LIFE TO FIX ... art for the Sam Winchester BB

Feb 22, 2019 13:47

Thanks muchly to wetsammy for her patience and brilliant writing, to the mods over at sammybigbang, especially the radiant themegalosaurus, and lastly, to Sam. Yeah, I know, he's fictional ... but tell that to Dean. ;)

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sam winchester, sam/dean, i love corn, wetsammy, masterart, sammybigbang, dean winchester

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Comments 25

herminekurotowa February 23 2019, 07:20:11 UTC


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:00:05 UTC


equally_dour February 23 2019, 16:16:42 UTC
amazing art! <333


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:00:33 UTC
*snuggles with* Thank you as always!


amberdreams February 23 2019, 19:11:43 UTC
I'm totes looking forward to reading this after ogling your art all over the place. :D


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:01:29 UTC
Read the prequel first! (Paula's prose is so readable, it won't take you long.) Thanks, AMB!


anonymous February 24 2019, 00:27:15 UTC
Wow-your cover art is amazing, and the hound really imaginative and scary! Beautiful.


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:01:42 UTC
Thank you, kind nonie!


wetsammy February 24 2019, 01:52:17 UTC
Thank you! These are all so gorgeous and eerie. That cornwolf still blows my mind, all the little leaves along its body is amazing. Working with you was wonderful in all ways!


quickreaver February 24 2019, 20:06:12 UTC
Pfft, because you have the patience of a SAINT. Thank you for that, lovely. (It's a fantastic fic and YOU'RE fantastic!)


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