Prompts: Revoluntionary Girl Utena - Star Trek XI

Apr 01, 2011 22:16

Revolutionary Girl Utena : any, in such a sexually-charged place as Ohtori, being asexual is a bit weird. claimed by: beccastareyes
Revolutionary Girl Utena : Anthy: She doesn't want to return, but more and more she realizes that Ohtori's duelists had their own peculiar acceptance and safety of things the outside world shuns.

Richard II : Richard/Robert de Vere and Richard/Anne of Bohemia, Richard never felt that he was cheating on either his wife or his lover; they were both the loves of his life, after all. claimed by: angevin2

Rilla of Ingleside : Una Meredith/Rilla Blythe, Part of what Walter died for had to include the right to be happy, didn't it?

Rizzoli & Isles : Jane Rizzoli, tomboy
Rizzoli & Isles : Maura/Jane, Angie joins PFLAG, because someone has to give them a nudge.
Rizzoli & Isles : Maura/Jane, it's not denial, it's just missing the obvious

Robin Hood (any version) : trans!Robin/Maid Marion, Part of what Marion likes about Robin is how well he understands her. Robin hasn't gotten around to telling her why he can relate to her so well, that when he said he came from a noble family once, he had actually been a girl.

Roswell : Tess, no one ever asked her if she wanted to marry a King... (Tess is homosexual, homoromantic asexual, or aromantic asexual, up to author)

