it's all a dream

Aug 12, 2011 19:01

Characters: Anyone who wants to participate!
Date: Mid-event.
Summary: All of these individual dreams have combined into one mass dream that the characters have found themselves wandering around in. And it's less than pleasant.
Warnings: Possible violence.

I don't want to know what Freud has to say about this )

sephiroth, utena tenjou, souji seta, kyoko sakura, hikari horaki, homura akemi, *open, mami tomoe, kuja

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MAMI TOMOE headedforhope August 15 2011, 20:38:27 UTC
[Mami's dream begins in her apartment. A clean, quiet, well-tended place, and yet....strangely empty, hardly any furnishings beyond the necessities.. You wouldn't think that a young girl of almost 15 lives here. There's also a lingering sense of loneliness, of isolation, not helped by the faintest whispers of sound drifting in from other rooms; the occasional muted clink of dishes, soft murmurs that might almost be voices ( ... )


da_ze_kid August 16 2011, 09:36:21 UTC
[ It's a quiet dream that Marisa enters, and she's all the more intrigued by it. She sees the girl she conversed with a while ago, and bits and pieces are still remembered; namely, the ones that aggravated her the most.

She doesn't say anything immediately. Of course the girl would have noticed that the cracks would keep on showing through the layers, and knowing the Gardens, this was probably a metaphor for some issue that the girl has. That, or she's really scared of fixing mirrors. ]

Even if you can fix the cracks, the tape will still block out a lot of the mirror, you know.


headedforhope August 16 2011, 20:24:34 UTC
[The younger Mami turns to face her visitor. She looks faintly surprised, but in a blank way, obviously not recognizing Marisa.] I know. But I have to try. [A brief confusion settles over her face, brows knitting in thought, then her expression clears and she nods.] Yes, I have to try.

[She goes back to applying the tape, but stops again after a moment, head cocking to the side. The whispering from the locked rooms has picked up a notch- yet still very faint. Mami looks at Marisa again.] Do you hear something?


da_ze_kid August 17 2011, 01:16:39 UTC
[ Marisa shrugs. It's not exactly her problem, anyway. Let her do whatever she wants in her dream. ] Suit yourself.

[ She then strains a little bit, and hears the faint whispering, almost on the edge of her hearing. ] Yeah, but it's really quiet, though.


headedforhope August 17 2011, 04:32:10 UTC
Can you guess what it is? I can't. [The sound gradually builds up as she stands there, listening intently. It seems to come from all around them now, less like voices and more like....a fast wind, a rush of air approaching them at breakneck speeds. Yet there's no breeze ruffling clothing or hair; the apartment is still, the atmosphere flat.

She frowns distractedly, feeling a little nervous.] Maybe it's just the weather outside.

[But there's only a chalky gray mist outside the windows, too thick to see through.]


da_ze_kid August 21 2011, 00:05:45 UTC
[ Marisa peers outside through the windows. ] I dunno, the air looks pretty still, so there shouldn't be much wind. Besides, they're closed. Wanna crack them open, just in case?


stayedwithher August 16 2011, 19:38:20 UTC
[Kyoko wanders in, immediately surprised by the apartment and how desolate it is. She'd always taken Mami for a rich girl, so seeing that her apartment was so barren was quite the surprise.

When she notices the mirror, Kyoko finds herself feeling the instinct to hide and watch from out of sight.]


headedforhope August 16 2011, 22:46:33 UTC
[This version of Mami doesn't notice Kyouko, doesn't pick up on the new presence. She just keeps applying the tape, spreading it over the endless cracks. Eventually, she frowns. Her hands fall to her sides, voice suddenly far too weary for someone so young.]

Oh, what's the point? I'll never be able to fix this before mother and father get home. I might as well just give up.

[As she says this, a certain familiar face will slink out from behind the mirror and stare in Kyouko's direction for a few moments, regardless of where she's hiding, before turning to Mami.]

Are you certain of that, Tomoe Mami?


stayedwithher August 18 2011, 00:58:21 UTC
[Kyoko bristles at the sight of Kyubey. That little rodent...she'd love to kill it. But she stays in her hiding place, watching whatever events are about to unfold. That doesn't stop her from glaring at Kyubey, however.]


headedforhope August 18 2011, 01:51:57 UTC
[Mami doesn't seem too surprised to see the odd creature, almost and yet not quite some strange breed of cat, just puzzled by his words.]

What else can I do? It's hopeless, isn't it?

[Beside her, the condition of the mirror worsens. The cracks deepen, spread ever further, although Mami doesn't seem to notice. Kyuubey's tail merely swishes, expression unchanging.]

But with one wish, you can fix can have anything you want. I can grant any desire; I can make a miracle come true!


stayedwithher August 19 2011, 21:12:58 UTC
[Kyoko watches, tensed up and angry. That revolting little creature...that lie--or half truth, rather--had tricked so many. But she doesn't move from her hiding place. Instead, she mutters to herself.]

Oh yes, you can let that little bastard rip out your soul and stuff it into a rock! Small price to pay for fixing a mirror. Oh, and you'll also be fighting witches for the rest of your life.


headedforhope August 19 2011, 23:33:39 UTC
[Mami hesitates, clearly thinking this over. Kyuubey watches her for a few moments, and then leaps up upon her shoulders. He winds his way sinuously around her neck, tail curling behind him until he resembles a white, fluffy scarf.]

What is your wish, Tomoe Mami?

[He nuzzles her cheek and seems to blink in an expectant way. A long, long pause, and then Mami begins.]

I wish-

[But then Kyuubey's eyes shine and the grip of his tail around her neck quickly tightens and the rest of that response is choked off. In the next instant, everything goes black, and all sound is drowned out in the sudden and ear-shattering blare of a car horn- the screech of tires- breaking glass - a child's scream.]


stayedwithher August 21 2011, 13:36:02 UTC
[Kyoko just watches and listens in sheer horror.]

...Holy shit, is this what happened to Mami...?


headedforhope August 22 2011, 04:52:56 UTC
[All the horrible, jarring sounds continue for some time before suddenly snapping into silence. The darkness persists...but then there's a bright light sparking into existence up ahead. Unfortunately, all it reveals is that the apartment is gone. Everything is gone, it seems like- even Mami, who is nowhere to be found. (Kyuubey is also curiously absent.)

Faint outlines can be made out in the blackness; floating, labeled jars with various sweets inside, although even in such dim light the candy seems.....otherworldy. Strange. Surreal.]


stayedwithher August 24 2011, 03:18:45 UTC
[Kyoko was not one to be caught offguard; this was definitely a witch territory. Immediately she assumes a battle-ready stance and activates her Soul Gem.]


heartovertime August 17 2011, 08:42:20 UTC
[How she entered the room, Homura has no clue. She had been in another place just prior to this, and the environment was not anything alike. Magic is the (super)natural explanation that comes to mind, though what kind of magic, she cannot be sure.

Regardless, it's a place she recognizes, even if it's been a number of months since she last set foot there. After all, it was the setting for one of the conversations that dramatically changed her life for better and for worse.

The girl, Homura recognizes easily despite all the changes time has wrought, and she watches quietly for a moment at the futile motions Mami goes through. After a moment, she can't bear to keep silent at it and speaks up, softly, taking a cautious step towards the girl.]



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