Prompts: Lord of the Rings - Return of Oz

Apr 01, 2011 22:15

Lord of the Rings : Legolas/Gimli, It's not the gender of Legolas' lover that he's reluctant to tell his family about; it's the species. claimed by: ladonnaerrante

Lord Peter Wimsey Novels : Harriet Vane Wimsey, Peter seemed to have no problem accepting that Harriet had lived with Philip Boyes, so Harriet decides to risk telling him that she's had other lovers, some of whom are women--and just because she's happily married doesn't make those feelings go away.

Lost : Aaron/Charlie Hume, Aaron has two moms, which ought to make telling them about his boyfriend less stressful. Right?
Lost : Juliet/Sawyer, (MtF Juliet), in the end it's just one more secret she has to reveal
Lost : Michael, Michael works up the courage to tell Walt that he's bi.
Lost : Miles/Juliet/Sawyer, Swinging is all the rage in Dharmaville, c.1975, yet their male bisexuality is still regarded askance.
Lost : Penny, being married doesn't make her straight.

Lost and Delirious : Mary, Struggling with the possibility of being lesbian/bisexual after seeing the tragic fate of Tori and Paulie's relationship.
Lost and Delirious : Mary, Struggling with the possibility of being lesbian/bisexual after seeing the tragic fate of Tori and Paulie's relationship.
Lost and Delirious : Mary/Tori/Paulie, It was hard enough pretending they were 'just friends' when it was only two of them, but when Mary joins Tori and Paulie's relationship, things become exponentially harder to hide from their schoolmates.
Lost and Delirious : Mary/Tori/Paulie, It was hard enough pretending they were 'just friends' when it was only two of them, but when Mary joins Tori and Paulie's relationship, things become exponentially harder to hide from their schoolmates.

M*A*S*H : Margaret, what it means to be a bisexual woman. In the US Army. In the 1950s. In Korea. claimed by: ladonnaerrante

Macdonald Hall : Bruno Walton/Melvin 'Boots' O'Neal, coming out at an all boys' boarding school.
Macdonald Hall : Cathy Burton/Diane Grant, coming out at an all girls' boarding school.
Macdonald Hall : Cathy Burton and Elmer Drimsdale, being trans at a gender-segregated school is hard; they start trading places for more than just football.

Mad Men : Joan/Peggy, Peggy's cautious, but open-minded about different sexualities. Joan's a little scared, and not sure how to handle those different from hers. As a nation tries to find its true self in the sixties, two women try to do the same, in their own way.
Mad Men : Don Draper/Joan Holloway/Roger Sterling, set around season 1, there's not really a word for 'bromance' back in 1963. Don's divorce gives Roger a reason to ask Joan for what he's always wanted. Would include Joan coming to terms with what being an ally and partner to two bisexual men means, and Don and Roger figuring out how to define their relationship.
Mad Men : Sal Romano, which is worse--lying to God or lying to Kitty?

Madlax : Elenore & Margaret, Elenore takes Margaret to her first Pride parade.
Madlax : Elenore/Margaret, Elenore considers coming out to and confessing her feelings for her employer
Madlax : Elenore/Margaret, Everyone thinks Elenore is in it for the money, but no one really knows why she stays by Miss Margaret's side..
Madlax : Elenore/Vanessa, Elenore confesses her feelings to Vanessa.
Madlax : Vanessa, Vanessa is outed at Bookwald, and now has to deal with the fallout.

Magids series : Rupert Venables, like all Magids, Rupert's life is embarrassingly ridiculous, but he's certainly not going to be made to feel embarrassed about his own bisexuality.

Magister Negi Magi : Albireo Imma (aka Colonel Sanders). Albireo's brief relationship with the Thousand Master, and his feelings about his former lover's son.

Magnificent Seven : Chris Larabee, Chris was a very happily married man and a very, very angry widower. He has absolutely no idea how to deal with feelings for one of his men, especially when they're returned.
Magnificent Seven : Ezra Standish, In a time and place where being who he is can mean finding himself on the wrong end of a rope, Ezra is desperately afraid when his friends find out he is an invert. claimed by: chasingtides
Magnificent Seven : JD Dunne/Casey Wells, JD doesn't know how to tell Buck to stop throwing him at girls and giving him advice about Casey. He and Casey are getting on just fine, especially since Casey told him she never really felt like a girl anyway. (gay JD/FtM Casey)
Magnificent Seven : Vin Tanner, Vin doesn't know how to explain to the other guys that he's just not that interested in anyone and this is the first time that's really mattered. (asexual!Vin)

Mahou Sensei Negima : Asakura Kazumi, As the school's newshound it's her duty to report on scoops wherever she finds them. But when she hears about two popular girls who are in a relationship she begins to wonder whether the story doesn't hit too close to home.
Mahou Sensei Negima : Konoka/Setsuna, Setsuna and Konoka have...conflicting ideas about how open they should be about their relationship.
Mahou Sensei Negima : Konoka/Setsuna, Setsuna worries that she isn't girly enough for the feminine Konoka.
Mahou Sensei Negima : Negi Springfield, Negi isn't attracted to any of the girls not because he's too young but because he's asexual.

Mai HiME : Shizuru struggling with her own sexuality and everybody else's expectations of her, pre- and post-Carnival.

Malory Towers : Bill and Clarissa. Everyone at school accepted their relationship. But outside the walls of good old Malory Towers, Bill and Clarissa find that it isn't always so easy.

