(no subject)

Mar 28, 2011 13:53

All righty, now that apps are done for the weekend and our lovely event has had some time to blossom, I was thinking of later this week putting up a post for Fela where she would be doing some of her dreamwalking magic. This would essentially be her dropping in on the dreams of some of the garden's lovely residents. So I thought I would check on a few things!
1) A rough estimate of how many people might be interested! I am open to as many of you as would like to do it, although obviously the higher the number, the more backtagging there will have be, I can only type so fast. Come to me, newbies.

2) The format you might be interested in doing it in. I find that actionspam style is really the most conducive to how these threads tend to work, but I am open to whatever you'd be most comfortable with. I did a test run of it with our beloved little Xion right HERE and I thought it went really well. Things that make these kinds of threads go well:
a) It's your character's dream, you've got to explain it to me, the more detail in your descriptions and narrative the better.

b) Taking my clues in kind for how Fela's magic is manipulating the scene you've given me.

c) Actually I think that's the biggest emphasis, we really do have to work together to weave it well.
3) If there's anything specific to your character that you would like to talk to me about/plot with me about as regards their dreams. I can play it by ear, but if you prefer to chat it out, I am for that too.

4) The best time to do it. My campus only has classes Monday - Thursday, so it would be likely I would put it up in the euphoria of my finished week on Thursday evening, but I would change that if it's inconvenient to a majority of interested parties. I am in EST, and also an epic backtagger so if you would like to be involved but think you might be slow/late come anyway!
So drop me a line if you're interested, have questions, or have anything specific in mind. There is a description of her powers on her app, but I will also be more than happy to elaborate on anything you might need. I'm on plurk if you find that an easier way to get hold of me, PMs work, and Fela also has a post for this kind of thing.

player plotting

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