RPF : Amanda Seyfield/Julianne Moore, Julianne had always been sure in knowing that she was completely straight, but after working on Chloe with Amanda, she really begins to question her sureness. (bisexual or biromantic!Julianne)
RPF : Julian Barratt, Noel is the flamboyant one, which takes attention away from Julian, allowing him to be quietly queer in peace.
RPF : Julian Barratt/Noel Fielding, Noel is happily genderqueer and bi, but Julian can't even admit to himself that he's attracted to Noel. At some point, something has to break. claimed by: anemptymargin
RPF : Justin Bieber, It was never supposed to come out but when it's leaked that Justin had really been born Justine, he waits for the backlash to begin. (FtM!Justin)
RPF : Missy Elliot (rapper), She hid it so well for years but when it comes out she's lesbian/asexual, she's forced to deal with the abuse from the people she once called her friends in the music world.
RPF : Missy Elliot (rapper), She'd heard all the lesbian jokes but she rather let people believe what they wanted then face the firestorm coming out as lesbian or asexual would cause in the rap world.
RPF : Simon Pegg/Nick Frost, They both identified as straight before they met, so it's not like they just fell into bed together and instantly accepted being bi. All right, it was almost like that.
RPF : Simon Pegg/Nick Frost, They both know they're not straight, and they're happy to identify as queer. They just don't think that's anyone else's business. claimed by: anemptymargin
RPF : Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie or Stephen Fry/Hugh Laurie, Stephen keeps making a point about how extremely heterosexual Hugh is. Hugh wishes he would stop.
RPF : Stephen Fry, Just because he's had sex with women doesn't mean he's bisexual.
RPF - Hockey : any Chicago Blackhawk(s), there are reasons that the Blackhawks organization is (relatively) queer-friendly.
RPF - Hockey : Any NHL or AHL hockey player, he's been hiding all his life, but he's starting to get the feeling that his new team might not actually care.
RPF - Hockey : any NHL or AHL hockey player, the team knows and is supportive, but then the player gets traded and has to figure out all over again if it's safe to come out.
RPF - Hockey : any current or former NHL hockey player, the player (queer identity up to the author) is planning to retire at the end of the season and decides to come out; bonus points for including Justin Bourne (who wrote this awesome article about ending the use of gay slurs in hockey in 2009) as a supportive member of the hockey media in the process.
RPF - Apocalyptica : Eicca/Perttu, Eicca shares the passion with which he and Perttu play their cellos every night, and he has no idea how to deal with his feelings about it.
RPF - Australian politics : Christopher Pyne/Harry Jenkins, dealing with being both effeminate and gay within a conservative party where neither is an asset and homophobia is so commonplace it's hardly surprising anymore, while at the same time sleeping with the Speaker of the House, who happens to come from the other side of politics.
RPF - Australian politics : Penny Wong, just because she's openly gay, everyone expects her to be some sort of raging advocate for gay rights. People are surprised to find this isn't always the case.
RPF - Australian politics : Steve Fielding/Tony Abbott, Steve Fielding and Tony Abbott pull ridiculous media stunts to distract the media from the fact that they are having an affair which they believe would destroy both their careers if the wider public were to find out about it.
RPF - Beatles : John Lennon/Yoko Ono, Yoko helps John explore and accept his bisexuality.
RPF - Beatles : Paul McCartney, on being closeted for so long while the world changed around him.
RPF - Electric Light Orchestra : Bev Bevan, Being gay in the 70s is hard enough. It's even harder when you're also transgendered and no one understands at all.
RPF - Electric Light Orchestra : Hugh McDowell, a devil-may-care attitude to his sexuality means no one really knows which box to put him in and he revels in the gossip and confusion. Problem is, Hugh doesn't really know either and it's beginning to get to him at last.
RPF - Electric Light Orchestra : Melvyn Gale, his sexuality shouldn't matter when all he wants to do is make music.
RPF - Electric Light Orchestra : queer!Bev Bevan, just because he's spent half his life happily married to a woman doesn't mean he's straight. Or cisgendered.
RPF - Formula 1 : Michael Schumacher, There's a certain responsibilty as a sportsman to be an inspiration, a positive example; he's always tried to do so, though with, perhaps, limited success - but does that include coming out as bisexual, and if so how? claimed by: lakester
RPF - Gossip Girl : Chace Crawford, life in a glass closet
RPF - Gossip Girl : Leighton Meester, when Leighton falls in love with a woman she refuses to follow the conventional "rules" of show-business
RPF - Heian-era Japan : Murasaki Shikibu/other female character: This wasn't like the other times, the times with men. /I sent her the following: How I long for those water on which we lay,A longing keener than the frost on a duck's wing. To which she replied: Awakening to find no friends to brush away the frost, The mandarin duck longs for her mate at night.(The Diary of Lady Murasaki, trans. Richard Bowring, p. 35) claimed by: allekha & sophies_cat
RPF - Heian-era Japan : Murasaki Shikibu: Everyone though of her as Lady Murasaki, but really she was more Genji.
RPF - Real Housewives of Atlanta : Zim Zolciak, "a girl knows what she likes"
RPF - Real Housewives of Atlanta : Lawrence Washington, a day in the life of a cross-dressing hairdresser-slash-pop singe
RPF - Simon and Garfunkel : Art would be fine with publicly coming out as bi. But that would probably mean acknowledging what he and Paul were to each other when they were young, and Paul's still trying his hardest to pretend that it never happened.
RPF - Talkin' bout your generation : Charlie and Josh, Charlie envies Josh's openness with being gay. And he hates that bisexuality is less understood.
RPF - The Chaser : Andrew Hansen/Charles Firth, University-era - While Andrew might be content with his bisexuality, Charles is far from settled and struggles to accept his attraction to Andrew as more than just best friends while dealing with a girlfriend who hates him.
RPF - The Traveling Wilburys : Jeff Lynne/George Harrison, Jeff hadn't counted on George being the one to finally bring him out of his very, very deep closet.
RPF - Actors : any actor, The reason why you never play gay characters is that it hits too close to home.
RPF - Actors : any actors, So the two of you fool around off stage/set; that doesn't mean you're not straight... right?
RPF - American Idol : any character. Their queerness is featured on the show as part of their backstory. Can be an original character or a previous contestant.
RPF - Any : any character, You've been in a committed relationship with an opposite sex partner the entire time you've been famous, but now that you're suddenly single, you have to decide how open you want to be about your bisexuality.
RPF - Any : any character, You don't feel it's anyone else's business that you're asexual, but the constant nagging about dating from journalists is starting to get to you. Will coming out make it worse, or better?
RPF - Any Actor Fandom : author's choice, choosing to live a private life even though he or she isn't ashamed
RPF - Any Actor Fandom : any actor fandom, author's choice, a marriage of convenience between two lgbtq actors
RPF - any comedy fandom : any characters, all the fans thinks your comedy partner is the 'gay one', and the more they joke about it, the more they fap about it on the internet, the more you want to yell at them who you really are.
RPF - Australian Comedy : Adam Hills, no one seems to mind that he might be gay, but coming out as bisexual seems to be completely unacceptable.
RPF - Australian Comedy : Adam Hills/Ali McGregor, they've always had a kinky sex life, but Adam discovers that the more he does drag, the more he likes it, which only leads to questioning his own gender identity and the sort of father he's supposed to be to his child. Author's choice as to whether he comes to ID as genderqueer, genderfucked, MtF or something else entirely.
RPF - Australian Comedy : Corinne Grant/Myf Warhurst, just because Myf's the only girlfriend Corinne's ever had, that doesn't make her a lesbian, does it?
RPF - Australian Comedy : Josh Thomas, coming out is hard enough when you're not in the public eye. But when you're late to the game and becoming a popular comedian, is there ever a good time to come out, and even if you do, will anyone take you seriously?
RPF - Australian Comedy : Paul McDermott/Tim Ferguson, Playing gay onstage and hiding being bi in real life.
RPF- Australian Comedy : Paul McDermott, Everyone already talks about his "sexual ambiguity," so he doesn't actually need to come out, right?
RPF - Australian Comedy : queer!Wil Anderson, being a little bent out of shape makes for interesting relationships.
RPF - Bandom : any pairing, one of them wants to come out, the other refuses.
RPF - Bandom : any, one of the wives/girlfriends is a close best friend, and a beard, because they can't come out.
RPF - Bandom : any, one participant of stage-gay is straight, the other is bi or gay.
RPF - Bandom : any, Sometimes it's hard to tell where the line between stage-gay and actual homosexual interest lies. It takes a long time to figure out where that line is. (ending in bisexuality would be excellent)
RPF - Bandom : Brendon Urie, after he gets kicked out of the house all his saved up op money goes directly to the 'get shelter and food' fund. But he can at least dress up in girl's clothes, if nothing else.
RPF - Bandom : Frank/Gerard +(Bob-or-Mikey-or-Ray), (person) wonders if Frank and Gerard ever think about their stage-gay and being straight off stage possibly being hurtful to actual!gay them.
RPF - Bandom : Frank/Gerard, Gerard gets the phonecall from his mom asking him what the hell he thinks he's doing, rubbing against boys on stage.
RPF - Bandom : Gabe/Pete/Ashlee, raising Bronx is hard when your big gay threesome is plastered all over TMZ.
RPF - Bandom : Mikey Way, three times Mikey tried to come out only to have Gerard interrupt/get the spotlight.
RPF - Bandom : one of the Killjoys, homosexuality is not acceptable in Battery City. Art and music and blasting Dracs is an excuse, they ran because they wanted to have sex with guys.
RPF - Bandom : Pete Wentz, Pete says he's 'gay above the waist' because it's easier than saying he's not interested in having sex with any gender.
RPF - Bandom : Pete Wentz, the reason he's so into furries is because when he's dressed up people don't treat him like a sexual being. It's easier to be the weirdo in the bear costume than the asexual.
RPF - Bandom : Victoria Asher, Vicky-T wonders what the interviewers with the stupid 'how does it feel to be the only girl in the band/on tour' questions would do if they knew she was a post-op MtF.
RPF - Big Bang : Dong Youngbae (Taeyang), Taeyang was known for being scared of girls. What if he wasn't scared of them, he just preferred being with other boys?
RPF - British Comedy : The first time (s)he said it they laughed. The second time too. Now it's a matter of seeing how long (s)he can tell the truth before anyone realises (or waiting 'til it stops being funny).
RPF - Chaser's War on Everything : Andrew Hansen. How can Andrew possibly go about telling Craig, a married straight guy, that he's gay and in love with him?
RPF - Formula 1 : Any character(s), Coming out was never going to be easy. He was never that naive. But he was waiting until after retirement; there was a plan and it even had diagrams and, yeah, then his life (their lives) had to interfere.
RPF - Formula 1 : Fernando Alonso/Any, No, it's not a marriage of convenience. Or a publicity stunt. And yes, he'll keep wearing the ring, thank you very much for asking. claimed by: lakester
RPF - Historical : Elizabeth I, She always felt she should have been Edward.
RPF - Historical : LGBT characters from history, In Heaven/the afterlife/some timey-wimey thing, Saphos, Oscar Wilde, and/or a bunch of other LGBT people from history talk about how the world's changed for LGBT people since their lifetimes, and how it hasn't
RPF - Literary : Nathaniel Hawthorne/Herman Melville, When Hawthorne and Melville meet, the former has just finished a book about sexual shame (The Scarlet Letter), and the latter is composing a novel featuring a homoerotic relationship (Moby-Dick). As their friendship grows, how does each man respond to his feelings for the other?
RPF - Merlin : Bradley James(/Colin Morgan, optional), What do you say when a coworker says, 'That's so gay.'?
RPF - music : Taylor Swift, Someday, someone is going to figure out that some of the songs are about the girlfriends who've done her wrong.
RPF - music : Taylor Swift, she had to gain the courage to come out as gay from somewhere. Who or what prompted her decision and how does she feel about the ensuing media storm?
RPF - music : Lady Gaga, everyone thinks she says she's bi for the press, but she knows the truth. So what if no one believes her?
RPF - No Doubt : Adrian Young, being able to express his feminine side in public is one of the most important things to him, and he can't understand why some people think it's so wrong.
RPF - No Doubt : FtM!Tony Kanal/Gwen Stefani, after they break up, Tony has to deal with Gwen being unable to let go of the girl she fell in love with and accept the man he's become.
RPF - No Doubt : Tom Dumont/Tony Kanal, Tom finds it surprising that Tony finds it so hard to accept he might be bisexual, even though they've been sleeping together for years.
RPF - Pop Slash : Nick Carter, his mother accusing him of being gay caused a huge rift in their relationship. Now he's starting to realize she was right.
RPF - Pop Slash : Brian Littrell, Brian has always made his religion/faith known and it's a huge part of who he is. How will him figuring out he's gay affect this, and will coming out (if he comes out) affect his solo career as a Christian pop singer?
RPF - Pro Wrestling : Triple H/Stephanie McMahon, how you make a relationship between a bisexual man and a lesbian woman with three kids together work while in the public eye, as well as in the wrestling business.
RPF - Pro Wrestling : Any wrestler, Coming out is difficult enough, but in the wrestling business it's like walking through a minefield.
RPF - Pro Wrestling : any character, a trans wrestler would be doomed to be a comedy character forevermore. Should they come out early in their career, or after they've made a name for themselves?
RPF - Pro Wrestling : any female, why is it okay for the guys to screw around with each other without it being "gay" or "homosexual" and having no consequences, but if a girl does it, she's a "dyke" and she's at risk for getting fired?
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, and Stephen Colbert, Three very different perspectives on being queer in the media.
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper, The Colbert Report probably wasn't the best place for Anderson to come out.
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper, When did Anderson realize he was gay? How did he come to terms with his own sexual identity as a young man? Who, if any, of his close friends or family did he tell?
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper/Keith Olbermann, Gay marriage is finally legalized in New York. Keith and Anderson decide to get married, and need to work out how and when to come out and how this will affect both of their careers.
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper/Keith Olbermann, Keith loses his temper while interviewing a homophobic politician (or whoever) and outs himself. How does Anderson react? How does this affect their relationship and careers?
RPF - Pundits : Anderson Cooper/Richard Engle, they go places where being out isn't safe, and sometimes they live in place where it isn't either.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart, He experimented with men when he was younger but never thought to put a label on it. Now all those gay jokes he keeps making about himself are causing him to think again.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart, he finds it very amusing that no one realized that all those gay jokes weren't just jokes, and that he's been coming out repeatedly in the show since the beginning.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Brian Williams, Their sexual tension during Daily Show interviews was scripted at first, but the line between comedy and reality rapidly vanished backstage after the show.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert and Rachel Maddow, It's possible Rachel outed them on purpose.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, doing simple things in public after coming out. claimed by: shoebox_addict
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Jon wants to come out but Stephen would rather be outed.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, PRT, coming out to your friends in different than coming out to the whole world.
RPF - Pundits : Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, they get outed on a slow news week.
RPF - Pundits : Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper, Keith has never been a master of foresight or prudence, and he ends up outing himself and Anderson in the most disastrous way possible.
RPF - Pundits : Rachel Maddow, being a queer role model isn't really what she thought she'd being doing when she took this job, but since she seems to have been thrust into that role, she wants to make the world a better place for queer kids.
RPF - Pundits : Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, When Rachel breaks up with her girlfriend, the guys try to cheer her up -- by setting her up with every lesbian they think they know.
RPF - Pundits : Stephen Colbert (and or / ) Paul Dinello, Everyone just assumed that something went on with Stephen and Paul back in the day. So when Stephen comes out as gay or bi, nobody is all that surprised... except for Paul. claimed by: shoebox_addict
RPF - Pundits : Stephen Colbert, After privately identifying as bisexual for most of his life, Stephen isn't sure what to do now that he finds his interest in women decreasing.
RPF - Pundits : Stephen Colbert, He comes out to the media, but he might as well have not have said anything at all. His announcement is alternately treated like a joke and something that never happened. Even the mainstream Queer media continues to treat him like an ally, rather than a peer.
RPF - Pundits : Stephen Colbert, On being invisibi, a high profile talk show host, and a Sunday School teacher
RPF - Pundits : Stephen Colbert/Amy Sedaris/Paul Dinello, neither Amy or Paul have ever mentioned it, but Stephen is very aware of the fact that he was the one who left their relationship for a heterosexual marriage. Sometimes, it feels like he didn't just abandon his partners; he turned his back on his bisexuality too.
RPF - Pussycat Dolls : any character, They've always made their mark as a sexually charged group (and even started as a burlesque troupe). However, one of the girls isn't feeling it... because she's asexual.
RPF - See-Saw : There's a reason all the anime they do songs for are yuri... claimed by: melengro
RPF - Sports : Cristiano Ronaldo, he's always wanted to be a father, and he thinks this is the best way he can be without upseting his parents with his lifestyle.
RPF - Sports : any player, there is almost nowhere that a gender binary is more rigidly enforced than in the world of sports -- how does someone genderqueer/ transgender/gender-different deal with that?
RPF - The Chaser : Chris Taylor, When you've got to the point of dating girls and making out with male friends behind closed doors, what place does coming out have in your life when all it will do is lead to disappointment?
RPF - The Chaser : Craig Reucassel, when he joked about being a woman trapped in a man's body, he was actually trying to come out.
RPF - The Chaser : Andrew Hansen, zie's never really felt comfortable as a boy or a girl, even when forced to choose. It didn't seem to matter; zie still got beaten up anyway. (high school AU, author's choice as to hir gender identity and which genitals zie was born with.)
RPF - Top Gear : any presenter, coming out as bisexual to his 'blokey & butch' co-presenters is remarkably easy. Why did he wait so long?
RPF - Top Gear : James May, he "almost" sliced his penis off in his teens. Not because of the cost of car insurance, but because he hated the body he was born into.
RPF - Top Gear UK : James May, Perhaps being in love with Richard, who is straight, is just another kind of self-loathing and denial.
RPF - Top Gear UK : James May, Accepting being gay means dealing with his issues about being a "proper bloke."
RPF - Top Gear UK : James May/Oz Clarke, They've been sleeping together for months but James still insists he's not really queer.
RPF - Wizzard : Roy Wood, he's never wanted to be out and proud, but prancing about on stage in face paint, glitter and flamboyant costumes is beginning to change his mind.