Marvel Comics : All of Asgard. After the most recent Ragnarok cycle, the whole of Asgard's population is reborn gender-flipped -- and it isn't Loki's fault.
Marvel Comics : Amadeus Cho, Explaining his panromantic asexuality to Delphyne is going to require ALL THE CHOCOLATE.
Marvel Comics : any character, A superhero comes out as gay.
Marvel Comics : any character, Karolina's not the only one with a secret crush.
Marvel Comics : any character, There's an LGBT group for teen superheroes -- how does it work, who comes to meeting, who is the mentor?
Marvel Comics : any, Several LGBTQ characters attempt to assemble the superhero equivalent of a GSA.
Marvel Comics : Any. GAMMA-induced mutations are somehow keyed to the victim's inner-self, so what happens when someone with a non-standard gender (identity) is triggered?
Marvel Comics : Billy and Magneto, Exploring Magneto's relationship to gay people during the Holocaust and afterward and how it relates to his relationship with his grandson.
Marvel Comics : Billy Kaplan, Like many other trans kids before him, Billy used to lie awake at night wishing he were physically a boy. Then his mutant power manifested.
Marvel Comics : Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman, Billy's been out and harassed about it forever, and Teddy never even knew before he met Billy. They haven't even kissed, but he's getting all the flack in newspapers Billy is, and on top of being a recently orphaned alien, that just might be too much to deal with.
Marvel Comics : Billy or Teddy, struggling because the media doesn't seem to realize that there's more to them than their sexuality.
Marvel Comics : Billy/Teddy, the Skrull don't mind that Billy's male. The human is more of a problem.
Marvel Comics : Bob Grayson (The Uranian), Uranians don't really understand human concepts of genders
Marvel Comics : Bobbi Morse, She doesn't quite know how to say "hey, those three years away on the Skrull planet helped me figure out that I am asexual" to her husband.
Marvel Comics : Brian Cruz (Tag), Brian's disinterested in sex and frankly never really understood why all his friends at the Academy are so obsessed with hooking up.
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes, Bucky grew up liking boys and never felt the same towards women until Natasha. Some well-meaning people try to tell him that it was all part of the brainwashing, but the attraction is still there even after Bucky gets his memories back. Bucky struggles to figure out what part of the queer spectrum he falls under.
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes, Bucky knew he liked guys since before he joined the Army; to create the Winter Soldier, Vasily Karpov brainwashed away Bucky's own sexuality; now that he's himself again, how does he rediscover it? claimed by: quipquipquip
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes, the biggest shock and the most pleasant surprise of Bucky's post-Winter Soldier life is discovering that there were other men who liked to wear dresses.
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes, You can't brainwash someone's sexuality away. But Karpov tried his best. claimed by: ellyr_in_ink & ani_bester
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, BUcky wasn't supposed to get injured and Steve wasn't supposed to have to tend to his wounds that would reveal the secrets of his physical body. But now that Steve has tended his wounds, Bucky wishes Steve would quit insisting that Bucky is "pretending" to be a boy "for the war's sake." It would really make the whole being in love with Steve that Bucky wasn't supposed to do a lot easier. claimed by; tacoma_trauma
Marvel Comics : Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, celebrating the end of DADT.
Marvel Comics : Captain America, Cap's first gay pride.
Marvel Comics : Captain America, During World War II, Steve Rogers knew his duty to his country was more important than being honest about his homosexuality, which he knew would never be accepted. But once he's unfrozen in the late 1990s, he finds himself in a different world -- with different priorities
Marvel Comics : Captain America, they've repealed DADT.
Marvel Comics : Carol Danvers - Carol thought coming out would be an earth-shattering change, but really, villains kept attacking, and the world went on spinning.
Marvel Comics : Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers - Carol comes out to Tony and Steve purely by accident. Steve doesn't understand why she's anxious about it later, and Tony takes the liberty of recounting to Carol the time Steve came out to him.
Marvel Comics : Cassie is a romantic asexual. Dating a robot does not simplify this as much as one might think.
Marvel Comics : Cassie Lang keeps transferring her feelings for Kate Bishop onto boys.
Marvel Comics : Cassie Lang, Sometimes she just goes to her father's grave and practices her coming out speech. It's a pretty great speech, and Cassie thinks he would have liked it. claimed by: pervyficgirl
Marvel Comics : Cassie Lang: Dating girls does not make her a lesbian halfway stuck in the closet, dating boys does not mean she's tired of being queer and just wants to pass for straight and she would thank them very much for stopping claiming that's what she's doing. She is not a lesbian, she is not passing for straight, she is bisexual. BI SEXUAL. Luckily she remembers how her Dad was able to love both men and women, and holds his example higher than her teammates trying to explain how life really works.
Marvel Comics : Cassie/Vision, Teddy isn't the only shapeshifter on the team. Vision originally stuck to male bodies because Vision 1.0 had gendered male, then because s/he thought it was what Cassie wanted. But Cassie is realizing she doesn't, and Vision is realizing that gender is more complicated than simple binary.
Marvel Comics : Danny Rand, Danny grew up in a society where the gender roles are strict and had to live with her male birth gender to survive, now that she is living in New York City, how does she adjust to the idea that she can be her true female self?
Marvel Comics : Danny Rand, K'un Lun has different ideas about homosexuality than the outside world
Marvel Comics : Iron Man(Tony Stark)/Captain America(Steve Rogers), Tony takes it upon himself to introduce Steve to the wonders of the future after the ice and show him how much the world has changed. Steve is relived to find out he no long has to hide his sexuality.
Marvel Comics : James Rhodes, being gay in South Philly
Marvel Comics : Jamie Madrox, during his search for his rogue duplicates, he comes across an openly gay/transgender duplicate.
Marvel Comics : Jane Foster/Thor. The person worthy of wielding Thor's hammer wasn't Donald, it was Jane. (This is the version of the character where Blake wasn't simply Thor cursed with amnesia and a shape-shifting glamour, but rather the mortal 'Hulks out' into the Asgardian)
Marvel Comics : Jessica Jones/Carol Danvers, Jessica's relationship with Luke was supposed to fix everything that was broken with her life, especially her relationships. So it's rather inconvenient when she starts to fall in love with her best friend, especially considering that whole being straight thing.
Marvel Comics : Johnny Storm/Peter Parker, Johnny thought it would be okay if he didn't make his liaisons with men as public as he did his girlfriends, and Peter Parker may be a reporter, but he's meek enough and more than private enough to make it work... or so Johnny thought, until he realized his boyfriend wasn't just a New York nobody
Marvel Comics : Kate Bishop/Cassie Lang, The same people that are so supportive of Billy and Teddy have a hard time being supportive of Cassie being asexual and Kate being bisexual and poly.
Marvel Comics : Mayday Parker/Shannon Carter, May's not sure what her folks will think, Shannon's not sure what coming out will do her her reputation
Marvel Comics : Myles Alfred (Vivisector), he's starting to think the common link in all his bad relationships is him.
Marvel Comics : Mystique, No matter what form she's taken, Mystique has always been comfortable in her identity as a woman. Shapeshifting into a man isn't an issue- until she gets stuck that way.
Marvel Comics : Namor the Sub-Mariner/Jim Hammond (the original Human Torch), Namor's the half-breed heir to the kingdom of Atlantis. Jim is an android. How do they understand their relationship and how do they explain it to those around them?
Marvel Comics : Namora, Namor's not the only Atlantean with eyes for Sue Storm.
Marvel Comics : Natasha Stark, As good as it would be for keeping up the whole secret identity thing, when the press starts to call Natasha's armored persona "Iron Man" (because it's not easy to make that armor look "feminine") Natasha is quick to correct them. claimed by: pervyficgirl
Marvel Comics : Nick Fury, Nick assumes that the whole 'don't have sex with other guys' thing is just another silly army regulation that doesn't apply to him or anyone under his command.
Marvel Comics : Nick Fury, Nick's butch enough, no one can tell he was born female.
Marvel Comics : Rikki Barnes (Nomad)/Anya Sofia Corazon (Araña), Holding hands, fighting crime, facing the world: teen girl superheroes have each other's back.
Marvel Comics : Sam Wilson (The Falcon), It was hard enough getting his neighborhood to accept Captain America as his crimefighting partner. How does 1970s Harlem react when their favorite social worker/superhero starts *dating* someone who is so male, and so white?
Marvel Comics : Sam Wilson, Sam's enough Special Teaching Moments with Steve about race, and he's not really sure he wants to start in on what it's like to be black and gay.
Marvel Comics : Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers, As part of his job as a social worker, Sam sees a lot of kids he could help by coming out. He's not so sure he can do that while dating an Avenger.
Marvel Comics : Sarah Rogers, As a widowed mother in the Great Depression, it would be easier for her son and herself if she could make herself pretend to fall in love with a man again. But she can't. claimed by: cat_13145
Marvel Comics : Scott Lang/Jack of Hearts, Being a queer ex-con doesn't make custody battles very easy.
Marvel Comics : Scott Lang/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage, Luke agreed to this arrangement because it was what Jess wanted. Falling for Lang was never part of the deal, and with a superhero Civil War on the way, Luke does not have time for a sexuality crisis. claimed by: settiai
Marvel Comics : Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, balancing bisexuality, asexuality and homosexuality in their relationship.
Marvel Comics : She-Hulk. Where Bruce's change is triggered by rage, hers is based in her fear response; hanging around with people like Jazinda and Thundra brings the realisation that She-Hulk's sexuality is a defence against Jennifer's fear and/or loathing of her own.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers, 1940s drag balls, before and after Project: Rebirth.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers, He's not going to let a little thing like a female body get in the way of serving his country.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers, love, politics and duty as a bisexual man in the Depression, the War and 21st Century.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers, The super soldier serum turned Stephine Rogers into the man he always felt he was, but how will he deal with any set of Avengers finding out about his past
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers, Tony Stark - wherein Steve is bisexual and Tony is asexual. They have long late night conversations about how these facts have affected their lives.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/any, his boyfriend's attempts to read up on Steve's time period are sweet, really. But Steve wishes that people in the 21st century would realize that what historians have captured of queer culture in the 1930s and 1940s is an incomplete picture and does not reflect the queer culture of everyone who lived then - including Steve.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Discovering Steve's identity as Captain America wasn't the only thing Bucky found out about his partner by barging into Steve's tent unannounced.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes: Sometimes it's painfully amazing, realising how far queer culture has come, when they can walk hand in hand without being stoned. And then they hear about a hate crime and realise not as much has changed as they'd wish.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes: Steve has always maintained labels just are ways to divide people. So how does he feel when Bucky wants the label of husband?
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, (Earth-3490) Natasha isn't really sure how to tell her husband she'd rather be an Anthony. claimed by: grand_duc
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, One of them is asexual and the other isn't. How will this affect their relationship?
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve had thought that the country was ready for an openly bisexual Captain America, but much of the public's reaction has been making him rethink that opinion. The one encounter with an LGBTQ person that helps him decide coming out was the right thing to do. claimed by: lilpocketninja
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve has always maintained that his sexual orientation -- and his relationship with Tony -- is a private matter. But with so many states passing laws against gay rights, he decides he's morally obligated to go public. Tony's not so sure it's a good idea.
Marvel Comics : Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve has always maintained that his sexual orientation -- and his relationship with Tony -- is a private matter. But with so many states passing laws against gay rights, he decides he's morally obligated to go public. Tony's not so sure it's a good idea.
Marvel Comics : Storm, Given her relationships with Forge and now Black Panther, people tend to assume that Ororo's time with Yukio was just an experimental fling. To her, it was a lot more than that.
Marvel Comics : Teddy Altman and Karolina Dean, The two bond over being blond teenage gay parentless aliens. Karolina may make allusions to Xavin's gender-shifting in relation to Teddy.
Marvel Comics : Teddy, he doesn't want to be a role model for queer youth, he just wants to be himself.
Marvel Comics : Teddy/Greg + Teddy/Billy, Now that Teddy knows what life's like outside the closet, he feels a little sorry for Greg.
Marvel Comics : Tommy or Billy, one of them was female-assigned at (re)birth, but it never felt right. Finding out that the Scarlet Witch and Vision had twin sons makes things clearer.
Marvel Comics : Tommy Shepherd, Tommy's convinced his parents rejected him because he dated a guy, not because he's a mutant. He's not keen on telling anyone that he's bi, even if they seem fine with/are gays, because people in general seem so sure he's straight and so weird about bisexuality.
Marvel Comics : Tommy, Billy's not the only queer twin in the family, but Tommy's never been so accepted by his own friends and family. He struggles with jealousy over the differences.
Marvel Comics : Tony Stark (Iron Man)/Steve Rogers (Captain America), What happens when the American people find out an American icon is having a homosexual affair? claimed by: ficbypen
Marvel Comics : Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, Iron man being Bi was almost expected, but Captain America being gay?
Marvel Comics : Tony Stark, It is hard to come out as an asexual when people assume so many thing about your sexual history. claimed by: brilligspoons
Marvel Comics : Tony Stark, People don't have problems believing Tony would go for either sexes, he fits most stereotypes of bisexuals, but they do have a hard time believing he can and has fallen in love with both.
Marvel Comics : Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, The Natasha Stark of Earth-3490 was also born Anthony Edward Stark.
Marvel Comics : Toro Raymond, When people find out that he and Bucky were together during the war, even his closest allies assume Toro's wife was a "beard." They're wrong, but that doesn't make him straight or confused, either. claimed by: ani_bester
Marvel Comics : Venus, differences in her love for each teammate.
Marvel Comics : Wanda/Any female character + Billy, apparently it runs in the family.
Marvel Comics : Warlock, the team tries to explain him how gender works, and Warlock's not sure about whether and how it should apply here. (Well, in canon Warlock mostly uses male forms when he shapeshifts, and I wonder why)
Marvel Comics : Xavin and Teddy, exploring sexuality and gender in Skrull society.
Marvel Comics : Xavin, what are the Skrulls' views of gender and how do they intersect with Americans'?
Marvel Comics : Xavin, Xavin was bethrored to Carolina very young. Because Carolina is a girl it was asumed she would want a boy. Xavin didn't really care either way so ze was a boy. But now ze is a little confused.
Marvel Comics : Xavin, Xavin wishes hir teammates would accept that ze isn't a girl *or* a guy.

