(intro) Interdepartmental Mail

Mar 28, 2011 17:50

Hello, everyone! Jennifer O here, adding another character to the FFVII crowd. I'll be playing that hard-working NPC Reeve Tuesti--executive, structural engineer, inventor, cat-lover, and single gal.

Reeve has no special abilities or powers, apart from being a genius. She is perceptive, gregarious, intellectually curious, and difficult to offend. A woman in (corporate)government, Reeve is pragmatic and self-confident, but she's used to being underestimated and asked to prove herself repeatedly. She's fairly tolerant and diplomatic, but she's no doormat.
A born organizer and someone who loves a good project, Reeve lives to contribute ideas and strives to understand the perspectives brought by others. She dislikes dishonesty, but she isn't a moralist. It's inhumanity she can't comprehend or condone.

Reeve is also a giant dork and is prone to lapse into entertaining excesses of earnest enthusiasm.
She's great at parties!

You can learn much more about her here, in my original application. A permissions post for Reeve is soon to appear. Feel free to find me on LiveJournal as armistice_day, or contact me via email at jgorudjevATgmail.com.


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