Polling the peanut gallery...

Oct 08, 2016 12:22

Poll RB 2016

And if anyone has a setting, genre they're feeling this year, slap it in my comments! What's en vogue?

fandom has claimed my soul, spn rb

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Comments 23

de_nugis October 8 2016, 17:03:55 UTC
I'm not doing it this year because family, so maybe I shouldn't get a vote, but I am always in the FP camp.

Caves? Under water? (Probably not both because that would just be dark.)


quickreaver October 8 2016, 17:30:13 UTC
NO, VOTE ANYWAYS. Everyone can have an opinion and preference!

(I love underwater; there's so many fun effects to play with! And my initial idea is dungeon-y, which could easily be cave-ish...)


amypond45 October 8 2016, 17:39:17 UTC
Seconded! Or deep, dark wods!


harrigan October 8 2016, 17:40:58 UTC
Arggh! Tough choice!

I like SPN art better (especially by you!) because I love SPN - but I like RPF AU fic better, because there's no risk of it messing with my head canon. So I voted RPF because that's an art/fic win/win. But I'll adore your SPN art if you go that way! ;D


quickreaver October 8 2016, 18:18:03 UTC
THIS IS ME EXACTLY! I'd rather read RPF at the moment, but I love to see SPN art. (Also, I was just venting to dephigravity that I'm sick of drawing t-shirts and plaid, so there's THAT, too!)

(PS...thank you!)


amberdreams October 8 2016, 19:45:47 UTC
Draw them topless.


madebyme_x October 8 2016, 21:43:41 UTC
I love your thinking there ;)


sylsdarkplace October 8 2016, 18:30:19 UTC
Much as I love SPN, RPF is so much freer. You just go anywhere with it. I have no idea what's en vogue. I'm so out of vogue LOL

It's October so I'm afraid my head is in fog and golden leaves and shadowy places, but I'm sure whatever you do will be lovely.


quickreaver October 8 2016, 20:15:47 UTC
You make it all sound so very romantic! :D (Albeit gothic romance...)

I think I may take amberdreams advice and go with "Either", because an anti-possession tattoo is so easy to slap on to a bare chest. *cough*


amberdreams October 8 2016, 19:44:57 UTC
Argh! I can't pick - do an Either prompt!

Mmm settings. Now you're asking. What about a Ren Fest? Something with snow? A library...the Bunker...an Edgar Allen Poe house...


balder12 October 8 2016, 19:59:02 UTC
I Vote SPN. :) As for theme, you know I love horror, and you draw it so wonderfully. Maybe something with a bit of blood kink, or vampires even?


quickreaver October 8 2016, 20:12:50 UTC
VAMPIRES. I don't care how overdone they are, I am so very tempted...


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