Sailor Moon : Tenou Haruka/Sailor Uranus, somewhere between male and butch lesbian.
Sailor Moon : Ami, It is too bad that one can't figure out one's sexual orientation from a book.
Sailor Moon : any of the Three Lights, They're women posing as men while searching for their lost princess, but one of them discovers she's much more comfortable as a man. claimed by: blowfishtmt
Sailor Moon : any Scout but Haruka, A Sailor Scout is transgendered -- how do you share that with your all-female fighting team?
Sailor Moon : Haruka, Haruka is proud to call herself butch, even if others are uncomfortable with it
Sailor Moon : Minako, She doesn't understand the fuss, loving girls is just as much fun as loving boys. Minako ponders her past relationships with girls
Sailor Moon : Minako/Rei, Minako wants to show Rei off to the world, but is the world ready for an openly lesbian pop idol
Sailor Moon : Seiya Kou, Even though the Three Lights aren't human, Seiya finds that s/he feels much more alive and free in the body of a man
Sailor Moon : Seiya Kou/Haruka Tenou, Seiya envies how Haruka skillfully straddles the gender binary line. Haruka envies how Seiya's sheer gender fluidity smashes the binary to pieces.
Sailor Moon : the Three Lights, What does it mean that they have to pose as men so that their love songs to their princess don't seem wrong?

