Sam ... times four?

Mar 06, 2017 23:06

The warm, wonderful foolscapper wrote a really interesting, really moving little fic that I had the great delight to do art for. (Ashlee, you're the best!) What if Dean had to deal with all the different pieces of Sam. What if? This fic is tenderly written, with a fantastic Dean and lots of tragic, complicated, adorable Sam. Highly recommend!

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samwinchesterbigbang, sam winchester, foolscapper, masterart, sammybigbang

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Comments 20

wetsammy March 7 2017, 20:26:12 UTC
The title art just floors me - so gorgeous and evocative! I found myself coming back to it throughout the day, and then finally had a chance to see the four Sam. Just amazed by your talent. Now off to read the fic!


somer March 7 2017, 20:57:12 UTC
The four faces of Sam. Those all look gorgeous. Love the little nuances that make them all different. The raised eyebrow in the first one. The dimples popping out in the third one. The haggard look in the fourth one. Smug, serious, happy, hurt. This is how it looks to be at least. alskfjdhgfhkd Anyway. Gorgeous!


tsuki_no_bara March 8 2017, 05:53:43 UTC
they're all so clearly sam but also so clearly different aspects of him. i think the first (the eyebrow!) and the third (the dimples! the hair!) are my favorites, but they're all amazing.


kisahawklin March 9 2017, 06:17:18 UTC
Wow, the banner is haunting and the four portraits - such a really strong interpretation of the personalities in the fic. Really beautiful work, very subtle and all of it is just gorgeous.


Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered: Artwork riathema March 9 2017, 13:33:16 UTC
These are so cool. With just a subtle slant of the eyes or cut of the mouth, the different aspects of that shattered psyche are so distinct, and yet, they are all "Sam". You must have spent hours pouring over pictures of all the many versions of Sam to capture each personality so well. I commend your dedication for your art. *Tee hee.* ;-)


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