LIFE TO FIX ... art for the Sam Winchester BB

Feb 22, 2019 13:47

Thanks muchly to wetsammy for her patience and brilliant writing, to the mods over at sammybigbang, especially the radiant themegalosaurus, and lastly, to Sam. Yeah, I know, he's fictional ... but tell that to Dean. ;)

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sam winchester, sam/dean, i love corn, wetsammy, masterart, sammybigbang, dean winchester

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Comments 25

beelikej February 24 2019, 16:21:51 UTC
Great storybanner gif, very ominous! Love the monster, gosh that must have taken a lot of patience to draw all those leaves! The blood and drools and the glowing eyes are just perfect.

Your Sam and Dean are so soft and precious. *chinhands*

What a great set of art. \o/


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:06:56 UTC
Dude, THOSE LEAVES. I don't think I've ever drawn so many. I have a newfound respect for nature artists, I swear. Thanks, J! *smoooch!*


madebyme_x February 25 2019, 11:42:40 UTC
I love love love this art-set!!! I adore the stunning eerie feel of the banner, and then the utter creep factor of the leaf beast, and then the tenderness you've captured between Sam and Dean.

Just beautiful!!! Thank you so much sharing this, and I can't wait yo read the fic :)


jillmariej February 28 2019, 04:23:50 UTC
wow. super cool art. love the corn hush beast !!


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