Saiyuki : Gat, Hazel never found out that Gat wasn't born in a man's body.
Saiyuki : Gojyo, after a near-death experience, Gojyo re-evaluates his life and tumbles out of the closet, and he doesn't care what the hell the others think. (Except he kinda does.)
Saiyuki : Gojyo, duality: Gojyo's thoughts on being neither human nor youkai, straight nor gay,
Saiyuki : Gojyo, post-Journey, So many things have changed after the Minus Wave, but Gojyo's not convinced it's time to come out of the closet.
Saiyuki : Gojyo, three men Gojyo has been attracted to, but too deep in denial to realize it. And his attraction for one man that startles him out of his denial.
Saiyuki : Gojyo, years after their journey, Gojyo realizes and accepts that she has always felt like a woman despite being born in a male body
Saiyuki : Hakkai and Gojyo, Hakkai is ready for them and their relationship to be 'out, but Gojyo would rather they stay closeted. Hakkai always wins.
Saiyuki : Hakkai, five times Hakkai almost came out of the closet, and the time he finally did
Saiyuki : Hakkai, transitions: Hakkai's thoughts on entering into adulthood as a heterosexual human, and embracing his current life as a homosexual youkai
Saiyuki : Sanzo, accepting sexual identity: despite all the unwanted open attention Sanzo gets from men regarding his beauty, it's men he's attracted to. Through a series of five sexual encounters, Sanzo comes to terms with being gay and learning how to find acceptable/trustworthy partners.
Saiyuki : Sanzo, Every decently-sized Buddhist temple has its own society; different customs, different traditions, different attitudes toward relationships. Sanzo (bisexual, gay, asexual) is learning the rules at Chang'An, but doesn't want to play by any of them.
Saiyuki : Sanzo, the Merciful Goddess remakes Sanzo in hir own image
Saiyuki : Sanzo, the top five least 'waste of time' sexual encounters Sanzo will grudgingly admit to. (all m/m of course)
Saiyuki : The Sanzo-ikoku, whilst Jiip is briefly incapacitated with illness, the group is waylaid in an outpost/village whose inhabitants are all LGBTQ. Gojyo is surprised to discover himself feeling he's found somewhere he could belong.

Saki : Haramura Nodoka, She's already going against her father's wishes by devoting herself to Mahjong, how can she admit that she's queer as well?

Samurai Deeper Kyo : Akari, getting people in 17th century Japan to realize that she is a woman no matter what her body looks like is difficult

Sanctuary : any character or original character, In a time (or place) where queer people are persecuted, the Sanctuary could be a refuge for a queer staff member as well as for abnormals.
Sanctuary : Big Guy, Same-sex relationships are ordinary in his culture, and after coming to the Sanctuary in 1951 he's baffled by human taboos.
Sanctuary : Declan MacRae/James Watson, Their perspectives on what it means to be gay could not possibly be more different.
Sanctuary : Declan McRae/James Watson, Declan wasn't ready to come out, but now that James is gone, it's either that or hide his grief.
Sanctuary : Helen Magnus and James Watson, Being queer fuels their determination to help "abnormals."
Sanctuary : Helen Magnus, Exploring a bisexual identity in the early twentieth century.
Sanctuary : Henry Foss/Big Guy, Henry would like to be out, but the fact that the man he loves isn't human is a bit of a complication.
Sanctuary : James Watson, He's always understood himself to only be attracted to other men. It's the world that keeps changing around him.
Sanctuary : James Watson, Watching the changes in the queer community over a century and a half as a gay (or bisexual) man.
Sanctuary : Kate Freelander, She's not sure why people assume she's straight based on practically zero information
Sanctuary : Kate Freelander, the Sanctuary is the first place she's ever felt like she could tell people she's ace.
Sanctuary : Nigel Griffin, the only truly invisible bisexual.
Sanctuary : The Five, in the last 150 years they've all had to question their identities. Some of the answers are more surprising than others. (Any/all of the Five are queer in any way.)

