be a stay-at-home mom and do what I love, but it is no replacement for real world interactions. Not even close. I made more connections and learned more from one weekend at a scifi/fantasy art convention this past fall than I have over five years of manipulating the internet.

There is just too many opportunities for miscommunication on-line. It blows up way too fast and it's so easy to forget the human element.



jennytork December 11 2013, 19:21:38 UTC
THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this for YEARS!

Personally, I think that's the fanfiction writer's job-- to take everything we WANT to see and make it happen.

The actual SHOW writers? don't owe us a THING.


quickreaver December 11 2013, 20:11:58 UTC
Well, I do think the writers owe us a good story. ;) Solid writing, continuity, character growth, yadda. And I'm not altogether certain we've gotten much of that these past couple of seasons! They owe us professionalism and a well-crafted product.

They don't owe us validation of our life choices, though. Or authentication of our 'ship', for whatever reason.

I know the attitudes expressed in this podcast won't sit well with some because we want to think that as a mass of a certain gravity, we can exert some influence, but the fact of the matter is, we cannot. It's not the right forum to do so. If we want change in representation of a given demographic in media, we need to BE that change. We need to write it ourselves. :D


amberdreams December 11 2013, 19:21:39 UTC

And edited to say - but that loud faction tends to be delusional so will never believe this.


quickreaver December 11 2013, 20:14:17 UTC
I'm not 100% certain it's all delusion, but certainly misunderstanding! And to some degree, internet hyperbole. Or just the lure of a challenge. ;)


hsifeng December 11 2013, 19:42:45 UTC
Bless you. And bless them.


blythechild December 11 2013, 19:56:52 UTC
You're probably preaching to the converted here. I think its *nice* if a show does a hat tip to fandom, but they are under no obligation to do so and it's just crazed entitled neckbeards (can you be a 'neckbeard' if you are a fangirl? hmmmmm....) who believe otherwise. VIEWERSHIP is the only say that fans have - we hold power only in so much as we are receptacles for advertising messages. It was ever thus.

I also wholeheartedly agree with the commenter above that it is the fanfiction writer's job to make things happen in fandom that a show cannot. That's why I fic and draw - don't take that from me!


quickreaver December 11 2013, 20:28:41 UTC
Neckbeards! I have never heard that one before!

They're not "crazed" or "crazy" for the most part (though I'm sure there are a few clinically valid exceptions) but I feel they want to insist that their cause is justified by social and political correctness. Fairness for all. When this isn't necessarily the case.

And then there are some who just want to see their favorite two characters snog. Fair enough! But in no way is this permission to flood the show staff with insults (or be insulted themselves, for that matter.) It's cool to stay upbeat -- because they are no less human than we are -- but powerfully uncool to be hurtful to each other.

And in conclusion ... WRITE AND DRAW ALL THE THINGS! We must give ourselves what we want, not expect someone else to do it for us.


blythechild December 11 2013, 20:39:30 UTC
I think that I've imbibed too much of the internet that I am now typing out the term "neckbeards"... o_O

Yes, fanfiction and fan art are where I make my own fun happen ;)


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