Marvel Comics (Fantastic Four Movie Verse) : Johnny Storm, Hitting on guys started out as a way to mess with the paparazzi, but he's finding he enjoys it a lot more than he ever expected to.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Christine Everheart, It's hard enough trying to be a serious female journalist when Vanity Fair only ever wants to give her the celebrity-gossip stories. If they knew she was lesbian/bi/trans, she'd never get a quasi-serious scoop again.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Jarvis, It's no surprise that Tony Stark's AI/virtual butler would develop some opinions on gender and sexuality over time. But perhaps it is a surprise that apparently, some of these opinions apply to Jarvis.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : JARVIS, the concept of assigning gender to a computer seems frivolous enough, so why can't she choose her own?
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Pepper Potts, Pepper tries to keep it secret when she starts dating a woman, because she's sure that Tony's reaction will be crude and offensive.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Pepper Potts, Pepper was born intersex. And now that Christine Everhart has been denied her Iron Man scoop, she's dug up those old medical records. Pepper doesn't know if she can handle with the media without Tony's support, but she's also afraid that Tony will call off their burgeoning relationship once he sees what's in her panties
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Pepper Potts, Pepper's ex-girlfriend is Tony's date to the Tonys (or other event). Jealousy sparks off revelations and discussions ('Why didn't you tell me?' 'I'm too busy cleaning up your messes to want to let you know about mine.')
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Rhodey/Tony, It's looking like DADT will be repealed any day and Rhodey knows he should be thrilled. Instead, he's scared to death; this whatever it is he has with Tony was a lot easier when there was no future and they were the only ones who knew.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Tony Stark, 'What do you mean Proposition 8 passed?!'
Marvel Comics (Iron Man Movie Verse) : Tony/Rhodey, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell isn't a *suggestion*, Tony.',
Marvel Comics (Iron Man) : Tony Stark, The paparazzi follow him everywhere and he has an image to keep up, even if Pepper promises no one will find out that he didn't bring home a woman this time.
Marvel Comics (Iron Man) : Tony Stark, plenty of transwomen act ultra-macho before they come out to themselves...
Marvel Comics (Ultimate Spider-Man) : Jessica Drew and Peter Parker, Jessica knew she had a lot to figure out about her body not matching her gender identity, and not feeling fully comfortable in either gender. She just hadn't expected to learn Peter had been trying to figure out those same questions for years.
Marvel Comics (X-Men Movie Verse) : Pyro + Bobby/Rogue, Bobby won't date him because he's straight. Pyro wishes Bobby would understand she's straight too, it's just her body doesn't match her yet.
Marvel Comics (X-Men Movie Verse) : Rogue, Post X3, thanks to the "Cure" Rogue can touch people, and it's only then that she realises she's asexual, and she only wanted to be with Bobby because she couldn't.