Sandman : Death. One day every century, Death becomes a mortal in order to understand the value of the life she takes. She does this by living as a mortal who will die that day. Some of these mortals didn't subscribe to heteronormativity. [Author's choice as to gender identity or sexual orientation.]
Sandman : Desire. Desire is male, female, not male, not female. Desire is Desire and desire has neither limitation or boundary.
Sandman : Foxglove, She came out of the closet when she was fifteen, and now she's got to go back in for her career? How do she and Hazel cope?

Sarah Jane Adventures : Luke, no one seems to be able to explain to him why people go around defining themselves by the genitals of the people they're having sex with, or what you do when you don't actually want to have sex with any of them.
Sarah Jane Adventures : Maria, her blood boils just slightly every time her mother calls her feelings about Sarah Jane a "schoolgirl crush."

SeaQuest DSV : Lucas Wolenczak, Being stuck on a submarine full of very hot men can be both a fantastic and scary way to come to terms with your sexuality.

Sherlock (BBC) : Harry Watson, At first, she teased her brother about being in love with Sherlock Holmes, but when she realized how close to the truth she was, she tried to help, instead.
Sherlock (BBC) : Harry Watson, Growing up, she didn't think she'd ever have the chance to get married. When her marriage broke up, it felt like a double failure.
Sherlock (BBC) : James Moriarty, Of course, he only pretended to be gay. That makes it perfectly all right. Except that he rather enjoyed it.
Sherlock (BBC) : John Watson, John lusts after Sarah, but loves Sherlock, and has to come to terms with the fact that he is heterosexual, but homoromantic.
Sherlock (BBC) : John, he's a soldier, he's a doctor. Those things are part of his identity. Somehow being interested in both genders never felt like that big a part of him.
Sherlock (BBC) : John/Sherlock, Facing homophobia during an investigation.
Sherlock (BBC) : John/Sherlock, they come to a point where they have to decide to tell people that they're not just flatmates, or to keep it to themselves.
Sherlock (BBC) : John/Sherlock. Sherlock can see that John is bi -- the signs are obvious. Can he make John see it too?
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes or Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, The murder of a transperson has Sherlock particularly agitated, as he himself is FTM. John refusing to let up asking about it is not helping.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft has done everything in his quite considerable power to keep the fact that his brother is FTM a secret. Unfortunately, Moriarty still finds out.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/any character, He's asexual, not aromantic. You'd have to be an idiot not to understand the difference. Unfortunately, most people are.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/John Watson and assorted characters, Asexual doesn't mean incapable of love, no matter what they say.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, As a sign of trust, Sherlock reveals to John that he is FTM. John takes it far better than expected... eventually.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Growing up with a gay sister, John didn't think he had anything remotely like internalized homophobia. But then, he'd never fallen in love with a man before.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Just because Sherlock is asexual, doesn't mean he doesn't want to have sex with John. This is very hard for John to understand.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock doesn't understand why John doesn't like the idea of having sex with him while Sherlock is dressed as a woman. After all, John is mostly straight, so what's the problem?
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock, it's easier to be thought of as weird or asexual than it is to be gay.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock, Watson, & Mycroft. Sherlock disliked Watson's girlfriend or rather that he had a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but despite being a genius, he couldn't see it for what it was. Thankfully, Mycroft did.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock(/John), It takes Sherlock a long time to realize his queerness is a facet of his personality distinct from his being a high functioning sociopath.
Sherlock (BBC) : Sherlock/John, John gets used to it, eventually. (Aromantic, but not asexual, Sherlock. Sherlock does deeply care for John as a friend and companion.)
Sherlock Holmes : Holmes/Adler. Irene is the woman for him, regardless of the fact that the body beneath the clothes would not be regarded as such by most. (Bonus points if Holmes is trans too.)
Sherlock Holmes (2009 Movie) : Sherlock and John (Or Sherlock/John), Sherlock's never felt any want or desire for sex. Explaining that to John, though, is hard when you don't have the words for it.

Shitsurakuen : any character. Homosexuality is tolerated here, true, but what about transsexuals? Should they hide, or can they be out?

Silent Witness : Harry/Leo. Harry's mum never knew about the two of them and now Leo has to be the one to call and tell her that her son is dead.
Silent Witness : Harry/Leo. Harry dated women because his father made it clear that no son of his was going to be a queer. But his father's been dead for years and maybe now it's time to admit that he's fallen for his boss.

Silk : Martha Costello, Silk is difficult enough to get as a woman, much less a bisexual one.

Six Feet Under : David/Keith, wedding day
Six Feet Under : David/Keith, (S1) David's reluctance to be open almost destroys their relationship. Keith had some hassle at work when he came out so he's not about to go back into hiding for anyone. claimed by: old_blueeyes

Skins : Emily, sexual awakening.
Skins : Freddie/Effy/Cook, "maybe we're thinking about this the wrong way."
Skins : Franky/Mini, Mini's only just getting used to the idea of being with a girl, and Franky's not even sure sie is one.
Skins : Maxxie/Tony, (post-series) Tony makes another pass, years after the awful attempt in Russia. They have a nice night together but then Tony acts like nothing has happened. He refuses to be labelled by Maxxie who is hurt. He hadn't expected happy ever after but thought their friendship could handle a one night stand.
Skins : Sid, one hundred and one ways to not tell your best friend you wanted to lose your virginity to his girlfriend and him.

