Sam ... times four?

Mar 06, 2017 23:06

The warm, wonderful foolscapper wrote a really interesting, really moving little fic that I had the great delight to do art for. (Ashlee, you're the best!) What if Dean had to deal with all the different pieces of Sam. What if? This fic is tenderly written, with a fantastic Dean and lots of tragic, complicated, adorable Sam. Highly recommend!

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samwinchesterbigbang, sam winchester, foolscapper, masterart, sammybigbang

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Comments 20

lennelle March 7 2017, 13:55:55 UTC
Beautiful, beautiful work, as always! I just finished Foolscapper's gorgeous fic and I had to come over here and gush over the artwork. All the Sam's are so beautiful, even poor, ragged Samson. The smug expression on Samuel, the tautness of Sam, and the breezy smile on Sammy, they're all so unique. The banner is amazing and the meaning of it makes so much sense once you've read the story. Amazing work!! You'll always be one of my fave artists, who I often look to for inspiration in my own artwork <3


caranfindel March 7 2017, 16:34:32 UTC
Such an amazing story and such gorgeous art!!!


madebyme_x March 7 2017, 17:10:15 UTC
Coming fresh from reading the wonderful fic, I simply had to stop by and remind you how awesome you are!!! The art for this fic is outstanding!!! I'm not sure how you've manged to inject so much personality into each Sam, but you've captured them all so perfectly: from smiling Sammy, to stern Samuel, to rebellious Sam, and poor broken Samson. I could easily see which was which, and I love the touches in the differences too; hair lengths, wardrobe choices and facial expressions.

The cover piece really drew my attention with the harshness of the red slashes, and now that I've read the fic, the imagery and meaning behind those four marks is so clear and poignant.

Thank you so much for sharing. Take care :)


beelikej March 7 2017, 18:14:38 UTC
Beau-ti-fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul. I'm so glad there is a happy Sam face in between the portraits too, because that banner image is haunting *stares and rubs neck* Love the whole set, especially the eye-brow game in the first portrait ;-)


quickreaver March 7 2017, 18:56:18 UTC
It was definitely fun to start with a "Sam" base and then tweak each one to correspond to, well, THE FIC. :D And I worked on them all at the same time so I could see how they all differed, and keep tweaking! Thanks, bb!


equally_dour March 7 2017, 19:34:37 UTC
that banner is stunning! <3


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