Masters of the Universe : Adam, His sister and the rest of the Rebellion are the first people Adam meets who don't view his interest in men as more proof of him being irresponsible.
Masters of the Universe and/or Princess of Power : Adam/He-Man and/or Adora/She-Ra. Wielding the power of Greyskull is to meld yourself with the essence of something else; how do the twins handle becoming someone whose sexuality is more encompassing/powerful/radical than their own?
Masters of the Universe and/or Princess of Power : Adam/He-Man and/or Adora/She-Ra. One of the twins needs to summon their alter-ego to save the day, but they've ended up with the other's sword.

Matilda : Jenny Honey, Miss Honey always promised herself that when she was free from Aunt Trunchbull, she'd find herself a nice woman and settle down. Or at least start dating. Or at least go out to a bar once in awhile. But now she finds herself the mother of a six-year-old. Are her dreams still possible?

Merlin : Arthur Pendragon, 'You're gay? But you're a guy's guy!' Somehow, it's harder coming out to new people when you don't look stereotypically gay.
Merlin : Arthur, (Modern AU) How does the world react to the first openly gay monarch?
Merlin : Arthur/Merlin, In Camelot, Arthur is basically in the military. How does he reconcile his sexuality with such a masculine environment?
Merlin : Arthur/Merlin, Modern AU; Arthur thinks homosexuality is private, Merlin is politically gay. How does that affect their relationship?
Merlin : Gaius/Geoffrey, AU, Middle-aged Gaius must balance his commitment to the queer community, a budding relationship with Geoffrey, and keeping his sexuality secret from his homophobic friend and employer, Uther.
Merlin : Morgana, leaving Camelot is liberating in more ways than one
Merlin : Morgana, She doesn't understand why she is so drawn to Gwen. She decides to figure it out through research.
Merlin : Morgana/bi!Leon, It baffles Leon, a known bottom in his relationships with men, that people assume that he is the dominant partner now that he is with a woman.
Merlin : Uther, Uther Pendragon may be a bigot, but he will do anything in his power to make sure that Arthur can rule without issues. (Gay!Arthur, bonuses for Arthur/Merlin and/or Prince of Wales!Arthur)

Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence : Yonoi (Yonoi/Celliers as far as you want), His love wears forbidden colours

Metal Gear Solid : Snake/Hal (Otacon), The difficulties, regrets and triumphs of discovering/acknowledging one's sexuality late in life.
Metal Gear Solid : Snake/Hal (Otacon), Raising Sunny.
Metal Gear Solid : Peter Stillman/Fatman, In a community that so emphasizes fitness and "traditional" beauty, Peter discovers that he is a Chaser. (AU is fine.)