Slayers : Pocota: His new body means that no one would expect him to sire the next generation of Taforashian royalty. He doesn't tell his father that he's glad
Slayers : Miwan: Miwan was a boy raised as a girl by a mother who couldn't deal with the opposite sex. He rejected that when he left home. Is his lingering attraction to men more socialization he needs to reject, or something true?
Slayers : Zelgadis: Rezo had done him one favor in this new form -- and not the increased strength, speed and ability to turn blades with his skin -- which gave Zel mixed emotions. But is it so hard to understand that for once in his life, he'd like a body that matched his internal picture of himself? (FtM!Zel)

Slings & Arrows : Anna Conroy, on coming out, Anna finds Geoffrey and Ellen a good but somewhat strange source of support.
Slings & Arrows : Darren Nichols, Darren has always thought he might not be completely straight, but it isn’t until he goes to Germany that he learns to fully accept that he’s (gay/bi/etc).
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant, Geoffrey has spend his entire adult life in the theatre and on the whole being queer is the least problematic part of his identity.
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant, Geoffrey has spent his entire adult life in the theatre and on the whole being queer is the least problematic part of his identity.
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant, Geoffrey's mental health issues and his queerness have nothing to do with each other, and how he sometimes has to remind the world of that.
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant/Darren Nichols, Geoffrey has settled into life in Montreal married to Ellen, and he thinks he’s finally happy. But when Darren shows up at Theatre Sans Argent looking for work, old feelings begin to reawaken. Geoffrey realizes that maybe his marriage isn’t as happy as he’d thought, and that something’s been missing all along - something he didn’t even think he wanted anymore (because those few months in college were just experimentation… right?).
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant/Darren Nichols, Geoffrey may be studying theatre at college, but he’s definitely not gay. And sure, he may have fooled around with Darren backstage last night, but that doesn’t mean anything because Darren’s an insufferable prick and Geoffrey is Not Gay. Right?
Slings & Arrows : Geoffrey Tennant/Darren Nichols, Geoffrey’s dislike of Darren has less to do with their disagreements about theatre and more to do with the way Darren’s flamboyance and refusal to accept society’s rigid ideas about sexual and gender identity smash through all of Geoffrey’s preconceptions - and maybe hit closer to home than he’d admit.
Slings & Arrows : Patrick, what are the social and internal repercussions when a man who's been secure in his homosexuality starts dating a woman?

Smallville : Chloe Sullivan/Lana Lang, At first they bonded over their feelings for Clark, but then Chloe and Lana discover that they were fulfilling society’s expectations for the perky school reporter and cheerleader. What they really want is each other, and once Lana is elected Prom Queen, does she dare bring Chloe as her date?
Smallville : Clark Kent/Oliver Queen, After cross-dressing as a showgirl to escape a sticky situation in Fortune, Ollie discovers that he likes it! But what will Clark think? claimed by: svgurl
Smallville : Lex Luthor, finding the truth of his bisexuality as a teenager under all the mess of public rebellion against his father (you know the fanon drill with Club Zero etc and doing lots of drugs and having lots of sex and ending up in the tabloids and all that)
Smallville : Lex/Jason, Lex has a reputation to protect and tries to intimidate Jason into keeping quiet about their relationship (no violence please). This backfires because Jason had no intention of telling and hates the distrust. Lex is photographed with a series of women at different events and convinces himself that men aren't worth the trouble but his default fantasy during masturbation is sex with Jason and soon those thoughts begin to distract him daily.
Smallville : Lois Lane/Kara Kent, Lois ends up with a Kryptonian superhero…just not the male version everyone expected. And expectations thwarted by Lois being lesbian causes backlash.
Smallville : Pete Ross, There were lots of good reasons to want to leave Smallville that had nothing to do with his friendship with Clark. (Peter's queer identity is up to the author.)
Smallville : Tess Mercer, Tess learned long ago that she loved women. She also learned that after encountering meteor rock, she gained the power to use her sexuality to put any woman into her thrall. Author can choose to go either the dramatic or comedy route! :) claimed by: shopfront

Song - Don't Bring Me Down (Electric Light Orchestra) : Bruce, "What happened to the girl I used to know?" The story behind Bruce's transition. claimed by: sashataakheru
Song - I'm a Boy (The Who) : Bill, He got the hell away from his mother's insistence that she was raising four daughters, not three daughters and a son, as soon as the opportunity presented itself. So why does he still feel so... girly sometimes? (Bill's queer identity is up to the author.)
Song - Signs (Five Man Electrical Band) : genderqueer people and discrimination.

Song of the Lioness (Tamora Pierce) : Alanna, AU in which Alanna becomes Alan for another reason than simply achieving her knighthood: she's happier as a boy.

Southland : Ben/John, John thinks Ben just has a crush but one night after shift Ben insists they talk and tells John exactly how he feels. Although John likes Ben he tells him that being a gay cop isn't always easy and that he should be really sure before acting on his feelings.
Southland : Chickie/OFC, Dewey cracks a joke about lesbians and Chickie blurts out that she's seeing a woman. News travels fast and while most of the reactions are positive some are not. Please don't make Ben one of the negative ones as I like his friendship with Chickie.

Spooks : Adam/Fiona, "we're not straight, we just love each other."
Spooks : Juliet, her affair with Harry had less to do with illicit passion and more to do with giving herself a history of acceptable sexual indiscretion.
Spooks : Malcolm, he's been attracted to his share of women but that doesn't have a damn thing to do with who he falls in love with.
Spooks : Ros, her father would never have spoken to her again if he found out she was bi -- and somehow, after everything, that still matters. claimed by: lullabymoon
Spooks : Zaf, being Asian and queer in the Security Services.

Sports Night : Natalie Hurley, Natalie is not guilty, conflicted or unhappy about her queerness - no matter how much her boyfriend, her faith and her parents get in the way. claimed by: allaroughdraft

Spring Awakening : Ilse. The very thing her parents kicked her out for is the least important thing about her at the colony.
Spring Awakening : Bobby or another boy. Bobby Maler wears those khakis on purpose.

St. Trinians (2007) : any characters, Going from the ultra-permissive world of St. Trinian's to the expectations of wider society is never easy, but the girls have each other's backs no matter what.

Star Trek: any : any characters including OCs, freedom to express gender identities and sexual orientations are a requirement to join the Federation and a right under Starfleet regulations. But the laws had to originate from somewhere. How did the discussions over queer identities go during the early days of the Federation?
Star Trek: any : any character, how does the concept of a queer community differ in an atmosphere as accepting and tolerant as a Federation starship?
Star Trek: any : any Vulcan, Vulcan sexuality is quite a bit different to Human sexuality.
Star Trek: any : any Vulcan (including OCs), Despite what humans believe, being Vulcan doesn't make being asexual any less complicated. claimed by: justgwenhwyfar
Star Trek: any : any queer character(s), After traveling back in time to 20th or 21t Century Earth--how does our character(s) react to encountering homophobia and/or transphobia?
Star Trek: any : any character. Coming out to your team by asking one of them out is, in retrospect, probably not the best idea.

