Queer Fest Prompts!

Mar 20, 2011 18:53

This is the prompting post!

Prompts can be from any fandom. Please read the rules post first.

When leaving prompts, please leave them in the following form:  Fandom, characters, prompt.

Crossovers should be left in the following form: Crossover, fandom a/fandom b, characters, prompt.

RPF prompts should be left in the following form: RPF, fandom(s), characters, prompt.

Any questions should go to the rules post.

Happy prompting!

ETA: You can leave as many prompts per comment as you like.

ETA: Prompting is now over. Unless LJ decides to flake out again and not let us access it, claiming will begin on April 1. Comments to this post will be screened as we collect prompts. This makes it easier for us to make sure that no prompts are skipped.


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