Minder : Terry McCann, Sterotypes, and the complications of having a reputation as a "hard man" to protect

Modern Family : Claire Dunphy, Claire has always wanted to be honest with her family, but then Mitchell came out and she met Phil and it didn't seem to really matter that she identified as bi.
Modern Family : Claire/Gloria - Claire rationalized away her feelings for women for years. It’s not great that the one woman who pushed her first into confronting her feelings - and then into bed - is married to her father.
Modern Family : Gloria, She was perfectly happy to answer Alex's question about how many men she'd had sex with, and she rolls her eyes at her husband's homophobia, so why did she refuse to answer when Alex asked if she'd ever kissed a girl? (Bonus points if Alex asked because she herself likes girls.)
Modern Family : Haley - Dylan doesn’t understand why Haley won’t let him get past second base. The truth is that Haley can’t risk anybody finding out that she’s intersex.
Modern Family : Phil - Claire’s been complaining for weeks now that her clothing and underwear keep getting stretched out so badly she can’t wear them anymore. What she doesn’t know is that Phil’s been wearing them when he’s sure he won’t get caught.
Modern Family : the Pritchett-Tuckers, Lily is FtM and Cameron and Mitchell blame themselves because Lily didn't have a mother (whether this is Lily as a small child insisting he's a boy or as a teen/adult coming out to his parents is up to you)

Moonlight : Mick/Josef, (pre-series) labels don't mean much to vampires but Josef likes to maintain his high profile womanising image and Mick would like more.

Mulan : Fa Mulan, She wore the armor for honor and family, but along the way, it started feeling more right than anything ever had. claimed by :old_blueeyes
Mulan : Li Shang, The moment he saw Ping's womanly figure, he felt disappointment: not that his best soldier was a woman, but because she wasn't the man he'd grown to love. claimed by: sunnyrea

Murder by Numbers : Justin attempts to reconcile his asexuality with his desire to be truly connected to his partner in crime. Richard's bisexuality doesn't help matters.

My Fair Lady (or Pygmalion) : Henry Higgins, Grown accustomed to her face; gay or asexual Higgins deals with what falling for Eliza means for his identity

My Little Pony : any slightly older Cutie Mark Crusader, As an adolescent, she starts questioning her sexuality and tries to find someone older to talk to about it.
My Little Pony : any, Magic is a real thing in Equestria. Could it be used to change a pony's sex to match his or her gender identity? How about to allow a gay or lesbian couple to have children? How does pony society view the use of magic for such things? claimed by platypusrampant
My Little Pony : Rainbow Dash, Ponies always assume she's a lesbian just because she's a rough and tumble tomfilly. It's really frustrating to explain why this upsets her even though she actually is gay.
My Little Pony : Rarity, When confessing a female crush to one of the other ponies, they don't take her seriously because of her previous expressed interest in males. Bisexuals exist!
My Little Pony : Twilight Sparkle, It was awkward enough that she only started making friends recently after burying herself in books all her life. It's even more awkward being such a late bloomer when it comes to love, especially when she realizes she's attracted to other mares.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic : Fluttershy, everyone she knows seems to be making eyes at each other and pairing off, but she's just not feeling it. Actually, come to think of it . . . she never has. claimed by: ohsoboring
My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic : any character, Equestria's take on queer issues.

Mythology - Egyptian : Djehuty (Thoth), Djehuty feels no need to explain how he can be both androgynous and male at the same time and wishes people would just stop asking.
Mythology - Egyptian : Nit (Neith), being both father and mother to hir son Sobek makes things rather more complicated than it needs to be.
Mythology - Egyptian : Sobek/Heru-sa-Aset (Horus, son of Isis), Heru always intended to take Sobek as his consort when he became King. He didn't expect there'd be so much fuss about it.

Mythology - Greek : Arthemis, Arthemis is gay, in modern day time how does she view her virginity/lack of thereof.
Mythology - Greek : Hekate/Medea, Zeus is allowed to take whatever consorts he wants, so why can't Hekate? claimed by rebecca_selene

Nabari No Ou : Miharu/Yoite, Miharu and Yoite are both asexual aromantics, but that doesn't mean they don't love each other best. Why can't their fellow ninjas understand that? Miharu is getting tired of explaining that just because he's not 'in love' with Yoite, that doesn't mean he's willing to give him up. Even if their love costs him his life.

Nana : Nana O/Nana K, they joke about being married, but one of them really does want a life together.

Naruto : Sasuke/Naruto, Sasuke struggles with his attraction to Naruto because he believes his sexuality might stem from the psychological and/or sexual abuse he suffered while training under Orochimaru.

NCIS: Amanda Reed aka Lt. Commander Voss (S1 episode "Dead Man Talking"), Amanda wasn't looking for the sex change operation to get away with the embezzlement; the embezzlement was to pay for the sex change. (Basically I want her to get a fairer shake than 'lol Tony tongued a tranny.' Anything that does that, whether it uses this specific prompt or not, will make me a happy camper.)
NCIS : Kate Todd/Abby Sciuto, Kate's always been pretty private with her sexuality, but Abby introduces her to the concept of the queer community.
NCIS : Kate Todd/Paula Cassidy, needing to be a secret.
NCIS : Tim, Abby's the only one who's ever really gotten it when he told her he was a gray Ace, but after being stuck in an elevator with Tony and Ziva for five hours he's willing to try to make them understand. Just to stop the unending stream of innuendos if nothing else.
NCIS : Tony/Tim, far easier to seduce Tim online when hiding behind the anonymity of a username than to attempt it in person. Tony finds it increasingly hard to maintain the close online relationship and the teasing work friendship. Perhaps Tony panics and deletes his online account/profile or perhaps he finds the courage to open up to Tim. Would like to see him struggle with the various what ifs of coming clean. Bonus points if he worries Tim might believe this to all be another elaborate hoax.
NCIS : Tony/Tim, Tim wants to keep things private making Tony feel ashamed.