Star Trek: DS9 : any Joined Trill, Being Joined has been known to influence the host's orientation or gender identity.
Star Trek: DS9 : Ben Sisko and Jake Sisko, Improving on his father's "birds and the bees" lecture is important for Ben, because even if he eventually did "find a great woman and settle down," the path to Jennifer included a lot of men who were and continued to be an important part of Ben's life.
Star Trek: DS9 : Elim Garak, Tain wanted a son and the Obsidian Order wanted a spy. Garak may have been born neither, but he is now a fine gentleman tailor. And a liar too, about many things, but always an entertaining one.
Star Trek: DS9 : Ezri Dax, Ezri's family was not in favor of her being Joined, and they definitely aren't in favor of some of the (gender or sexual orientation) changes.
Star Trek: DS9 : Ishka, Her sons didn't handle it very well when she began wearing clothes and earning profit. They'll probably handle it even less well when she comes out to them as a trans man.
Star Trek: DS9 : Kira/Jadzia Dax, Jadzia fails to see why it's so difficult for Kira to act on her almost embarrassingly obvious desire to start up a relationship with her.
Star Trek: DS9 : Tora Ziyal, trying to be daddy's perfect little girl because his father would never accept who he really is
Star Trek: DS9 : When Dax was joined with Jadzia she made a big deal about being female again, now Dax is wondering if the symbiote part of herself can develop her own gender identity because being female just feels right. Can also deal with the "re-association" cultural angle.

Star Trek: Enterprise : any character, Enterprise depicts the Trek universe at a time when humans are still moving towards enlightenment in many ways. How easy is it to come out aboard the Enterprise?
Star Trek: Enterprise : Jonathan Archer, transgender FtM (Jonathan figures the least he can do is try to look after his father's dream, since his father gave him the chance to live his own.)
Star Trek: Enterprise : Malcolm Reed & Trip Tucker, Trip discovers Malcolm is actually gay or bi, but Malcolm asks him to keep it to himself. Trip thinks Malcolm is ashamed or scared - but Malcolm argues it's simply no one's business but his own.
Star Trek: Enterprise : original Denobulan character, one of Phlox's wives has a wife. How do they handle/explain their relationship outside of their family unit?
Star Trek: Enterprise : T'Pol, Vulcans at this point in time find homosexuality and bisexuality profoundly illogical, but as she is coming to learn, she has never been content with being a typical Vulcan.
Star Trek: Enterprise : Travis Mayweather, the attitudes between those cargo ships and a Starfleet ship are greatly different. (Travis' queer identity is up to the author.)
Star Trek: Enterprise : Trip-centered, In the ep 'Congenitor' Trip tries to teach the third-sexed cogenitor 'Charles', only to have him/her commit suicide. Devastated by losing a friend, it takes him a while to come to terms with the fact that a) he had developed feelings for Charles and b) he had developed those feelings while, despite initially thinking of Charles in female terms, he did consider him/her to be male.

Star Trek: IV : Gillian Taylor, the best part of coming into the 23rd century and joining Starfleet is that Gillian can fully express her sexuality no matter where she lives.

Star Trek: TOS : any trans woman, When Starfleet starts to transition out of those tiny skirts, a lot of female officers are pleased. But it was the first skirt she wore in public, so part of her will really miss them, no matter how practical the pants might be.
Star Trek: TOS : Janice Lester, The chance to be captain wasn't Janice's only reason for switching bodies with Kirk.
Star Trek: TOS : Janice Rand, The rumors about Janice and the captain would be annoying, even if Janice was straight. But since she doesn't like men, they're even more agravating.
Star Trek: TOS : Kirk/Spock, because of Kirk’s celebrity as the Enterprise’s captain and Spock’s high social position on Vulcan, their upcoming wedding threatens to turn into an intergalactic event. And not everyone’s pleased with gay nuptials.
Star Trek: TOS : Kirk/Spock, In the novelisation of The Motion Picture, Kirk states that he finds his best [sexual] gratification with women. What does this mean for his relationship with Spock?
Star Trek: TOS : Kirk/Spock, Vulcans accept that it's only logical for gay and lesbian Vulcans to marry people of the same sex. The problem is that Spock is bisexual, and there's no logical defense he can offer for wanting a male bondmate when he's capable of responding sexually to women.
Star Trek: TOS : Kirk/Spock, When the Enterprise discovers a world where gay is the norm, does that give the Captain and his First Officer the nudge they need to admit their feelings for each other?
Star Trek: TOS : Leonard McCoy, In the human worlds of the Federation, homosexuality and bisexuality are supposed to be diagnosed and cured in adolescence. McCoy hid his orientation and went untreated. Now he wonders if there are others like him
Star Trek: ToS : Montgomery Scott, He'd enjoy his shore leave much better if people would just let him be, with his technical manuals and also his whisky. How many dates does he have be set up on before the fact he's not interested and never will be gets through?
Star Trek: TOS : Number One, taking queer history courses with non-queer students is always an interesting experience when you're a lesbian.
Star Trek: TOS : Saavik, Saavik is asexual.
Star Trek: TOS : Spock, Humans assume that Vulcans disapprove of homosexuality. It's more complicated than that.
Star Trek: TOS : You'd think being out of the closet would be easier in the 23rd century. It's not. (Any character(s) except for Kirk, Spock, or any combination thereof.)

