Polling the peanut gallery...

Oct 08, 2016 12:22

Poll RB 2016

And if anyone has a setting, genre they're feeling this year, slap it in my comments! What's en vogue?

fandom has claimed my soul, spn rb

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harrigan October 8 2016, 17:40:58 UTC
Arggh! Tough choice!

I like SPN art better (especially by you!) because I love SPN - but I like RPF AU fic better, because there's no risk of it messing with my head canon. So I voted RPF because that's an art/fic win/win. But I'll adore your SPN art if you go that way! ;D


quickreaver October 8 2016, 18:18:03 UTC
THIS IS ME EXACTLY! I'd rather read RPF at the moment, but I love to see SPN art. (Also, I was just venting to dephigravity that I'm sick of drawing t-shirts and plaid, so there's THAT, too!)

(PS...thank you!)


amberdreams October 8 2016, 19:45:47 UTC
Draw them topless.


madebyme_x October 8 2016, 21:43:41 UTC
I love your thinking there ;)


caranfindel October 9 2016, 00:11:38 UTC
Winner winner chicken dinner!


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