NCIS : Ziva David, her mystery man is a woman; it's so much easier to lie.
NCIS: LA : Hetty, she's been out for a long, long time.
NCIS: LA : Hetty, It was hard enough (not?) coming out as queer before she realized she was asexual too.
NCIS: LA : Sam/Callen, friends with benefits is all Callen can commit to. He doesn't even know his own name let alone his orientation.

Neverwhere : the Marquis de Carabas, what it's like to be queer in London Below.

Newsies : Any Character, Contrasting the relatively permissive views and behaviours of the newsies with the unacceptance of the rest of the world.

Noir : Chloe, Althena had told her it was wrong to love another woman, the bible said so, but Chloe had a hard time pretending she wasn't in love with Kirika when the brunette comes back into her life.
Noir : Chloe/Kirika, "I would love you even if you were someone else entirely."
Noir : Kirika, Kirika attends her first Pride and finds out what the big deal is all about
Noir : Kirika, Kirika researches lesbian culture, finding a new world she knew nothing about but at the same time realized she's part of
Noir : Kirika, The Soldats have taught Kirika everything there is to know about death, but nothing about life, including what it means for Kirika to love another woman. claimed by: melengro
Noir : Mireille/Kirika, Kirika wonders why Mireille's neighbors spent so much time glaring at them and whispering to each other when the two women went out together. (Kirika learning something Althena never taught her about - homophobia.)

Numb3rs : Colby Granger, he stayed in the closet while he was a spy, and now that's over and he wants to come out, but he's afraid of losing everyone all over again
Numb3rs : Colby Granger/David Sinclair, how do they make a relationship work after David goes to Washington, particularly when one (or both) of them thinks that David will never be able to advance in his career if people know he's in a relationship with another man
Numb3rs : Don/Colby, David is a little upset. Don thinks he's judging them but really David is just worried about losing his friendship with Colby.
Numb3rs : Don/Colby, Don's flirting pisses Colby off and he ends up making a comment to Don which accidentally outs them.
Numb3rs : Don/Colby, one of them denies their relationship to someone on the team causing friction in their relationship.
Numb3rs : Don/Coop, Don wants to introduce Billy to Alan as his boyfriend but why is Billy so reluctant?

Nurse Jackie : Eleanor O'Hara, labels are for clothes.
Nurse Jackie : Eleanor/Jackie, curiosity
Nurse Jackie : Eleanor O'Hara, there's a flyer in the locker room for the organization meeting for LGBT health care workers

Once : the Girl, the age difference wasn't the only thing that came between her and her husband; he objected to her bisexuality and she refused to pretend her identity away.

One Piece : Amazon Lily resident(s), What is it to be queer in this single-sexed society, where woman must be sent off the island to conceive children?
One Piece : Sanji and Nami, Sanji, while gay and in an off-and-on again relationship with Zoro, counts his sexuality second to his need for friendship with a woman. He pursues Nami for her friendship, not for sex, even though he does romanticize their platonic relationship to some extent. claimed by: faorism

Ooku: the Inner Chambers : any male character. Being gay is a lot harder when the men are a quarter of the number of women- except in the Ooku.
Ooku: the Inner Chambers : any character. When every seed is precious, a man who wishes to become a woman faces scorn and hatred from both genders. claimed by: platypusrampant

Otomen : Asuka's father. Does she miss the son she walked out on the day she declared she had always wanted to become a woman?

Ouran High School Host Club : Haruhi, she doesn't care which gender people think she is, because she doesn't particularly see herself as one or the other. claimed by: blowfishtmt

Outcasts : Cass Cromwell/Fleur Morgan, you can't be a bisexual homoromantic man and an asexual homoromantic female on a colony dependent upon people making babies. How do they make it work or maintain the lie?
Outcasts : Cass Cromwell, when your position in society is determined by appearing to be a "normal" heterosexual male, anyone finding out you're actually gay would cause serious problems.
Outcasts : Richard Tate, the reason we didn't see any same-sex pairings on Forthaven is because he outlawed it - they need children, and you need a man and a woman to produce children. Except the one thing very few people know about Tate is that he's bisexual. How does he reconcile his sexuality with his office?

Paradise Kiss : Isabella, Why she does (or doesn't) decide to go post-op.

Parasol Protectorate : Lord Akeldama, looking back on the many centuries he's seen and the changing attitude towards his...tastes.

Parks & Recreation : Ann/Leslie, their love is not a political statement
Parks & Recreation : Ann/Leslie, serving their community
Parks & Recreation : any character, coming out story

Peanuts : Linus van Pelt, Linus's quiet, unshakable faith is shaken when he finds himself falling in love with a boy.
Peanuts : Peppermint Patty(/Marcie), Patty starts to think that maybe Marcie's been on to something with the whole 'sir' thing after all.
Peanuts : Peppermint Patty/Marcie, Their interest in Charlie Brown and the other boys was always a smokescreen, but as they got older it got more difficult to maintain.

Penny and Aggie : Penny or Aggie, Half their friends are queer, so why is coming out still so nerve-wracking?!

Percy Jackson and the Olympians : any character, Pondering whether it's allowed to ask the gods for a sex change/undertaking a quest to earn one.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians : any child of Aphrodite, Sometimes it's hard to convince your siblings there's more to love than sexual attraction, and yes, you can use Mom's blessings without wanting to sleep with anyone.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians : any characters, Camp Half-Blood's queer support network.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians : Percy Jackson, [spoilers for The Lost Hero follow; highlight to read] The Mist, during Hera's little Hero Exchange Program, results in Percy having a boyfriend at the Roman camp. Once he gets his memories of Camp Half-Blood back, it takes him a while to work out that that's not as much of a fluke as he would have assumed (Percy is bisexual).