Star Trek: TOS or XI : Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Amanda is asexual and finds comfort in the knowledge that Sarek only desires sex once every seven years. Finding out that he *has* to have sex is a bit more complicated.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : any Vulcan, Everyone always expects that Vulcans are homophobic because, well, it's not logical, now is it? What they don't know is that because of pon farr, the greatest number of potential sex partners is evolutionarily very helpful, and thus all Vulcans are, by default, bisexual.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : James T. Kirk, Kirk is bisexual and proud of it. He's also a self-identified slut and proud of that, as well. What pisses him off is when people assume that one naturally follows from the other.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : James T. Kirk, Kirk speaks publically about being both the savior of Earth and a positive role-model for queer members of the Federation everywhere.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : James T. Kirk, One of the conditions by which Kirk received command of the Enterprise was that he act as the Federation's poster boy. Theoretically homophobia is gone, but the Admiralty is still keen that Jim represent the 'best' of Humanity: that he be young, white, male, cisgendered...and straight. Now, Kirk has to choose between being true to his queer identity and his first, best destiny.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Joanna McCoy, Joanna's lesbian, and she really doesn't care what her father thinks.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Kirk/Spock, After news of their relationship spreads, Kirk finds himself becoming the unofficial advisor for queer crewmembers.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Kirk/Spock, Spock, like all Vulcans, is asexual outside of pon farr, but is in love with Kirk. Kirk is straight, but is in love with Spock. They are very happy with their situation.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Kirk/Spock, Spock, like all Vulcans, is asexual outside of pon farr, but is in love with Kirk. Kirk is straight, but is in love with Spock. Together, they make a pretty happy non-sexual couple. But what happens when pon farr comes along, and Spock finds himself drawn towards his mate?
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock and any human character, While in some areas values have become more progressive as time has gone on, in others it has reversed, and homophobia is rampant among Humans. Vulcans, however, have recently become very accepting of LGBT people. Spock finds himself in the position of confidant.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, Because of Vulcan's destruction, it is very much expected that one day he will settle down and help repopulate the race. Spock, who is asexual, wants nothing to do with any of that.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, In a meld Spock realizes something about himself that he had never known before. Shame that whoever he was melding with now knows it, too.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, On mission, he is accidentally transformed into a girl. Soon he gets the chance to change back, but he realizes that if he stays in this body he will be spared pon farr, and thus elects to stay in a female body but still identify as a man. Since trans rights have progressed a lot over the years and since he knows he's a man deep down inside nothing should change, right?
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, Outside of pon farr Vulcans are typically asexual and Spock is no different. When other characters hear about this they assume he'll be looking forward to the event - after all, everyone wants to want sex, right? In reality, Spock is goddamn terrified. claimed by: heeroluva
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, There is no such thing as a gay or bi Vulcan. They just don't exist, biologically. But Spock isn't fully Vulcan, and it seems he inherited more from his Human mother than he thought...
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock, Vulcans are a lot more liberal about gender identity than Humans. Spock conforms to Human ideas about men while on duty, but in his free time he feels free to act as genderqueer as he feels deep down.
Star Trek: TOS or XI : Spock/Uhura, Spock/other m character, Spock and Uhura get along well, and if there's no real spark - none at all, in fact - they both assume it's Vulcan asexuality/lack of great interest in sex and think little more of it. But then Spock realises an attraction is forming between himself and another man, and has to wonder whether the reason isn't something else after all. Is the sex he's never really missed worth giving up a relationship he already knows works? Or is that just another excuse for Spock to deny part of his own identity even to himself?

Star Trek: Voyager : B'Elanna Torres/Tom Paris, 'Next time, you carry the baby while I go on away missions.' 'Deal.' (Actual quote.) Adorable trans Tom babyfic?
Star Trek: Voyager : Chakotay/Tom Paris, being with Chakotay is wonderful in private but when Chakotay tells Janeway about their relationship Tom is upset and breaks things off. As a self-confessed ladies man the thought of coming out scares Tom.
Star Trek: Voyager : Kathryn Janeway, Counselling the people under her command brings back memories. But she's the captain, she can hardly broadcast her sexual identity issues to her crew.
Star Trek: Voyager : Seven of Nine, she never knew there were options other than dating men before she got to Earth, but now that she does, certain feelings make a lot more sense.
Star Trek: Voyager : the Doctor, he finds he can alter his gender and sexual identity through his subroutines. In the end, he identifies more with the fluidity than with anything he can program.
Star Trek: Voyager : The Doctor, The Doc is very enthusiastic about his newfound [LGBTQIA+] identity. There are slideshows. Many slideshows.

Star Trek: XI : any characters - what is gay culture like in the 23rd century?
Star Trek: XI : any Vulcan (including OCs), Mental compatibility has always been more important to Vulcans than gender, but Vulcans are also logical. Now that they need to rebuild their race, nothing is logical about same-sex bondings.
Star Trek: XI : author's choice, homophobia isn't as dead as people like to think. claimed by: old_blueeyes
Star Trek: XI : Chekov. "You just haven't met the right person." "You're too young to know what you want." But Chekov knows for a fact that he is asexual.
Star Trek: XI : Jim Kirk, it wasn't a big deal before he became captain
Star Trek: XI : Jim Kirk, Kirk considered himself ladies man growing up but after the mind meld with Spock Prime and the glimpses into his alternate self's relationship with the older Spock he begins to question his sexuality and look at his First Officer in a different light.
Star Trek: XI : Leonard McCoy and Nyota Uhura - Both McCoy and Uhura realized they were gay after serious relationships with a member of the opposite sex. How do they support each other in understanding their sexuality and/or coming out?
Star Trek: XI : Nyota Uhura, she may be dating a man, but that does not mean she's not queer.
Star Trek: XI : original Orion character (not!Gaila from the deleted scenes), just because she and Gaila are the only Orions at the Academy doesn't mean they're anything alike. (Interpret how you will.)claimed by: shadowsoffense
Star Trek: XI : Pavel Chekov - the future is a much more accepting place, but being with a man for the first time is still a little scary.
Star Trek: XI : Spock & Jim Kirk, It was not the logical choice to fall for his captain, but then it wasn't really a choice was it? It was against protocol, but he knew Kirk would simply disregard it.
Star Trek: XI : Spock Prime and Spock/Uhura, Spock Prime is very confused by his younger counterpart's relationship with Uhura, as he himself never doubted that he was gay and he sees no reason why this should be different for this Spock.
Star Trek: XI : Spock Prime, He knows that there have been many unanticipated changes to the timeline, but it's still a surprise to find his counterpart in a relationship with a woman.
Star Trek: XI : Spock Prime, In the hundred plus years he has been alive LGBT rights have drastically increased. Now he finds himself stuck back in a time when homophobia is commonplace.
Star Trek: XI : Spock Prime, Spock Prime is gay/bi, Spock isn't. How do both Spocks deal with this?
Star Trek: XI : Spock/Uhura, Their relationship hits a snag when one or both of them realise they're gay.
Star Trek: XI : Winona/George/Pike, a happy poly trio until Winona and George got married and seemed to forget about Pike completely. He knows it will be easier for them if they fit in but he still feels betrayed.


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