Well, the weather outside is frightful

Dec 16, 2011 20:53

Characters: Everyone!
Date: Midnight the 16th of December
Summary: The inhabitants of the Garden get their reward for making out beneath the mistletoe, in the form of a lights show in the sky.
Warnings: N/A

But the fireworks are so delightful )

subaru nakajima, homura akemi, england

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Comments 319

runawayalot December 17 2011, 02:00:11 UTC
Well, this is the best night ever. There is now a very excited eight-year-old running around and climbing things, trying to find the Best Possible Vantage Point.


uberlikehermama December 18 2011, 01:32:46 UTC
And there was Vivio, smiling and just easily flying up to a rather high place. "This is great, isn't it!?" she asked, smiling over at Laura.
qohrp inbox filter
Then she realized that she was talking to Laura and frowned a bit.


runawayalot December 29 2011, 15:38:21 UTC
"You can fly?!"

Important things first.


uberlikehermama December 30 2011, 02:45:28 UTC
Umm... yeah.qohrp


Tohno Mansion ritsu_kouyou December 17 2011, 04:04:24 UTC
After being woken by the bells, Akiha's immediate reaction was to throw her robe and slippers on and go outside to yell at the source as if that would actually stop things. And then she fell silent, caught speechless at the fireworks display.

Arms wrapped about herself to fight off the cold, Akiha silently watched the display from the front porch, looking up at the night sky with a longing expression. She could probably use a warm cup of tea.


reluctantstop December 17 2011, 05:19:44 UTC
Kris, though she was wearing her robe, wasn't dressed for the weather at all. However, she didn't show it and seemed rather warm despite her thin clothes. The small benefits of magic. She took the time to join Akiha since the fireworks seemed to be the show stealer for the night.

"Someone is doing a good job!"


ritsu_kouyou December 17 2011, 05:22:38 UTC
Akiha glanced over at Kris, blinking her eyes quickly a moment, before looking back up. It was a few more seconds before she responded.

"It's very pretty."


reluctantstop December 17 2011, 05:36:53 UTC
"That much is obvious, isn't it?" She kept watching the fireworks, doing her best to memorize whatever pattern she could see was there.

"I should learn how to do this."


no_hometown December 17 2011, 04:35:41 UTC
Drawn to the light and color by sheer curiosity, Sephiroth is standing in the snow rather near the plant. It strains her eyes to gaze at it directly, and her pupils are narrow slits. Instead of staring at the plant for long, she gazes up at the sky for a long time. She's seen fireworks before, but never quite like this.


runawayalot December 17 2011, 20:58:48 UTC
"It's really cool, huh?"

Sephiroth has a tiny companion now.


no_hometown December 17 2011, 22:06:24 UTC
She turns toward the girl and smiles in her subdued way. "Hello, Laura."

Then she nods. "It's impressive. I suppose it's what was meant by the 'surprise'." She's glad it wasn't anything more annoying than this. It seems harmless enough.


runawayalot December 17 2011, 22:11:29 UTC
"It's a pretty good surprise. It'd be better if it was presents!" Laura knows what's up this time of year.

"I've never seen fireworks like this! How's she do it? Are they magic?"


welljustwatchme December 17 2011, 04:41:29 UTC
Sleep wasn't a favourite passtime of Canada's anyway, so it didn't take much to have her going outside to check out the light show. And once she's out there, she'll be wandering around to make sure she sees it all, starting at the Spaceship and wandering her way around, a serene little smile on her face as she keeps it tilted upwards.

After a while, she'll coax a bear into settling down as her pillow at the edge of the Orchard, watching out for other inhabitants and the hearts in the air. It's cute, if nothing else.


gun_cata December 19 2011, 03:18:16 UTC
It woke Larry up as well... halfway anyways; she'd been only just getting to sleep, after tinkering with her guns a bit more, when the fireworks started. She had the same idea as many others, wandering slowly, aimlessly, watching the fireworks while keeping an eye out for others.

She did a bit of a double-take at Canada reclining on a bear, distracting her from a particularly loud explosion, and then jumping at that as well. "What... uh, nice... pillow there."


welljustwatchme December 20 2011, 05:58:12 UTC
Head tilting back to look up properly, Canada gave Larry a warm smile from the ground, as she reached out to pat at the bear's side.

"Oh, hey! She's a sweet thing, isn't she?"


gun_cata December 20 2011, 07:06:38 UTC
"She's... docile, anyways." Experience reminds her that no animals here have been actively dangerous. Instinct tells her fucking bear, so she stays at a bit of a distance. "Fireworks are nice."


Hakurei Shrine is_a_good_girl December 17 2011, 04:55:05 UTC
"Eh? What's all that noise?" Sanae rubbed at her eyes, stepping outside the shrine and looking to the now well lit skies. The glow painted Sanae's fest, and childlike awe and wonder soon took over...



da_ze_kid December 17 2011, 11:59:12 UTC
"That looks just about right!" Marisa declared, looking at the fireworks display. Pyrotechnics was just among one of her many talents, after all.


nekomikoreimu December 17 2011, 14:08:47 UTC
Reimu came running out, her talismans out. "Ok, whats going on? Who's trying to start an incident?!"

She then notices the fireworks. She blushes and quickly puts away the talismans. "Oh.. it's just fireworks..."


is_a_good_girl December 17 2011, 20:12:15 UTC
"They're beautiful!" Sanae exclaimed, running out a bit to get a more full view of the sky.


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