Persona 4 : Kanji Tatsumi, coming out as gay in a small town where everyone knows your name - and news spreads fast.
Persona 4 : Naoto Shirogane, his time presenting as male on the police force has helped him figure out a few things about himself - mainly, that it wasn't the facade everyone thinks it was.
Persona 4 : Naoto Shirogane, they're wrong about his Shadow.
Persona 4 : Rise Kujikawa, coming out and media scandals. How do her male fans react when she tells them the real reason she's never given any of them a second glance?
Persona 4 : Teddie, he doesn't understand why humans think it's such a big deal who you love. He loves everybody equally, and refuses to feel bad for it.

Peter Pan : Peter Pan, The reason Peter doesn't want to grow up is because he knows what will happen to his body when he does -- it will grow breasts and curves, just like Wendy-bird's did when she grew up -- and he wants nothing more than to stay a boy forever

Pokemon : any character, including OCs. People start Pokemon journeys when they're ten. That means negotiating adolescence on their own. How does this effect the coming out process?
Pokemon : any character, Moves and abilities like Attract and Cute Charm only work on Pokémon of the opposite gender, so obviously Pokémon can't be attracted to the same gender, right? Except for the part where that's really not true. claimed by: rosehiptea
Pokemon : any character, Some Pokémon have gender differences, other Pokémon don't, and still other Pokémon have no gender at all. A Pokémon struggles with hir gender identity (especially since humans don't understand that ze might have one).
Pokemon : any character, Some Pokémon have gender differences, other Pokémon don't, and still other Pokémon have no gender at all. A trans/genderqueer/intersex (author's choice) human character questions how different gender is between humans and Pokémon.
Pokemon : any trainer character, The best thing about going on a ~Pokemon adventure~ is finally being able to introduce themself as the gender they are, not the sex they were assigned at birth.
Pokemon : Erika, Celadon Gym is just the place for female Grass-type trainers! Which is why Erika is going to extreme lengths to hide the fact that when she was born, there was no A at the end of her name...
Pokemon : James, she kind of likes theseinflatable breasts. (
Pokemon : Leaf, that's not Red up on Mt. Silver (FtM or genderqueer)
Pokemon : N/Black, having grown up entirely seperated from society, N has no understanding of social prejudices or what's considered 'wrong' - Black is trans, and happy to have found someone that loves him for who he is and doesn't think he's weird or different. claimed by: illittorate
Pokemon : Ruby, being FtM doesn't mean he's not allowed to have typically 'feminine' interests, dammit.
Pokemon (game canon) : May + Brendan, they're such good friends that everybody expects them to get together. So what do they do when it turns out they're both gay?

Power Rangers : Trini Kwan, When she's morphed, people assume that she's male. Zie's perfectly happy to let people continue to believe that.
Power Rangers : Kimberly Hart, There was a reason Kimberly told Tommy that she loved him like a brother - she'd figured out that she actually prefers women
Power Rangers : Adam Park, Just because Adam married a woman, it doesn't mean that he's straight.
Power Rangers in Space : any Ranger, the media discovers one of the unmasked Space Rangers is LGBTQ. Said Ranger now has to decide how to handle being unceremoniously outed to the world both as queer and as a superhero.
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue : Kelsey/Nancy, Kelsey just wants to go on a date with her girlfriend, but being a Ranger with a public identity makes that a little difficult
Power Rangers Ninja Storm : Dustin, all the Yellow Rangers in the comics were women. They also had skirts. Dustin's so thankful his suit didn't. (FtM)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm : Dustin, all the Yellow Rangers in the comics were women. They also had skirts. Dustin's a little disappointed his suit didn't. (MtF)
Power Rangers Time Force : Any Ranger, Attitudes toward sexuality are different in the year 3000. How does any LGBT member of Time Force deal with spending time in the late 20th century and the attitudes there? claimed by: rivulet027
Power Rangers Zeo : Billy, Billy didn't move to Aquitar to marry Cestria - he moved to marry Cestro

Pretty Little Liars : Emily/author's choice, a public date much to Mrs Field's horror but Emily won't go back to hiding. (No smut please)
Pretty Little Liars : Maya St. Germain, She's never fallen for a *jock* before; that's the most disconcerting thing about her feelings for Emily.

Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) : any Bennet daughter, one of the Bennet daughters is transgender; he thinks it is horribly unfair that Mr Collins gets to inherit because he has the right body. claimed by: kaos_sparrow & gehayi

Primeval : Abby, Even though she loves Connor, something about Jess makes Abby think that perhaps she actually isn’t straight.
Primeval : Becker, Being gay in the army simply wasn't an option. Being gay at the ARC might be
Primeval : Becker, The only good thing about Danny, Connor, and Abby disappearing through the anomaly was then one knew about his orientation. With the return of Abby and Connor, and Jess growing more and more persistent, Becker may have to come out for real.
Primeval : Lester, Having his ex-boyfriend Philip flouncing around the ARC and pulling rank makes still being in the closet close to unbearable.

Princess and the Frog : Charlotte, She doesn't know to to explain it to everyone when she falls in love with a princess instead.

Princess Jellyfish : any of the Sisterhood, Men aren't allowed in Amamizu-kan. Problem is, one of the Sisterhood is beginning to suspect that she might actually be a he. He wants to come out, but doesn't want to leave the place that has become home. What happens?
Princess Jellyfish : Kuranosuke, Kuranosuke is a cis man. How does he reconcile his gender identity with his frequent and elaborate crossdressing? (Kuranosuke is not straight and sexuality up to the author)
Princess Jellyfish : Kuranosuke, Kuranosuke is trans. Gender is up to the author. Kuranosuke can be a trans woman, a trans man, genderqueer, bigender, agender, or anything else.(the girl in question is polysexual or gay.)
Princess Jellyfish : Kuranosuke, One of the Sisterhood (besides Tsukimi) starts having feelings for "Kurako," without realizing she is actually a guy. Confusion and hilarity ensue.
Princess Jellyfish : Tsukimi/Kuranosuke, Tsukimi and Kuranosuke go to an event together both dressed in drag.

Princess of Power : Adora, Views on being queer are so much different in the Horde and in the Rebellion that Adora is almost afraid to bring it up with anyone on Eternia.
Princess of Power : Adora(/Catra). The Horde never had a problem with who you loved or who you fucked as long as you were ready to fight for it and payed fealty to Hordak; the Great Rebellion is fighting for freedom, but is that one of them?
Princess of Power : Glimmer. As the sole heir to the Kingdom of Brightmoon, Glimmer's duty to her family and realm is to find a husband and bear children who will in time inherit Brightmoon from her. Only problem with her mother's plan for her is that she's fallen for Adora. claimed by: leyenn

Promethea : Grace. Like she said, it was just after the war, and sexuality was very, very free.
Promethea : Roger. A man wearing women’s clothes is frowned upon, especially in a high profile science hero team; the opposite is quite untrue.
Promethea : Roger. Roger had to hide his sexuality when he was a man. Now that he’s a woman, it doesn’t mean he will call himself straight (and it doesn’t mean Bob can keep hitting on him either).

Promethean Age : Kit, what does the 21st-century gay scene look like to a sodomitical Elizabethan poet? claimed by: vulgarweed
Promethean Age : Lily, constructing a gender identity from scratch. (Lily is canonically intersex.)

Protector of the Small (Tamora Pierce) : Keladry, She realizes that the reason she can't commit to any of her boyfriends is that she'd rather court a woman.

Psych : Gus resents the department assuming he and Shawn are together because they are each other's best friends, even if they are right.
Psych : Gus/Shawn, Either man reveals to a current girlfriend or romantic interest that he is in an open/polyamorous relationship with his partner.
Psych : Gus/Shawn, Shawn comes to terms with being heterosexual and homoromantic.
Psych : Shawn Spencer, after skipping town for another few years, Shawn returns insisting in typical irreverent Shawn-form that her name is short for Shawntay. Henry is sure this is a stunt designed just to bother him, and Gus reads disturbing implications to what he perceives to be Shawn's increase in flirting with him. How can Shawn show them this change isn't about anyone but herself?
Psych : Shawn Spencer, he flirts with everyone to hide the fact that he's sexually attracted to no one

Psychonauts : any character, the mental world's closet is literal.

Public Enemies : Melvin Purvis/John Dillinger/Billie Frechette, “It’s funny how our threesome wouldn’t be considered as odd if it was two women and one man instead of two men and one woman.”
Public Enemies : Melvin Purvis/John Dillinger, How can the upstanding No. 1 G-Man Melvin Purvis be falling in love with the gangster he’s charged with bringing to justice?
Public Enemies : Melvin Purvis/John Dillinger, (Post-Stonewall) After a long and happy life together, Mel and Johnny reflect on how things have changed for gays since they first fell in love in the 1930s. Both men were born in 1903, so it’s up to the author to decide what decade this story takes place and how old the guys are!

Puella Magi Madoka Magica : Akemi Homura, She loves Madoka not only because she was kind to her but because Madoka helped her to finally accept that she is bi/gay.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica : Homura, Madoka's more than a friend and it's time to tell her so. Or...maybe not.

Push : Cassie Holmes, Cassie's visions show her a future where she's together with another woman. Shouldn't knowing the future make her attempts to figure out her sexual identity easier?

Quadrophenia (rock opera by the Who) : Jimmy Cooper, As if things inside his own head weren't screwed up enough, one of Jimmy's alternate personalities turns out to be gay/bi/trans.

Queer as Folk (UK) : Stuart/Vince, coming out isn't a one time thing and Stuart likes to shock instead of just telling new people they are together. A new friend that Vince confides in is dealing with his own coming out worries and asks them for advice.
Queer as Folk (UK) : Stuart/Vince, "I've heard that before."

Ranma ½ : Ranma, Hir gender identity is way more complicated than sie thought.

Reaper : Steve/Tony, They don't know what's worse: being demons leading the uprising against Satan, or being an openly gay couple.

Red Dwarf : Arnold Judas Rimmer, After Lister gives him some of his memories, Rimmer realizes he can reprogram himself, and tries to remove the part of his mind that is gay.
Red Dwarf : Arnold Judas Rimmer, He's lied to himself for so long that even HE now thinks he's straight.
Red Dwarf : Arnold Judas Rimmer, His parents always used to say that there were no gay people on Io. Ever since, he's thought he genuinely was the only one.
Red Dwarf : Arnold Judas Rimmer/David Lister, After they start having sex, Rimmer begins to act stereotypically gay, and insists Lister do the same "because we're gay now".
Red Dwarf : Arnold Judas Rimmer/David Lister, The sex is easy. Convincing Rimmer that it's more than two perfectly straight guys just passing the time, is smegging impossible.
Red Dwarf : Cat, How does cat society view sexuality?
Red Dwarf : David Lister, His friends used to ask if he thought he was a girl when they found out Lister liked guys. Back then, he either decked them or laughed in their face. Now that he's pregnant, those memories take on another hue...
Red Dwarf : David Lister/any male character, It was easy to ignore his attraction to men when there were girls around. But after the accident, the only people left are male.
Red Dwarf : David Lister/Olaf Petersen, Lister liked Petersen, but keeping their relationship secret just because his boyfriend wanted to stay in the closet was too much to ask.
Red Dwarf : Holly, Holly was always female; she knows that now. Even when she appeared to be male.
Red Dwarf : Kristine Kochanski, She can't be gay; she likes cottage cheese with pineapple chunks and ponies and opera!

ReGenesis : Carlos Serrano, Coming out to his very religious mother isn't even the hardest part.
ReGenesis : Carlos Serrano, David Sandstrom, When David offers Carlos the job at NorBAC, he jumps on it -- his current position leaves a lot to be desired, and not just in terms of funding.
ReGenesis : Lilith Sandstrom, While she's sure her dad wouldn't care if she's queer, she doesn't know what he'd think when she tells him 'she' isn't the right pronoun any more. But he'd probably take it better than mom did.

RENT : Maureen/Joanne, After seeing how many of Maureen's friends have AIDS, Joanne starts worrying about Maureen's health...and fidelity.

Resident Evil : Alice, Dealing with everything else is hard enough without having to explain her sexuality to people. (Heterosexual-homoromantic!Alice)

Return to Oz (movie) : Dorothy/Ozma, Her dearest doesn't live in the closet, she's just on the other side of the mirror on her desk.


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